
  • In Jujutsu Kaisen, Mahito's idle transfiguration can warp souls and bodies, creating monstrous transfigured humans.
  • Transfigured humans possess cursed energy and abilities similar to cursed spirits, posing grave dangers to humans.
  • Regular transfigured humans are powerful but less durable, while fused ones are stronger but vulnerable to cursed energy attacks.

In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, cursed techniques allow individuals to manipulate a mysterious energy known as cursed energy. These techniques come in many forms and can be used for both combative and supportive purposes. However, one technique stands out as particularly horrific: idle transfiguration. This innate technique belongs to the feared special-grade cursed spirit, Mahito. Through idle transfiguration, Mahito possesses the dreaded ability to warp and distort human souls at his whim.

When activating Idle Transfiguration, Mahito transfigures his victim's soul into a contorted shape of his choosing. As the soul is transformed, so too is the physical body, which becomes a monstrous reflection of the warped soul. These distorted beings are known as transfigured humans, bearing little resemblance to their original forms. While retaining human bodies, transfigured humans emulate cursed spirits in ability and strength. Under Mahito's control, they pose grave dangers to both Jujustu sorcerers and ordinary humans alike.

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What are Transfigured Humans?

The Distorted Beings Created by Idle Transfiguration


Anime Debut

Episode 9, "Young Fish and Reverse Punishment"

Manga Debut

Chapter 19, "Young Fish and Reverse Punishment"

Transfigured humans are humans whose souls and physical bodies have been warped and distorted through idle transfiguration, the innate cursed technique of the cursed spirit Mahito. Idle transfiguration allows the user to reshape the soul of themselves or anyone they physically touch. The shape of the body is dependent on the shape of the soul, so if the soul is distorted, so too is the body.

In essence, Mahito has the frightening ability to simply touch a human and manipulate their soul, remodeling it into any form he desires. As the soul takes on a new, disturbing shape, so too does the physical body match this change. The end result is a warped, twisted figure no longer recognizable as a human—hence, they are called transfigured humans.

The Creation Process of Transfigured Humans

Mahito's Twisted Transformation Process

mahito jujutsu kaisen

The process begins when Mahito places his hand directly on a human. With a touch, he is then able to activate his idle transformation. This allows him to reshape and distort the human's soul into any form he desires. As the body is dependent on the shape of the soul, a human's physical form also mutates when their soul is transfigured.

The end result is typically a grotesque creature that bears little resemblance to the original human. It seems Mahito takes a sinister delight in warping humans into twisted paranormal shapes. Their features are often described as disturbingly unnatural.

By manipulating the soul in this way, Mahito subjects humans to a horrifying transformation that alters both their spiritual and physical essence. The warped human becomes more akin to a cursed spirit in nature. This allows Mahito to bend transfigured humans to his will and use them as he sees fit. Through a simple touch and activation of his technique, he has the ability to taint souls and reshape humans into monstrous beings.

Characteristics of Transfigured Humans

The Nature of Transfigured Humans


While they take on monstrous forms resembling cursed spirits, they retain their original human bodies. This means they can still be physically interacted with by non-sorcerers; they can be touched, photographed with devices, etc.

Their transformation goes beyond just physical appearance; Mahito is able to modify their brain stems to give them cursed energy as well. This allows transfigured humans to more closely mimic the abilities and powers of actual cursed spirits.

Transfigured humans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes after being transformed. The largest one Mahito created was over twice his height and appeared extremely obese. Meanwhile, the smallest was approximately the size of Junpei Yoshino's palm. Mahito also stores smaller transfigured humans inside his body by swallowing and later regurgitating them when needed.

Once a human is transfigured, they will eventually die due to the transformation's effects. Not even reverse cursed techniques can heal or return them to their original human form. Transfigured humans are also completely under Mahito's control and obediently follow any commands he gives them. However, fragments of their original human soul and mind can still leak through. This causes transfigured humans to occasionally partially regain consciousness, where they may cry, plead for help, or ask for death.

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Abilities and Powers of Transfigured Humans

What Transfigured Humans Are Capable Of


Transfigured humans possess monstrous physical features and enhanced strength compared to an average human. This increased strength allows them to easily kill a normal person with no cursed energy. In terms of ranking according to the Jujutsu grading system, most transfigured humans would be around the power of a Grade 3 or lower Grade 2 cursed spirit.

It is possible to further augment transfigured human abilities through a technique called soul multiplicity. This technique combines multiple human souls with weak rejection potentials into a single transfigured being called a Polymorphic Soul Isomer. These soul-fused transfigured humans are exponentially stronger than normal transfigured humans. They are capable of launching even a Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer through a building with a single punch due to the explosive power granted by the sacrificed additional souls.

However, Polymorphic Soul Isomers have a critical weakness: while very powerful, their durability is extremely low. They can be killed instantly with a direct hit of cursed energy due to trading durability for enhanced strength through soul multiplicity. In comparison, regular transfigured humans without soul fusion are less potent but more durable and less likely to die spontaneously on their own.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Based on Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Mappa's battle shonen anime envisions a world where Jujutsu Sorcerers battle against entities born out of Cursed Energy. One day, a teenager named Yuji Itadori is dragged into this conflict when he eats a possessed finger.

Release Date
October 3, 2020
Gege Akutami
Streaming Service(s)