
  • The Split Soul Katana is worth 500,000,000 yen and can cut through anything to strike directly at the target's soul.
  • Toji Fushiguro used the Katana to take down Cursed Spirits stealthily due to his lack of Cursed Energy.
  • Maki Zenin avenged her sister by using an identical copy of the Split Soul Katana to wipe out the Zenin clan.

Cursed Tools are integral to the arsenals of those who do not possess Innate or Inherited Cursed Techniques in the world of Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen, as their unique properties allow users to circumvent their limitations in wielding Cursed Energy. One of the most prominently used Cursed Tools in the series, is the Split Soul Katana, which was originally in the possession of Toji Fushiguro until his eventual demise.

Used by Toji for his battles against Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto at the time of the Star Plasma Escort Mission in Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, the Split Soul Katana was a formidable weapon in his hands, due to his immense combat ability and superhuman physical prowess. Following his death, the weapon's whereabouts were unknown for a time, until Mai Zenin left behind an exact replica for her sister Maki Zenin, who employed it in a manner similar to Toji himself. Since such powerful individuals have wielded this weapon, what exactly is so special about it?

Jujutsu Kaisen: How Is Toji Fushiguro So Powerful?

Rejected by the world of Jujutsu Sorcerers due to his lack of Cursed Energy, Toji refused to give in and honed his own skill sets to fearsome levels.

What Is The Split Soul Katana?

Resembling a large Japanese broadsword with a fur tsuba — the equivalent of a hand guard — the Split Soul Katana has a long, curved blade that lends itself well to a range of combat applications. The blade's two-handed hilt is wrapped in fabric, tapering towards a vaulted pommel that is colored in a reddish-brown tone. It is said that the Split Sword Katana would be worth approximately 500,000,000 yen on the black market, highlighting how it is coveted by many.

What makes the Split Soul Katana distinct from other Cursed Tools, is its ability to overcome any resistance in its path to strike directly at the soul of a target. Although it cannot nullify Cursed Energy or Cursed Techniques such as the Gojo family's Limitless Technique — like the Inverted Spear of Heaven — it can essentially cut through anything solid, regardless of how tough or reinforced the target is, when placed in the hands of the right user. The full potential of the weapon can only be harnessed by those capable of perceiving the souls of inanimate objects, making it a tricky Cursed Tool to completely master.

How Did Toji Fushiguro Use The Blade?

Jujutsu Kaisen Toji Fushiguro Split Soul Katana 1

Having come across it through unknown means, the Split Soul Katana was Toji's weapon of choice when dealing Cursed Spirits, and he stored it within his Inventory Curse, from where he could access it, or switch it out for other weapons with ease. He would often compress the curse into its smallest form and swallow it for the purpose of concealing its Cursed Energy. This is how he was able to use stealth in dealing with powerful Jujutsu Sorcerers, as his lack of Cursed Energy made it impossible for them to sense his approach. In his hands, the weapon's true power was unleashed, becoming a valuable asset to him in his exploits as an assassin for hire.

A Weapon Worthy Of The Sorcerer Killer

In the Gojo's Past Arc of Jujutsu Kaisen — referred to as the Hidden Inventory/ Premature Death Arc in the anime — Toji used the Split Soul Katana on numerous occasions during his mission to kill Riko Amanai, the designated Star Plasma Vessel for Master Tengen's merger in the year 2006. First seen in his initial ambush of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto on the day of the merger, Toji used the blade to slice one of Geto's large Cursed Spirits to shreds from the inside, after he had been swallowed whole by it.

Jujutsu Kaisen: The True Power Of Geto’s Maximum: Uzumaki

At the climax of the Shibuya Incident Arc, the true potential of Suguru Geto's most powerful ability was revealed, and its ramifications are huge.

Later on, Toji pulled out the Split Soul Katana once again in the Tombs of the Star to deal with the many Cursed Spirits Suguru Geto directed towards him, using his Cursed Spirit Manipulation Technique. This came when Toji had shot and killed Riko Amanai with a handgun, provoking Geto into a blind rage. When faced with Geto's extremely durable Rainbow Dragon, Toji was able to easily slice through the Cursed Spirit and defeat it with a single blow, providing a fearsome demonstration of his strength. Upon his death, the weapon remained in the Inventory Curse, which was taken by Suguru Geto, and it was not seen again.

This section contains major spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga

In The Hands Of Maki Zenin

Jujutsu Kaisen Maki Zenin Split Soul Katana

During the Perfect Preparation Arc, Maki Zenin was given an identical copy of the Split Soul Katana by her late twin sister Mai, when the latter sacrificed herself in order to allow Maki to reach her full potential. With it, Maki wiped out the Zenin clan in revenge for the suffering they had inflicted on her and her sister throughout their childhood and adolescence. Empowered by the loss of her remaining Cursed Energy, Maki's Heavenly Restriction allowed her to become a fighter comparable to Toji himself.

Initially, during her assault on the Zenin clan, Maki dual wielded the Split Soul Katana alongside the Dragon Bone — another powerful Cursed Tool. Later on, it became her primary weapon of choice, and she continued to use the Split Soul Katana well into the Culling Game and Shinjuku Showdown Arcs of Jujutsu Kaisen, to clear out the Sakurajima Colony, and take down Naoya Zenin's Cursed Spirit form.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Prime Video.

Jujutsu Kaisen

Release Date
October 3, 2020
Gege Akutami
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
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