
  • Takako Uro is a powerful jujutsu sorcerer with a unique cursed technique that allows her to manipulate space itself.
  • Her cursed technique, Sky Manipulation, enables her to control the sky, generate shockwaves, and slip past opponents' defenses.
  • Takako's signature offensive technique, Thin Ice Breaker, utilizes dimensional fractures in the manipulated space to launch precise and powerful attacks.

Takako Uro is one of the most intriguing jujutsu sorcerers introduced in the Culling Game arc of Jujutsu Kaisen. As the former captain of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad, which served the powerful Fujiwara family in the past, Uro possesses a unique cursed technique that allows her to manipulate space itself.

While we don't know much about Uro or her background yet, her cursed technique provides her with a long-range offensive advantage unlike any other we've seen. She is able to control the very surface of the sky and shatter it like thin ice, directing the force of the blast towards her opponents. Through her ability to manipulate the heavens, Uro wields the power to strike fearsome blows from above.

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Who is Takako Uro?


Before analyzing her cursed technique, it's important to understand Takako Uro's background as a jujutsu sorcerer. In her first life over 1000 years ago, Takako Uro served as the captain of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad, an elite group of assassins affiliated with the prominent Fujiwara clan. As one of the clan's top fighters and a leader of assassins, Takako demonstrated immense strength and skill even in her original lifetime. When she was later used as a proxy and betrayed by the Toh, it left Takako with a deep sense of regret upon being reincarnated in the present.

Entering the culling game under Kenjaku's control, Takako aims to achieve what was denied to her previously and excel as a sorcerer. Her abilities and focus during battle reflect her origins as a proud and deadly assassin. Takako also possesses an immensely high volume of cursed energy that she can utilize repeatedly through her techniques. All of these attributes combine to make Takako one of the strongest players competing in the Culling Game colonies.

Takako Uro's Innate Technique: Sky Manipulation


The foundation of Takako Uro's formidable combat prowess lies in her innate cursed technique, which she refers to as "Sky Manipulation." With this ability, Takako can "control the sky" and turn it into a tangible surface that she can manipulate, similar to how a lens can distort light and create illusions of space. She uses this surface to warp the dimensions of space itself, distorting shapes and altering trajectories.

One application of her technique is to essentially levitate and transport herself by distorting space across the surface she generates. Another use Takako demonstrates is to cover private areas of her exposed skin rather than employing clothing. However, Takako's sky manipulation serves its deadliest purpose in direct combat.

During battles, Takako manipulates space through the sky surface to deflect incoming attacks by distorting their shapes. She can also generate shockwaves by striking the surface herself, which breaks it like thin ice and transfers the impact force. Perhaps most impressively, Takako showed the ability to precisely shatter the "surface" of the sky to slip past opponents’ defenses with concussive blasts.

Takako Uro's incredible control over spatial manipulation through "the sky" grants her highly adaptive abilities to defend, reposition, and launch precise offenses. It remains one of the most unique innate techniques seen in the series.

Thin Ice Breaker: Takako's Signature Offensive Technique


Building upon her sky manipulation ability, Takako possesses a concentrated offensive technique known as "Thin Ice Breaker." To activate this move, Takako precisely targets the distorted sky surface created by her innate domain. She then applies focused strikes that "break" the dimensional layer, like thin ice shattering.

Where this technique becomes exceptionally dangerous is how Takako guides the released kinetic energy toward her opponents. By finding and exploiting dimensional fractures in the manipulated space, Takako's Thin Ice Breaker allows her attacks to seemingly slip past guards and intercept targets from unusual angles. It also generates intensely powerful shockwaves capable of significant damage.

In her battles against opponents like Ryu Ishigori and Yuta Okkotsu, Takako demonstrated the lethality of combining sky manipulation with Thin Ice Breaker. She could defend with flexible dimensions, then launch precise offensive blows through dimensional ruptures before opponents could react. The combination of her innate domain and signature technique exemplifies Takako's mastery over spatial jutsu and her status as a veteran jujutsu combatant.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Higuruma's Cursed Technique, Explained

Higuruma Hiromi was a character introduced in the Culling Game and was called a sorcerer as talented as Gojo. What's his technique?

Takako Uro's Domain Expansion


Reaching the pinnacle of jujutsu mastery, Takako Uro also possesses the ability to cast Domain Expansion, a technique requiring exceptional skill and cursed energy. Though we have yet to see her domain fully realized, a few key details can be inferred.

Like all domains, Takako's would amplify her innate sky manipulation abilities to their absolute limits within a bounded space. While the identity of her domain expansion's guaranteed hit effect is unknown, it surely complements her aerial combat tendencies.

During her fight with Yuta Okkotsu and Ryu Ishigori, Takako attempted to activate her domain simultaneously against them. However, the instability created by overlapping three high-level domains prevented any from being fully realized. What effect Takako's domain may have had remains uncertain. Given her aerial combat focus and skill with manipulating spatial fractures, it likely complements these talents, though only its activation could reveal its full potential.

Takako Uro's Enduring Relevance in the Series


As one of the primary antagonists of the Culling Games arc, Takako Uro introduces readers to spatial manipulation taken to its absolute limits. Her innate sky manipulation, supported by the deadly Thin Ice Breaker technique and potential for domain expansion, cement Takako as a highly specialized but extremely effective fighter focused on aerial and dimensional combat.

Even among the exceptionally powerful incarnated sorcerers introduced so far, Takako stands out for her mastery over manipulating the properties of space itself. Her abilities also reflect the vicious yet elegant martial prowess of jujutsu in past eras.

With the Culling Games ongoing, Takako Uro continues to showcase new applications of her spatial jutsu while remaining a threat even to the series' strongest characters. Her techniques exemplify how creative use of innate talents can bypass raw power differences in jujutsu battles. Through characters like Takako Uro, the series presents continually more intricate and compelling supernatural abilities for readers to unravel.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori Awakens Reverse Cursed Technique

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