
  • The battle between Gojo and Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen was highly anticipated and lived up to the hype, with fans considering it the greatest fight in the series.
  • Gojo showcased his immense power throughout the fight and seemed to have the upper hand, but in the end, Sukuna's new technique, aided by Mahoraga, resulted in Gojo's defeat and death.
  • Fans have mixed reactions to Sukuna's victory, as Gojo's dominance throughout the battle and the questionable logic of Sukuna's technique have left many confused and disappointed.

Jujutsu Kaisen is currently incredibly exciting for the fans, given that the fight between Gojo and Sukuna just wrapped up. These two characters had been going at it for months, and it surely resulted in what could be described as the greatest fight in the entirety of the JJK series. This fight had been built up for ages, from the very beginning of the story when Gojo first met Sukuna. This was certainly a fight for the histories as these two characters clashed and shook the entire world with them.

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It wouldn't be a stretch to say that this battle was a clash of an unstoppable force pushed up against an immovable object. At the end of the day, however, one person had two emerge victorious and in the previous chapter, that was revealed to be none other than Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses. Gojo, despite all his incredible efforts, ended up dying. This shocked all the fans of JJK alike, given how important and popular the character of Gojo was. While a lot happened in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 236, the process by which Sukuna defeated Gojo was rather confusing for quite a lot of fans.

Gojo Vs Sukuna

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Gojo versus Sukuna was certainly an incredible battle that every fan of the series was waiting for. Upon the beginning of this battle, fans knew that this was not going to be an easy fight for either of them. For one, Gojo was openly known as the strongest modern sorcerer, and, at the same time, Sukuna was widely known as the strongest in the entire history, also known as the King of Curses. Sukuna was so powerful that he defeated countless sorcerers alone during the Golden Age of Sorcery and that is proof enough that his level of strength was completely different. However, at the same time, when Gojo was born, the balance of the world shifted. That in itself just goes to show how powerful Gojo Satoru was.

Clearly, it was a clash meant to happen and fans were incredibly excited to see it finally begin. Once it did begin, it was clear to see that these two characters were evenly matched, for the most part. In fact, as the fight progressed, Gojo actually looked more impressive of the two, if anything. He dominated the vast majority of the fight and pushed Sukuna to a point where he had never been pushed in his entire life. Gojo was certainly more than a handful and that is precisely why his death left a sour taste in the fans' mouth. Based on what the fans were treated with in the fight, Gojo was definitely the most deserving winner of this battle, and in the end, that was not to be. That is not to say that Sukuna did not put in a shift. He was certainly very impressive and he used the cards that he had very carefully, however, at the end of the day, Gojo had a much better showing, despite Sukuna winning.

The Role Of Mahoraga

Mahoraga Steps In Against gojo jujutsu Kaisen 234

It is quite easy to tell that Gojo was struggling in the fight due to the presence of Mahoraga. This shikigami was the ultimate trump card for Sukuna and he decided to make full use of it. The greatest power that Mahoraga has at its disposal is adaptation. Essentially, it can adapt to any technique and then figure out ways to break through it. Sukuna wanted to use Mahoraga to find a way to bypass the Infinity that surrounded Gojo. While Sukuna certainly could use Domain Amplification to make contact with him, he had to switch between that and utilizing his Cursed Technique because no two can be used at the same time. Essentially, bypassing Infinity would pave the way for him to win this battle. That is what he wanted from Mahoraga – to give him a way to win this fight.

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When Mahoraga was first brought into the battle, it adapted to Infinity and bypassed it by changing the nature of its cursed energy. Thanks to that, it was able to cause all sorts of problems for Gojo. However, this change in cursed energy was not something that Sukuna could replicate and, thus, he kept looking for a proper model that he could follow. Later on, the adaptation process continued as Mahoraga kept fighting. Eventually, it created another way to bypass Infinity by attacking space and the world itself. This is something that intrigued Sukuna and he had finally figured out a proper model to best Gojo Satoru.

Sukuna's New Technique

Satoru gojo death jujutsu kaisen 236

After seeing Mahoraga change its target and cut the world, including the space, in between him and Gojo, Sukuna tried to do the same. This was a near-impossible technique for him to pull off, as he admitted himself. However, this gamble paid off as it worked. Essentially, instead of using his Cleave technique to attack Gojo, which would obviously be stopped by Infinity, he decided to attack space and the world itself. Gojo belongs to the world and was, thus, cut along with it and the Infinity was chopped up as well.

This makes sense on paper, however, questions can be asked of this writing decision as, at the end of the day, Infinity is still infinite, and no matter how much Sukuna chops, it should be never-ending. As Gojo explained once, the closer one gets, the harder it becomes to reach him. It is virtually impossible to cut through something that doesn't end. This decision is questionable, to say the least and while it does make sense on paper, there is a lot that has left the fans confused when it comes to it.

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Regardless of whether it made sense or not, it certainly did work. Sukuna was successfully able to infuse his Cursed Energy into this Cleave attack and cut up Gojo for good. This technique was so powerful that it completely bisected his body. His torso was chopped off and his legs were kept standing. In fact, even one of his arms ended up being chopped up and it was quite clear to see that this was the end of the road for Gojo Satoru.

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The biggest gripe fans have with this is the fact that Gojo dominated the entire battle and, at the same time, had his hands tied to his back due to fighting Megumi and, at the same time, having to deal with the 10 Shadows Technique. If that wasn't enough, at the end of the day, Gojo lost to a technique that Sukuna created out of nowhere to force the plot forward. Even the technique that Sukuna created doesn't make much sense because at the end of the day, Infinity is infinite and no matter how much Sukuna chops it up, he should not be able to cut something that has no end. This writing decision has rightly not gone down well with the fans. Regardless, Gojo did end up losing the battle and he died. From here onwards, the story will likely shift onto other characters while fans will have to mourn their favorite.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 237, is set to be October 1, 2023.

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