
  • Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 35 showcased high-level battles and an intriguing technique, making it a refreshing and impressive episode.
  • Toji Fushiguro's comeback and his role in shaping future episodes is the major highlight.
  • The episode demonstrated the importance of teamwork and showcased flawless chemistry between Megumi and Yuji during their battle against Jiro Awasaka.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 35, "Séance", now streaming on Crunchyroll.

The battle for freeing Satoru Gojo kicked off outside the veil in episode 35 of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime adaptation. Séance featured two high-level battles from beginning to end while also showcasing one of the most powerful and intriguing techniques up to this point. The cool flashback on the curse users' lives before and after the blessed one was borne felt perfect for the pacing. A refreshing episode and one of the best of the Shibuya Incident Arc thus far.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Who Is Toji Fushiguro?

Just who is Toji Fushiguro? Here's a look at one of Jujutsu Kaisen's most intriguing characters.

But these two battles did more than just reveal or explain new powerful techniques. Of course, the highlight of the episode is the comeback of Toji Fushiguro, or rather, Toji Zen'in, and how this will shape the next few episodes. The only one who was actually close to killing Satoru is now up against Yuji and his son Megumi, although of course that's not exactly Toji himself.

The Mediums Clash

Takuma Ino Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 35

It didn't take long for them to realize that the curse users that set the barrier were ignoring the fundamentals of barriers. By staying outside of it, and in the place that stood out the most, the barrier greatly increases its power. When the trio of Yuji, Megumi, and Takuma got there, the two students took Jiro down while their senior stayed to fight Ogami and her grandson.

As this episode title goes, it was the chance to show the séance powers, starting with Takuma Ino's innate technique. The séance or medium technique he possesses is called the auspicious beast summon. By hiding his face with a mask Ino can become a spiritual medium to manifest the powers of the four auspicious beasts: Kaichi, Reiki, Kirin, and Ryu.

During this battle, he only had a chance to use Kaichi and Reiki. The first one summons a horn with a spiral pattern that can be used as a powerful projectile imbued with cursed energy. Reiki covers his body with water, with some impressive animation, to severely increase his mobility as well as cushion hits or damage which makes it great for close combat. However, he was going up against another medium capable of transforming into someone else.

Toji Reincarnated

Transforming into Toji Jujutsu Kaisen episode 35

Ogami's ultimate card reserved to fight the rest of the sorcerers after the sealing of Satoru Gojo was none other than the man that came closest to defeating Satoru, Toji. Her innate technique allows her to transform into someone else, or more specifically, she can summon the body or the soul of a deceased person using a part of their body. It doesn't matter which part or how big. She needs to gather cursed energy for a few minutes and state the name of the desired target to activate the technique.

This not only allows her to transform, but she can also transform someone else if the other participant is willing to, as seen by transforming her grandson into Toji. By summoning only the body they can use the physical abilities of the séance target without bringing back their personality which might handicap their intentions.

Considering how this power works, there is no one better to bring back, in terms of power and skill, than Toji. Or at least that's what they thought. At first, it proved successful, easily defeating Takuma Ino. But after watching Hidden Inventory, it's fair for anyone to guess that Toji is not someone who can be controlled just like that, even after death.

The Day He Was Born

When Satoru was born Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 34

Everything felt well-timed during this episode, every last second of it, but the best part was the swift flashback interruption. Few series pay attention to detail more than Jujutsu Kaisen and this flashback was a great example. For such minor antagonists as Jiro Awasaka and Ogami, Gege made sure to leave a great flashback scene into their past in correlation with the moment Satoru changed the world, just by being born with the Six Eyes.

It was December 7th, 1989. The rumor of a Gojo kid born with the Six Eyes was spreading rapidly, and he already had a massive bounty on his head. Before he was born, curse users were free of any persecution as sorcerers were too busy with cursed spirits to even care about them. Both Jiro and Ogami were working as assassins, and upon hearing about the massive bounty on him decided to give it a try.

They were just tailgating him as a kid when his otherworldly power completely terrified them. Satoru had noticed them, as mere insects. He stared directly at them and all they could do was hide and run away. Their good days were over. The power balance had dramatically changed.

Easy Teamwork

Megumi and Yuji fighting together

The other battle featured in this episode was nothing short of spectacular, thankfully, after having to deal with the grasshopper curse fight not too long ago. Ghosting or not, it looked great, with dozens of cool-looking shots, and brought emotion to a fight that wasn't the biggest of clashes. It might go unnoticed by the shock of seeing Toji again, but it deserves some praise.

The fight was perfectly choreographed from beginning to end. The chemistry between Megumi and Yuji could be felt more than ever. With Megumi being the brains and Yuji the muscles, they took down a troublesome enemy through flawless teamwork. Jiro played his cards as well as he could have with his inverse technique, but he was simply outclassed.

Ino was really motivated to take care of them, helping his pupils, but the truth is it was the other way around from the beginning, and Nanami knew it too. Now, it's time for them to get Ino out of there before they lose another sorcerer.

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