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  • Maki Zenin's strength and power in Jujutsu Kaisen is truly demonic in nature, making her one of the most dangerous characters. Her true powers were heavily underestimated at the beginning of the story.
  • Maki's Heavenly Restriction, which took away her cursed energy, unlocked her potential and made her unstoppable. She gained immense physical strength and abilities, surpassing even her own family members.
  • Maki is a phenomenal user of Cursed Tools, showcasing her skill and prowess in combat. With her Heavenly Restriction fully in place, she can wield these weapons with better control and also utilize other powerful weapons.

Maki Zenin is one of the main characters in Jujutsu Kaisen and certainly one of the most intriguing ones. While the world of Jujutsu Kaisen is heavily based on cursed energy and its usage, Maki is an anomaly in many ways.

Jujutsu Kaisen: How Yuji Itadori Will Defeat Sukuna, Explained

Yuji might be the only person capable of taking down Sukuna.

Despite being very different from the others, Maki is incredibly strong and her power, as well as her influence in the story only continues to go up as JJK continues. Currently, Maki is one of the most dangerous characters around and her strength is truly demonic in nature. Well her limits have not been tested just yet, Maki has shown enough to give fans an idea of what she is capable of.

Maki's Cursed Energy

Maki Zenin Jujutsu Kaisen

Initially, Maki was born with very little cursed energy. She and her sister were polar opposites of each other. While Maki was not born with any cursed energy, she possessed tremendous physical capabilities. Meanwhile, her sister, Mai, had very little physical capabilities but, at the same time, she was blessed with cursed energy. It was as if these two sisters were part of the same body yet separate people. Twins are often seen as a sign of bad luck in the world of JJK and that is precisely what happened with the Zenin Family in regards to Maki and Mai. As for Maki, being born with very little cursed energy crippled her severely.

The prospect of becoming a great sorcerer was not looking great and for her, even something as insignificant as being able to see cursed spirits was impossible without glasses that were already imbued with cursed energy. Yet, Maki made it as a sorcerer, however, her family decided to make it so that she could not progress properly. Even at the beginning of JJK, Maki held the rank of Grade 4 sorcerer, which was nothing short of disrespectful to her. Given her strength, Maki could easily take care of a Grade One Curse and even fight against a Special Grade. Yet, her rank remained that of a Grade 4. This just goes to show that Maki was heavily underestimated right from the beginning of the story, however, as JJK progressed further, her true powers could no longer be ignored.

Maki's Heavenly Restriction

Maki Zenin vs. The Zenin Clan jujutsu kaisen

Maki's great physical strength came from her Heavenly Restriction. Just like many others in the story, Maki had something taken from her and, in her case, it was her cursed energy and, as a result, she was born with great physical attributes. However, Maki did have little cursed energy within her and this restricted her greatly. It was only after Mai made a sacrifice on behalf of both of them that her potential was truly unlocked. When Mai sacrificed herself, she took every bit of cursed energy remaining within Maki. When that happened, the Heavenly Restriction took place completely and a new monster was born. Maki had her strength rise to such a level that she could not be stopped by anyone.

All her cursed energy was gone and she became strong enough to annihilate the entirety of this Zenin Family in a single night. Even Naoya, who had inherited the cursed technique of his father, could not stand in battle against her. All the other members of the family who tried their best to stop her, could not stand a chance. Even her own father, who stood in her way and defeated her before Mai's sacrifice was completely outclassed and killed in the process. Maki rose to a completely new level and her body gained lots of new abilities as well.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna's Four Arms And Two Mouths, Explained

Sukuna's true form consists of four arms and two mouths, which only makes him more powerful.

For one, after the loss of cursed energy, Maki was not comparable to Toji in terms of strength. These two characters are, so far, the only ones in the world of JJK born without any Cursed Energy. They escaped this curse and, as a result, were blessed with immense physical capabilities. Just like Toji, Maki can even dismantle Special Grades without having any trouble whatsoever. Furthermore, the fact that she does not have curse energy means that she cannot be detected at all. Even things like domains don't work on her. Domain Expansion and the sure hit effect that it offers cannot target a being without cursed energy either and that also gives Maki great protection.

Leaving all that aside, her physical capabilities have reached a point where she can move faster than the eye can see and her strength has reached a level where even Yuji stands no chance against her. She can also detect inorganic matter and her body has become so perceptive that she can notice changes in things such as air density and temperature with tremendous precision. Maki is, undoubtedly, one of the strongest to be alive right now, and given that she's just as strong as Toji in his prime, fans can understand that she is completely in a league of her own at the moment.

Maki's Usage Of Cursed Tools

Panda, Toge Inumaki, and Maki Zenin

Maki is also a phenomenal user of Cursed Tools. From the very beginning of the story, fans have seen her use quite a lot of powerful Cursed Tools that she reveals with perfection. Even the weapons that she isn't familiar with can be wielded by her without too much trouble. However, there are certainly some that she prefers to use in combat. One of the most useful Cursed Tools that fans have seen in the story is Playful Cloud, which is a Special Grade Cursed Tool utilized by Maki and, on some occasions, by Megumi.

This tool is incredibly strong and Maki could even deal damage to Hanami using it. However, all that was before her Heavenly Restriction fully took place. Now that her heavenly restriction has unlocked a new power level for her, Maki is capable of wielding these weapons with much better control and, at the same time, she can now also utilize other powerful weapons as well, such as Dragon Bone.

Maki's Full Strength

Maki Zenin damaged jujutsu kaisen

When taking into consideration her overall strength, it goes without saying that Maki is one of the strongest in the world of JJK right now. She is a fighter on the same level as the likes of Yuta, Hakari, and other sorcerers who stand at the top of the JJK next generation at the moment. Fans must realize that Maki is just as strong as Toji was in his prime. The Toji that fans have seen fight against Gojo was actually past his prime. By his own admission, around this time, he was rusty and certainly not at his best. In fact, he was only getting the hang of fighting his opponents while he was fighting against Gojo. Meanwhile, Maki is said to be just as strong as prime Toji at the moment, meaning her strength is equal to Toji Zenin and not Toji Fushiguro. That in itself is a pretty massive claim and means that Maki is actually stronger than the Toji who fought against Gojo and won.

What's even scarier is the fact that Maki is still very young and she can go on to surpass Toji as well. She still has many years ahead of her which you can use to train her body to the absolute best. Furthermore, Maki also holds the key to the future of the JJK world, given that she does not have any cursed energy and a goal for many in the story is to break free of cursed energy so that cursed spirits would not be born. It goes without saying that her future in Jujutsu Kaisen is going to be very interesting and fans absolutely cannot wait to see what it has in store for her.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 239, is set to be October 22, 2023.

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