Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular new Shonen manga written and illustrated by Gege Akutami starting in 2018. The first season of the anime that aired in 2020 was a sensation and popularized the manga, thanks to its great adaptation and amazing animation. Season 2 is hugely anticipated, with it set to adapt even more popular arcs from the manga.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: Geto’s Strongest AbilitiesJujutsu Kaisen is known for mild to intense violence and a lot of character deaths. This story is, after all, about Curses and Sorcerers who hunt them down. So far, the manga has been laden with them and some character deaths, especially major characters, have happened in the most shocking of ways.

5 Suguru

suguru geto in jjk

Suguru Geto is a character that acted as an antagonist in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. He was a former student in the Tokyo Jujutsu High School of Sorcerers alongside other characters like Satoru Gojo. Geto was actually one of 4 Special Grade Sorcerers, meaning he was a Sorcerer with great power, even being referred to as 'The Worst of All Curse Users.' He had a growing hatred for non-sorcerers, whom he referred to as Monkeys, and had great ambitions to create a world without them.

While Geto's body has appeared on a bunch of occasions throughout the arcs, the real and live Geto can only be seen in flashbacks and in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, as his death precedes the start of the first volume of the manga. During the Cursed Child Arc, Geto had planned on releasing Cursed Spirits all over Tokyo and so he fought Yuta, before losing. It is then that he was killed by none other than Gojo, but his body wasn't taken back to the School, allowing others to take control of his body and gain all his abilities.

4 Junpei

Junpei-Yoshino from Jujutsu Kaisen looking at the camera

Junpei Yushino is a young man who acted as an important supporting character in the Vs. Mahito arc. He is a character the anime watchers of season 1 are very familiar with, and, to this day, very heartbroken about. Junpei is a very negative and pessimistic boy who isn't very empathetic towards most people as he holds an expectation that they are innately evil or have vile intentions towards him. This is down to him being gravely bullied while growing up alone with his single mother. During this arc, he grows closer to Yuji Itadori, the show's main character.

His fate was, sadly, locked into place after meeting Mahito, the arc's main antagonist, in a movie theater where the latter killed off Junpei's former bullies. This pushed Junpei into following Mahito and wanting to learn from him. Junpei's mother was killed after, which sent him into a state of despair and grief, and caused him to attempt to murder a classmate. He was then stopped by Yuji and the two fight before Junpei is turned into a transfigured human by Mahito, only to die shortly after. What makes this death even more shocking is the anime opening making it seem as if Junpei was going to join the Sorcerers School alongside Yuji.

3 Toji

Jujutsu Kaisen Toji attack

Toji Fushiguro, or by his birth name, Toji Zenin, acts as the main antagonist during the 'Gojo's Past' arc, which will be adapted into anime in the upcoming season 2. He is a powerful sorcerer even though he is a Non-Curse user, even being able to defeat characters as powerful as being deemed Special Grade Sorcerers.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: Most Intelligent Jujutsu Sorcerers

Toji's pride and disdain for the Sorcerer world acts as his 'first' demise, as he ignores all his instincts and decides to engage with the most powerful sorcerer, Satoru Gojo. Although at first, he did not wish to utter any final words, he told Gojo about how Megumi will be sold to the Zenins in a few years, prompting Gojo to become a mentor to Megumi in the future. His second death happens after he was brought back to life, only for him to commit suicide over harming his own son.

2 Nanami

Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami Getting A Beautifully Composited Curse Kill In The Anime

Kento Nanami was a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High before graduating and acted as a Grade 1 Sorcerer after. Throughout the series, he is a very serious yet cool-headed man who holds a certain friendship with his former upper classmate, Satoru Gojo. He also holds a mentor position over Yuji through a few arcs which helps him grow and improve.

Nanami's death was a heavily foreshadowed moment all the way back in the 'Vs Mahito' arc where he and Mahito fought against each other. Fast forward to the 'Shibuya Incident,' these two face each other again, but before that, Kento Nanamil faces Dagon, with Maki and Naobito, where they get trapped in the monster's territory. There, Kento is hit by an attack. After being saved by Toji, they are then again confronted with a stronger enemy, Jogo, who then proceeds to char Kento's body and leave him to die. In the end, though, the one to finish is none other than Mahito.

1 Mai Zenin

Jujutsu Kaisen Mai Zenin Holding Gun

Mai Zenin was Maki Zenin's younger twin sister, as well as a second-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu high. Both she and her older twin sister were mistreated by the Zenin clan as they had little talent as Sorcerers back then. However, her sister and she had vastly differing views. Where Mai would rather stay still and do chores, Maki would rather spite everyone and become a sorcerer against all odds.

While Mai had resentment towards her sister for thrusting her forward in the Sorcerer's life, she decided to put all this aside and sacrifice her life so that her sister could live on and reach her full potential when they were both attacked by their father. Her only request in exchange was that Maki destroy everything, which is what pushes Maki to kill the entirety of the Zenin clan.

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