The Jujutsu Kaisen anime series follows the adventures of Itadori Yuuji, a normal high schooler who is suddenly thrown into the world of Jujutsu sorcery and curses. Now a Jujutsu sorcerer, Itadori must learn various powerful ways to attack and defend himself from curses.

With the currently airing second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, more and more strong attacks have been portrayed in the series. These attacks are capable of obliterating anything that stands in their way. Whether it be Sukuna’s Spiderweb or Gojo’s Limitless: Hollow Purple, these attacks stand at the pinnacle of Jujutsu sorcery, and few others can hope to match them.

7 Black Flash

BLACK FLASH jujutsu Kaisen

Unlike specific attacks tied to a cursed technique, Black Flash can be used by all Jujutsu sorcerers and curses alike if the conditions are met. When a sorcerer unleashes a Black Flash, the destructive power of their strike is multiplied by 2.5.

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Black Flash is a distortion in space that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. Viewers first bore witness to the incredible power of Black Flash when Itadori used it against Hanami during the Kyoto Goodwill event. After landing consecutive Black Flashes on Hanami, even the extremely durable curse could feel the effects of the attack. Fans witnessed the power of Black Flash again when Yuta used it against Suguru Geto.

6 Cursed Speech

inumaki cursed speech

In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Inumaki is the main user of Cursed Speech, and he has shown just how powerful it is. The ability to tell someone to explode and have them explode is one of the strongest attacks a person can have. Cursed Speech is exactly this, but there are a few drawbacks. Cursed Speech is activated when the user utters commands reinforced with cursed energy. The technique is immensely versatile as it is based on language, and anyone unaware of how to defend themselves will succumb to it.

When using Cursed Speech, the amount of cursed energy a person has is extremely important in comparison to their opponent. If the opponent is stronger than the Cursed Speech user, there are more risks to using the technique.

5 Maximum: Meteor

Maximum: Meteor

The unregistered special-grade cursed spirit, Jogo, first showed his fangs when he faced Satoru Gojo. While Gojo severely beat Jogo, fans bore witness to how powerful he was. During the Shibuya arc, Jogo faced Ryomen Sukuna. Knowing the King of Curses vastly outclasses him in using a domain, Jogo did not use his domain. Instead, he used his pyrokinetic innate technique to the fullest.

With the attack Maximum: Meteor, Jogo conjured a flaming meteor and launched it as a projectile. Unfortunately for Jogo, Sukuna dodged the attack. However, his attack took a large portion of Shibuya. Even with 15 fingers, Sukuna was forced to admit that the attack would have injured him had it landed.

4 Cursed Spirit Manifestation (Rika)

Yuta and Rika special grade curses jujutsu kaisen

Yuta is an overwhelmingly powerful Jujutsu sorcerer and is ranked as one of only three special-grade sorcerers. Yuta has many ways of attacking an opponent; however, when all else fails or he is in a pinch, Yuta calls out Rika, the special-grade cursed spirit.

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Using cursed spirits to attack is a very effective way of attacking and striking down enemies. While unplanned, Yuta’s strongest method of attack is through the special-grade cursed spirit, Rika. Rika is so strong that she earned herself the moniker Queen of Curses. While Rika is strong enough on her own, she can also copy the cursed techniques of others, allowing Yuta to use them without prior training or mastery of such techniques.

3 Spiderweb

Spiderweb ability

As the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna has a ton of powerful attacks and techniques in his arsenal. His techniques, Dismantle and Cleave, are undoubtedly one of the strongest. Dismantle is mainly used on inanimate objects, while Cleave is mainly used on living beings. Unlike Dismantle, Cleave takes into consideration an opponent's hardness to cut them down in one fell swoop. With Sukuna’s large base of cursed energy, this attack fits his malevolent nature.

While Cleave is powerful, Sukuna’s attack, Spiderweb, takes it a bit further by amplifying Cleave over a large area in the form of a spiderweb. Whatever unlucky building or creature is within the range of his attack, it is certain to be cut down.

2 Limitless: Hollow Purple


Gojo Satoru is undoubtedly one of the strongest, if not the strongest, Jujutsu sorcerer in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. As one of the strongest sorcerers, his attacks are the cream of the crop. Gojo’s technique, Limitless, allows him to perform various attacks in different ways. One of his most powerful limitless attacks, Hollow Purple, obliterates everything in its path when used.

By combining the techniques Limitless: Red and Limitless: Blue, Gojo achieves Limitless: Hollow Purple. The technique is so powerful that it carved out a path when Gojo used it against Hanami during the Goodwill event. Despite his toughened body, Hanami would have been completely obliterated if he had not moved out of the way.

1 Ten Shadows Technique (Mahoraga)

Ten Shadows Technique Megumi Jujutsu Kaisen - Featured

Megumi’s Ten Shadows technique is one of the more powerful techniques in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. In the anime, Megumi has yet to fully tap into his technique. However, fans of the manga series know just how much potential it has. Using the Ten Shadows technique, the most powerful form of attack one can use is by summoning Mahoraga to fight.

The Divine General Mahoraga is incredibly powerful, and it serves as Megumi’s trump card when he encounters a situation he cannot overcome. In the history of the Ten Shadows technique, no user has been able to tame Mahoraga, and so once summoned, the summoner dies to Mahoraga alongside his adversary. Mahoraga is incredibly strong, and once an attack is used against him, he instantly adapts to it and develops a counter.

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