Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the biggest and most well-known anime series around at the time of writing. The story of Yuji Itadori as he slowly comes to grips with the cursed powers he obtained after eating Sukuna's finger makes for a great time. This deceptively simple setup hides an incredible shonen anime that is full to the brim with interesting characters, unique mysteries, horrifying monster designs, and everything else along the same lines.

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The release of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 has added to the hype of this series, setting up many mysteries that fans can't wait to be solved. Of course, given the brutality of the powers present in Jujutsu Kaisen, there are certain characters who are simply more powerful and intimidating than others. The most dangerous sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen can obliterate anything in their path if their powers go out of control.

7 Yuji Itadori

Yuji Itadori Jujutsu Kaisen

The protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen is easily one of the best parts of the show, even if Itadori might seem like a pretty generic protagonist at times. Nevertheless, his high skill ceiling and tendency to barge in headfirst into any combat situation make him a pretty entertaining character indeed.

The main reason why Itadori managed to become so powerful in the first place was that he ate one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. This has made him a pretty unpredictable Sorcerer that the high-ranking Sorcerers fear, especially since there's no guarantee that Sukuna will remain dormant in Yuji for long. This Cursed Grade Spirit can break out at any time and wreak havoc, leading to many people believing that Yuji is pretty much a ticking time bomb and nothing more.

6 Satoru Gojo

satoru gojo

Most people are glad that Satoru Gojo is on the side of the heroes in Jujutsu Kaisen. This Jujutsu Sorcerer has shown time and time again why he's one of the most powerful and beloved characters in the entire show, with Gojo's powers being so ridiculously destructive that even the most powerful Special Grade Spirits around simply can't hold a candle to the might of this Sorcerer.

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There's no denying that Gojo can potentially annihilate every Sorcerer around if he decided to go berserk with his wide suite of powers. Thankfully, it seems that Gojo isn't planning to take a heel turn any time soon, with his powers mainly being used for morally correct purposes. If he ever decides to fight against his friends, then his immense power will make him a really dangerous Sorcerer indeed.

5 Toge Inumaki

toge inumaki mouth reveal jjk

Cursed Speech is a powerful technique that can decimate most enemies with ease, which is why Toge Inumaki is such a powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer in his own right. The fact that he has to communicate using food names just to avoid triggering his power by accident shows just how impactful his Cursed Ability really is when he decides to use it.

Of course, anyone is prone to slipping up, and Inumaki is no exception to this rule. He might seem in control of his power, but there's no telling when a situation of extreme pressure might crop up that inadvertently leads to him speaking a word that disposes of his allies. As a result, Inumaki is definitely a dangerous Jujutsu Sorcerer, and fans can only hope that no accidents arise while he's using his amazing powers.

4 Yuta Okkotsu

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For what it's worth, Yuta Okkotsu has matured quite a bit since the early days when he was unable to understand what his powers were all about. As a result, Yuta ended up unleashing the spirit of his love, Rika, during moments when he became overly emotional. The lack of control over his own powers led to Yuta trying to lead a sheltered existence and not harm anyone close to him.

After the events of Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Yuta has gained a lot of control over his Cursed Abilities. Of course, there's no guarantee when it comes to such unpredictable powers, and there's always the remote possibility of Yuta's powers going berserk again, although the chances of this are pretty slim.

3 Yoshinobu Gakuganji

Yoshinobu Gakuganji in Jujutsu Kaisen

Most people would assume that the principal of a school for Jujutsu Sorcerers would be a level-headed individual. However, it seems that Yoshinobu is more concerned with grabbing as much power as possible instead of securing the future by training young and promising Jujutsu Sorcerers.

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He constantly has it out for Itadori and even uses a simple tradition as an excuse for a power grab. It seems that Yoshinobu doesn't really have a moral compass, which is pretty dangerous given the immense power of his Cursed Abilities.

2 Aoi Todo

Aoi Todo in Jujutsu Kaisen

Todo's introduction was a jarring one, with his beatdown of Megumi being pretty vicious indeed. Most people assumed that Itadori would receive the same treatment, but both students ended up being fast friends after sharing a common love for the fairer sex.

Todo's Cursed Technique is Boogie Woogie, a simple technique that lets him switch places with other people or objects by clapping his hands together. It seems like a simple technique but ends up being wildly effective in Todo's hands, who uses this ability in tandem with his monstrous strength to beat down most of his enemies. He would be nowhere near as powerful were it not for his unpredictable personality and huge power.

1 Suguru Geto

suguru geto in jjk

Geto was the antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen 0, pursuing the dangerous goal of annihilating humans without any Cursed Energy. Of course, he was stopped in his tracks before achieving his dream and died after a fateful altercation with Yuta Okkotsu.

However, in the modern timeline, it's evident that Geto is still alive. The mystery behind this Jujutsu Sorcerer's existence is yet to be revealed, but it's clear that he's the most dangerous Sorcerer in Jujutsu Kaisen simply because he's actually acting on his twisted ideologies instead of rationalizing them.

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