The cursed spirit with a human-like appearance and a patchwork face, Mahito, was introduced early in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga series. When Mahito was first introduced, his Idle Transfiguration ability made him a remarkable foe against Jujutsu sorcerers.

However, over the course of the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Mahito has gone on to discover more ways to use his innate technique alongside more devastating abilities, making him more dangerous than many initially presumed. Whether it be Mahito’s domain expansion, Self-Embodiment of Perfection, or his technique Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing, Mahito has developed various jujutsu abilities that have made him a more dangerous foe for the Jujutsu sorcerers.

6 Idle Transfiguration

Idle Transfiguration performed by Mahito

Mahito’s innate technique, Idle Transfiguration, serves as the base for his stronger techniques. Idle Transfiguration allows Mahito to warp the soul of anyone he physically touches to distort their body. As Mahito’s technique deals with souls, dealing him physical damage is ineffective. With Idle Transfiguration at Mahito’s fingertips, sorcerers who cannot protect their souls will be unable to guard themselves.

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Moreover, after having their souls and, consequently, their bodies disfigured, while the sorcerers may retain consciousness, they will no longer be human. With control over his own soul, Mahito can warp his body in any shape to any weapon and return it to normal. This allows him to warp his arm into a sword or even give himself wings for flight. Idle Transfiguration can even be used to remove a heavenly restriction, as seen with Kokichi Muta.

5 Soul Multiplicity

Mahito's Soul Multiplicity

While Idle Transfiguration allows Mahito to manipulate souls, Soul Multiplicity allows him to merge two souls together. Depending on the type of souls and their reactions to one another, Mahito can derive other techniques from Soul Multiplicity.

The first time Mahito used Soul Multiplicity was during the Shibuya incident, when he fought Gojo Satoru. Using the technique and the positive or negative effects that the technique produced, Mahito’s fusing of souls became more powerful and practical than one would have expected. Using Soul Multiplicity, Mahito was able to keep Itadori and even Aoi Todo’s Boogie Woogie technique at bay. With Soul Multiplicity, Mahito stepped up his Idle Transfiguration technique, allowing him to not only disfigure souls but combine them as well.

4 Body Repel

Body Repel

When Mahito combines two souls that reject each other, it often leads to the extension technique, Body Repel. When two souls are to be combined, they naturally try to reject each other and end up generating a reaction. By increasing the energy of the souls, Mahito is able to generate an overwhelming attack of transfigured humans fused together. With Body Repel, Mahito can create a mid-to-long rage attack using transfigured humans. These transfigured humans usually take on different forms whenever Mahito uses Body Repel.

When Mahito used Body Repel against Aoi Todo, Mahito created several snake-like heads that tried to chomp Todo from several directions. What makes Body Repel so dangerous and destructive is the sheer volume of the attack. Combining two transfigured souls together is not as simple as adding one to another to make two.

3 Polymorphic Soul Isomer

Polymorphic Soul Isomer attacks Yuji

While Body Repel results from the reaction that opposing souls have when fused together, Polymorphic Soul Isomer comes from when Mahito fuses various souls with a weak opposing force. Using the weak rejection the souls have, this technique creates a powerful attack-oriented transfigured human. With explosive power behind its attack, the Polymorphic Soul Isomer serves as an attack specialist stronger than even grade two and three cursed spirits.

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However, because a Polymorphic Soul Isomer is so powerful, it can easily be killed off with a cursed energy-imbued strike. This serves as the trade-off for the attack power behind the technique. When Mahito used the Polymorphic Soul Isomer against Aoi Todo, Todo initially underestimated it until he found that it had enough power to hit him through a building.

2 Instant Spirit Body Of Distorted Killing

Mahito achieves his true form

While Mahito mainly uses Idle Transfiguration to transfigure humans, he can also use it to transform himself into something with more offensive and defensive prowess, birthing his Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing technique. After discovering the true nature of his soul, Mahito uses the technique to morph into a being similar to Hanami’s appearance. This grants him augmented abilities and increased offensive and defensive capabilities.

After getting a body similar to Hanami’s, Itadori was unable to deal any damage to Mahito's bulky exterior. Moreover, Mahito’s Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing is about 200% stronger than his base form. To further maximize his destructiveness, Mahito imposed a binding vow upon the technique that grants him extreme destructive power in exchange for limiting his transfiguration while in this form.

1 Self-Embodiment Of Perfection

Self-Embodiment Of Perfection

As with many, Mahito’s domain expansion remains one of the strongest techniques in his arsenal. Unless he is facing off against people like Sukuna, who are adept at attacking the soul, Mahito trapping someone in his domain expansion could mean instant death. They would be unable to protect their soul from damage.

Using his domain expansion, Self-Embodiment of Perfection, Mahito’s targets are literally in the palm of his hand, as described by Kento Nanami. This technique guarantees that Mahito’s Idle Transfiguration will always hit the souls of his adversaries. This is particularly effective against those with little to no knowledge about guarding their souls. As most jujutsu sorcerers are unable to guard their souls, they often try to attack Mahito without allowing him to touch them directly. However, Self-Embodiment of Perfection will always hit, negating that strategy. The only drawback to the technique is that Mahito cannot choose whose soul he wants to touch, and so he touched Sukuna’s soul when Itadori entered his domain, earning Sukuna’s ire.

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