
  • Jogo, a Special Grade cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen, possesses the highly destructive innate technique called Disaster Flames.
  • Disaster Flames allow Jogo to manipulate flames in both short and long-range applications, instantly killing normal humans and critically injuring curse users and Jujutsu Sorcerers.
  • Jogo's expertise in harnessing Disaster Flames allows him to create volcanoes, fire powerful bursts of flame, materialize volcanoes telepathically, and use the technique in his domain expansion called "Coffin of the Iron Mountain."

Considering the broad spectrum of cursed spirits that have been shown in the Jujutsu Kaisen anime so far, there is little doubt that Jogo veers towards the extreme in virtually every respect. With a fiery temperament that is only matched by the explosive power of his innate cursed technique, Jogo is a character who never shies away from conflict of his own accord, even in situations where he is completely outclassed.

One of the defining features of his character throughout Jujutsu Kaisen are his pyrokinetic abilities, which stem from his innate technique dubbed "Disaster Flames." First seen in use against Satoru Gojo, as Jogo commenced his ill-advised assault on the world's strongest sorcerer, this cursed technique boasts incendiary offensive abilities, where he can manipulate flames from virtually any range, making it extremely versatile in combat applications.

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What Is Disaster Flames?

Volcano Jogo Disaster Flames Jujutsu Kaisen-1

Born from humanity's fear of volcanoes and fire-related natural disasters, Jogo is one of the most terrifying cursed spirits in the series, having earned the rank of Special Grade. Fittingly, his innate technique Disaster Flames is also a force to be reckoned with, as it allows him complete control over flames that he produces both in short and long-range applications. The flames are extremely potent, to the degree where they instantly kill any normal human that he targets, turning them into ash within seconds.

When deployed against curse users or Jujutsu Sorcerers, Disaster Flames can inflict heavy damage that leaves them critically injured, with only techniques such as the Infinity of the Limitless used by Gojo possessing the necessary power to withstand its effects. Only someone with superhuman endurance can survive its destructive power, as even a sorcerer's tolerance to curses will not be able to save their life when Jogo uses Disaster Flames against them. This makes it especially deadly to those forced to confront Jogo, as they will be forced to evade its area of influence or risk losing their lives.

The simplicity and destructive potential of Disaster Flames is also the reason behind its effectiveness, which is why Jogo is one of the strongest cursed spirits allied with Mahito. In its most fundamental applications, Jogo can fire columns of flame from his palms or use them to enhance the force of his punches. For more confined situations, he can incinerate a target just by making contact with them, highlighting the high level of skill he has in harnessing the technique for different scenarios.

How Does Jogo Apply The Technique?

Maximum Meteor Jogo Disaster Flames Jujutsu Kaisen

As observed during Jogo's first fight against Satoru Gojo, Disaster Flames can be used to create volcanoes on virtually any surface. This is an avenue to unleash powerful bursts of fire and lava, which can utterly devastate the entire area surrounding it, allowing Jogo to break free of most physical barriers that could be used to confine him. He can execute the technique telepathically, engulfing a target in flames purely with the force of his will, and even materialize volcanoes through the same means.

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Due to the extremely high level of cursed energy he possesses, Jogo can manipulate the temperature of the flames. While a normal attack is hot enough to instantly vaporize most things it touches, he can increase the intensity of the heat produced to a point where the flames themselves change color. He also possesses an added level of insurance against those attempting to attack him directly, where he can weaponize the volcano on his head to fire powerful bursts of flame to repel them. Alternatively, the flames have also been known to erupt from his head at times when he is enraged.

Jogo can also use an Extension Technique as well as a Maximum Technique that are grounded in the abilities of Disaster Flames. The Extension Technique, named "Ember Insects," generates a swarm of large bugs with stingers, which produce a large amount of noise leading to a massive explosion once they have identified their target. He often employs this for long-range attacks when he wants to keep his distance from his opponents.

Furthermore, the Maximum Technique associated with his ability is known as "Maximum: Meteor," and it manifests an actual gigantic sphere of fire, which can be thrown at a target, capable of engulfing an entire city block in flames. The effects of this technique are so devastating — due to Jogo's high levels of cursed energy — that they can be perceived even by normal humans who cannot see cursed spirits.

The Coffin Of The Iron Mountain

Jogo's domain expansion

Finally, Jogo can also materialize his innate domain and imbue it with Disaster Flames to call forth its Domain Expansion: "Coffin of the Iron Mountain." Resembling the interior of an active volcano, it features walls of rock and fissures that can release magma. The domain possesses a sure hit function and also allows Jogo to freely manipulate the rock formations and magma inside it.

Moreover, the amount of heat inside his domain is so intense that most Jujutsu Sorcerers would burst into flames immediately after entering it. To date, Disaster Flames is the only known innate technique that has its own Maximum Technique as well as a Domain Expansion, making it truly unique in the world of curses and Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll & Funimation.

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