
  • JJK chapter 257 reveals Yuji's ancestry, amps up the battle with Sukuna, and sets the stage for an epic showdown.
  • Sukuna being Yuji's uncle adds depth to their relationship, explains Yuji's power, and sets the story on an exciting path.
  • Yuji's mastery of the Shrine cursed technique showcases his potential and hints at an epic transformation in JJK.

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 257 might just have been one of the most intense ones that the fans have witnessed in the story. This chapter focused extensively on the battle between Sukuna and Yuji Itadori, which is something that the fans expected.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori Awakens Two Cursed Techniques

Yuji awakens two cursed techniques, making him the last hope to defeat Sukuna in JJK.

Having awakened his powers, Yuji was most definitely going to go all out and push Sukuna on the back foot. Thankfully, fans got a proper display of what the protagonist of JJK can do, but at the same time, there were other important things tackled in the chapter as well. Most importantly, fans found out a lot about Yuji's birth, his parentage, and, above all, his connection to Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses.

Sukuna Vs Yuji In Shinjuku

Sukuna Had Had The Upper Hand In Shinjuku So Far

yuji lands black flash on sukuna jujutsu kaisen jjk 257

Sukuna versus Yuji was always a battle that was destined to happen at some point in Jujutsu Kaisen. Sukuna used Yuji's body as a vessel for quite a long time in the story. He certainly did quite a lot of damage to Yuji by harming those he loved and innocents alike, even causing psychological damage to him. Sukuna has been Yuji's biggest enemy since day one, and that continues to be the case today. Fans always knew that a fight between these two individuals was going to happen. This does not come as a surprise to anyone, given that Sukuna is the biggest antagonist in Jujutsu Kaisen, and Yuji is the protagonist, which means that logic dictates that these two are to clash at some point in the story.

Every time I take an attack from the boy, my cursed energy output drops and physical control decreases. - Sukuna

JJK chapter 257 was certainly splendid in that aspect as it continued this amazing fight and delivered what no fan expected. For the very first time ever since being reincarnated, Sukuna was truly overwhelmed in battle, without being able to do anything to stop his enemy from damaging him. This is the very first time since the fight against Gojo that Sukuna has been overwhelmed to this extent, and it certainly made for quite an entertaining show. In the midst of it all, Sukuna gave fans quite a lot of valuable information pertaining to Yuji Itadori, and this exposition from the author has certainly elevated this fight and, at the same time, the Shinjuku Showdown arc in general as well.

The Truth About Yuji's Birth And Sukuna's Relationship With Him

Sukuna Had Been Revealed To Be Yuji's Uncle

In JJK chapter 257, quite a lot of massive secrets were revealed, however, the biggest one was the connection between Sukuna and Yuji Itadori. It was revealed in the chapter that Yuji and Sukuna are actually related. Uraume, in a flashback, mentioned to Sukuna about feeling a strong presence similar to his from Yuji. To this, Sukuna responded by saying that the person responsible for this was none other than Kenjaku. Essentially, Sukuna revealed that when he was still in his mother's womb, he ended up consuming his twin. Sukuna refused to be born as a twin, given that being born as a twin is seen as an ill omen in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Fans have seen this happen on many occasions, such as with Mai and Maki.

He will become the eye of the storm in the new era. – Kenjaku

Sukuna ended up consuming his brother, and that is precisely why he has two different cursed techniques as well. Regardless, the soul of Sukuna's brother certainly survived and it reincarnated, eventually finding its way to Kenjaku. Many years later, Sukuna's brother reincarnated as Jin Itadori, who fans know to be Yuji's very own father. Then, Kenjaku took over the body of Kaori Itadori, who had already died at this point and returned to Jin's life. By procreating with Jin itadori, Kenjaku gave birth to none other than Yuji, who the fans know to be the protagonist of the series. Essentially, Sukuna is Yuji's very own uncle, and this is a massive revelation in the story.


This doesn't come out of nowhere in Jujutsu Kaisen. In fact, it was always a very popular theory that Sukuna was born a twin and consumed his other half, which explained his grotesque appearance as well as his access to multiple cursed techniques. At the same time, the inspiration for Sukuna was literally a conjoined twin himself.

As such, fans knew that this twin theory would eventually come true at some point in the story.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru's Revival Is Inevitable And Here's Why

Here's why Gojo will surely return in JJK.

However, the author certainly added a massive twist here. While most believed Yuji to be Sukuna's twin, it was actually Jin who turned out to be Sukuna's brother and ended up being consumed by him. Sukuna's brother later reincarnated into Yuji's father.

Yuji And Sukuna's Relationship Has Deep Implications For The Story

Sukuna being Yuji's uncle means great things for the latter’s character. For one, it explains how Yuji was born with immense potential. Kenjaku gave birth to Yuji for a specific reason, and that means Yuji was gifted right from birth. It also explains Yuji's monstrous physical strength that he possessed even before becoming a sorcerer. It also explains Yuji's incredible perception, as well as his ability to shine in the midst of battle immediately. Given that Sukuna himself was inside Yuji at one point, the two shared a body and that meant Sukuna's own cursed technique seeped into Yuji as well. It is also possible that this cursed technique was always inside of Yuji right from the get-go.

I dodged my fate as a twin. I ate my other self inside the womb - Sukuna

Regardless, what fans know is that Sukuna and Yuji share the same cursed technique due to having a blood connection. In JJK chapter 257, Yuji was seen using the power of the Mizushi or the Shrine cursed technique, and he did so with quite a lot of mastery. Yuji was able to slice everything in his path with this powerful cursed technique. He was seen chopping a pillar in half with his powers, and later down the line, he also attempted to snip Sukuna's leg. However, he failed at doing that since the King of Curses responded before Yuji's cursed technique took effect.

Essentially, Yuji is a very special child who was born to be Sukuna's vessel and, at the same time, possessed limitless potential inside of him due to being the son of Jin Itadori and the nephew of Sukuna. As confirmed by Uraume themselves in the chapter, the fact that Yuji and Sukuna are blood-related means that Yuji holds the same potential as Sukuna, and he is now fulfilling the very same potential. In JJK chapter 257, Yuji showcased tremendous aptitude for battle by hitting seven more black flashes in a single chapter in a row, breaking the previous records and, at the same time, completely overwhelming the King of Curses.

Yuji now wants to surpass Sukuna, and the editor mentions clearly that Yuji now stands equal to Sukuna and has surpassed him. From here onwards, things are going to be incredibly exciting for Yuji Itadori, and fans cannot wait to see how this incredible saga will finally conclude.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 258, is set to be April 28, 2024.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Gege Akutami
Number of Episodes
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori's Shrine Cursed Technique, Explained

Itdaori's newly unlocked Shrine cursed technique will turn the tides in JJK.