
  • Gojo's death after losing to Sukuna in a thrilling battle shocked fans, but it is still possible for him to be saved by Shoko in the series.
  • The battle between Gojo and Sukuna was highly anticipated and evenly matched, with both characters showcasing their strongest abilities.
  • Gojo's body disappeared after his death, and it has been revealed that Shoko has the potential to save him with her healing powers, which may be greater than previously known.

Jujutsu Kaisen is going incredibly strong at the moment and fans have enjoyed every single moment of the ongoing arc, largely due to the intense fights that they were able to witness. Of course, among these major fights, there were also some horrifying shocks, such as the death of Gojo Satoru, one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Why Yuji Might Die In The End

Yuji might be killed off by Gege in JJK's ending.

Gojo fought against Sukuna in the Culling Game arc and while this fight was incredibly close and could have gone either way, it ended up going in the favor of Sukuna and marked the death of Gojo in a shocking manner. While Gojo is at death's door, he can still be saved and that is where Shoko has an incredible role to play in the series.

Gojo's Death Vs Sukuna

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Gojo versus Sukuna was certainly one of the most exciting fights in the entire JJK series. In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that it is the most exciting fight that fans got to witness and also the most anticipated one. This fight was set up from the very beginning of JJK, when Yuji consumed the first finger of Sukuna and the latter took over his body for a short period of time. Gojo tested his skill against Sukuna back then, and was clearly able to dominate him. Of course, Sukuna then promised that he would, eventually, kill Gojo and this combat was, thus, set up. When Gojo was unsealed in Shibuya, a fight between him and Sukuna was then established, and, a month later, this fight was brought to life by Gege in the most phenomenal fashion.

Gojo versus Sukuna was an incredible battle that spanned over several chapters and rightly so. It was a grand battle that saw both Gojo and Sukuna bring out their A-game. Right from the beginning of the fight, it was clear for the fans to see that they were evenly matched. Both of them were called the strongest in their own right and they had definitely earned this status. While at some moments, Gojo was dominant in the battle, at others, it was Sukuna. Fans thoroughly enjoyed this fight and either could have ended up winning it. Sadly for Gojo, Sukuna was able to make use of some third-party help, such as Mahoraga, which he could utilize through the 10 Shadows Technique. Through Mahoraga, he was able to get the blueprint to get past infinity, and, with that, Gojo's biggest advantage of fighting against him. Gojo ended up losing this battle terribly and his body was chopped in half.

How Gojo's Body Was Retrieved

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Immediately after Gojo died, fans got to see him in a plane between life and death, where he met his friends and engaged in conversation with them. Meanwhile, in the real world, his body was seen chopped in half and it was clear for the fans to see that Gojo would most likely not survive this. However, not much attention was given to his death by the author as Kashimo immediately jumped into battle. Gojo was cast aside and not even focused on, which, at the time, was quite surprising to the fans. As soon as Kashimo died, the likes of Yuji and Higuruma jumped into battle and, once again, it was weird for the fans to see that nobody was really mourning Gojo's death.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Gege Confirms Kenjaku's Death

Kenjaku's death will heavily impact the JJK story.

In fact, the likes of Yuji did not even react all that much to how his sensei died in front of him, which was, once again, off-putting. However, the most odd thing of all was that the author did not specifically focus on Gojo's body while all this fighting was going down. Finally, more recently, it was confirmed by Sukuna himself that Gojo's body had disappeared somehow.

This disappearance was because of none other than Ui Ui, who fans are very well familiar with at this point in the story. His cursed technique was finally revealed to the fans and was confirmed that he possesses the power to teleport things. Ui Ui was responsible for teleporting Gojo's body away. He did the same thing with Higuruma and took his body somewhere. Sukuna did not know exactly where the bodies were being taken, however, he clearly theorized that the injured were being taken to none other than Shoko, who is a user of reverse cursed technique, as fans know already.

How Shoko Can Save Gojo

Jujutsu Kaisen Best Women- Shoko Ieiri

It has now been confirmed that Gojo has been taken to Shoko and, at the same time, Higuruma has also been taken to her. Higuruma is likely going to be treated, however, according to Sukuna, this is likely not going to be possible, simply because the efficiency of reverse cursed technique when used on others is less than half. Added to that is the fact that Shoko, according to him, is not as skilled with this technique as him and Gojo, which lessens the chances of her saving anyone even further. However, this is entirely based on what Sukuna has seen and what he knows about Shoko. For the longest time, Shoko has been neglected in the series and fans have always wanted her to have a bigger role.

This could be her time to shine. There is absolutely a reason why Gojo was taken to Shoko. If there was no reason for it, then Gojo's body being taken to her would make absolutely no sense. Furthermore, Sukuna bringing up Shoko would also then not make any sense and the fact that it is being referred to her only indicates that there is something bigger brewing in the background that fans are not aware of yet. Shoko's healing powers might not be what fans think. They could be much greater and potentially even strong enough to heal someone like Gojo.

Perhaps, this might require Shoko to make a Binding Vow or get external help through incantations or dancing. Whatever the case, Shoko has a hidden trump card that she has not utilized in the story just yet, and if that were to be the case, then she would most definitely be able to save Gojo's life. Even though Gojo could have almost died already, she can, perhaps, bring him back to life enough to the point where he can start using reverse cursed technique on himself and then speed up the process of coming back.

The strongest sorcerer of the modern era might be defeated, however, the world still needs him and, at the same time, fans still enjoy him as well. His time to come back is now and he needs to witness how his students build an amazing world that he always dreamed of. Now, everything rests on Shoko and fans hope that she manages to deliver against all odds and pulls a rabbit out of the hat to do the unexpected. For now, however, the focus remains on Sukuna's fight against Yuji and Yuta.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 249, is set to be February 4, 2024.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Gege Akutami
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Jujutsu Kaisen: How Yuta Can Beat Sukuna, Explained

Yuta might have a chance against Sukuna in JJK.