Nobara Kugisaki, is a supporting character from the manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, a popular character and a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High and a grade 3 sorcerer. Nobara's primary ability is known as "Straw Doll Technique," which gives her the ability to manipulate and control straw dolls to attack her enemies.

Nobara is also a student of Satoru Gojo and studies alongside her peers Megumi and Yuji. Hailing from a rural town in Japan, Nobara is a headstrong and confident person who is not afraid of speaking her mind when she has to. She is also a skilled fighter and jujutsu sorcerer.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: Who is Satoru Gojo?

Appearance And Traits


Although Nobara appears as a relatively short girl with a slim figure, she packs a powerful punch. Her confidence and resilient character makes her a force to be reckoned with as she is determined to defeat opponents no matter what. She is also someone who believes in herself and also feels the need to become stronger after seeing her peers like Yuji grow. Although Nobara may appear prideful at first, she is devoted to protecting her friends and her values as a person. During the Goodwill event where Momo Nishimiya underestimates Nobara's strength, Nobara was able to take down Momo with a rubber mallet. Initially when Nobara enrolled at Jujutsu High, Gojo was unsure how Nobara would manage to fight off cursed-spirits without previous experiences and her background, but she managed to prove herself to Gojo by going above and beyond when tested.

During the heat of a battle, Nobara wasn't afraid to hurt herself to secure the win, this is seen during her battle with Eso and Kechizu when she was willing stabbed herself with nails to counter Eso's cursed technique, she did all this with a smile on her face while showing off her power. Thanks to her quick thinking and fearlessness attitude she managed to avoid being killed by her opponents. Nobara also takes great pride in being a jujutsu sorcerer and takes her job seriously and is aware of the guilt that comes with her job when it comes to killing, but that didn't bother her.

Fighting Style And Abilities


When it comes to her physical abilities, Nobara can move at high speeds and is extremely quick on her feet making her a hard to hit target, She has the ability to move across the environment during the battle evading enemy attacks and looking for opportunities for her to launch her attack. Her agility and flexibility is also excellent as she is able to parkour through the environment during a battle. Apart from her combat ability, Nobara is able to make quick decisions in the heat of a battle, her problem-solving skills make her an excellent strategist to think out of the box and find ways to defeat her opponents, she is able to read her opponents movements and anticipate their moves and doge and attack accordingly.

Nobara possess a high volume of cursed energy, and has mastered the arts of manipulating objects and infusing nails, hammers and straw dolls with cursed energies to land powerful blows on her opponents. Just like her peers, Nobara is also able to use Black Flash, a powerful technique that releases a powerful attack of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds upon impact. One of Nobara's specialty techniques is known as the straw doll technique, this allows her to stick nails or either hammer a straw doll to channel the curse energy to damage her opponent, similar to a voodoo doll, she can inflict damage to her opponent regardless of the distance between them, keeping her safe from close range attacks. She also uses hairpins infused with cursed energy to land powerful attacks as they erupt with explosive force at her command. Her other primary go to weapon is her hammer which is a simple metal hammer which can be used at close range or for hitting nails infused with cursed energy towards an opponent.

Nobara's confidence also exceeds expectations as she is not afraid to make bold decisions in order to win even it means putting herself in danger, she is loyal to her peers and will do anything to protect them. Although possessing a powerful set of skills, Nobara does have one weakness which is her physical strength and raw power. Unlike her peers Yuji and Megumi she is not as physically strong as them which makes it difficult for her to take on larger opponents, but she makes up for this by using her agility, combat skills and quick thinking. During a battle it is important to note Nobara's teamwork skills as she is able to blend and fight alongside her peers while coordinating attacks. As someone who has faced hardships in her life, Nobara has remained determined and strong and refusing to fail even when heavily injured. Overall Nobara is a valuable and formidable jujutsu sorcerer who is strong in her own ways, her unique intelligence, combat skills and abilities make her an important member of the team.

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