
  • Cursed spirits are formed when cursed energy leaks from humans due to negative emotions.
  • Entities like diseases or urban legends can spawn cursed spirits if they inspire collective fear.
  • Cursed spirits possess unique powers and abilities, including curse techniques and domain expansions.

The dark supernatural forces known as cursed spirits have long haunted the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. These entities are formed when cursed energy leaks from humans as a result of harboring negative emotions like fear and hatred. Cursed energy then gathers in one location, building up over time until it manifests as a cursed spirit. Populated areas are often hotspots for curses due to the many negative emotions associated with places like schools and hospitals.

Jujutsu sorcerers dedicate their lives to combating curses through techniques that harness cursed energy. As curses can only be harmed with more cursed energy, exorcism requires jujutsu abilities. Jujutsu Kaisen's sorcerers work to seal or destroy these spiritual entities, protecting normal people unaware of their invisible existence. But where do curses originate, and what powers might they possess?

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The Disturbing Origins of Cursed Spirits


Cursed spirits are incarnated when cursed energy leaks from humans as a result of harboring negative emotions over long periods of time. This cursed energy gathers in one area, building up like sediment until manifesting as a spirit. Locations frequently associated with trauma, like hospitals and schools, tend to have higher concentrations of cursed energy seeping from humans.

Entities born from concepts that humanity endlessly dreads, such as diseases or natural disasters, often develop intense intelligence and abilities. They incarnate from the accumulated global fear directed at these ideas across generations. The forest spirit of Hanami reflects this, having been shaped by humanity's mistreatment of nature over centuries.

Interestingly, fictional tales can also spawn cursed spirits if the idea inspires widespread, collective fear. While not “real,” these imaginary spirits, like urban legends, still embody primal human terror. In Jujutsu Kaisen, cursed spirits pose active threats due to being composed entirely of cursed energy tapped from humanity's shadows. Their origins illustrate how closely linked sorcery and the psyche are within this fictional world.

Appearance and Nature of Cursed Spirits


Cursed spirits are spiritual beings composed entirely of cursed energy, rendering them invisible and intangible to non-sorcerers. They come in various grotesque forms and lurk near where they were created, instinctively endangering humans.

Characteristics vary depending on the spirit's strength. Weaker entities act more animalistic, while higher intelligence is linked to humanoid traits and complex techniques. Special-grade spirits like Mahito display unconventional abilities alongside nuanced personalities.

Some curses can mark individuals and haunt them remotely. Others stabilize by possessing inanimate objects called cured corpses. Certain spirits obey hosts through forced submission, like shikigami summoned by sorcerers.

Exorcism through cursed energy typically causes a cursed spirit's dissolution. However, especially strong ones endure sealed like Ryomen Sukuna's fingers or through host vessels such as the enigmatic Death Paintings used by the Cursed Womb. This distinguishes them from regular ghosts.

Classification of Cursed Spirits


The Jujutsu society organizes known cursed spirits into categories, accounting for traits like origins, intelligence, and strength. "Vengeful cursed spirits" form from humans whose deaths were cursed, as seen with Rika Orimoto. "Imaginary vengeful spirits" incarnate from humanity's shared fears, encompassing legendary figures. "Disease-cursed spirits" encompasses plagues humanity dreads.

Curses are also graded on a scale, with Special Grade as the highest threat level. There are over sixteen documented special grade spirits, contrasting only four special grade sorcerers—a ratio highlighting their potential dominance if left unchecked. Entities born from Sukuna's dismembered fingers also qualify as special grades. Lower-tier spirits possess lesser abilities and coherence. Proper classification aids in comprehending cursed spirits' diverse natures.

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Powers and Abilities of Cursed Spirits

0.2 Domain Expansion Mahito

All cursed spirits wield cursed energy, which allows them to perform cursed techniques. Weaker cursed spirits rely on natural abilities like claws and fangs for attack. However, more powerful curses can utilize sophisticated curse techniques similar to those used by elite jujutsu sorcerers.

Some special-grade cursed spirits have exceptionally unique and potent innate domain expansions. Domains allow the curse to warp reality within a fixed space, endangering even top-tier sorcerers caught inside.

Certain intelligent curses, like Mahito, can evolve, growing steadily more formidable over time. This highlights the potential risks if a curse's mastery of techniques advances in parallel with its amassing cursed energy.

Some high-level cursed spirits also possess the ability to curse targets from afar by applying a lasting mark. Victims of such curses may endure worsening symptoms that drain their health and resistance over multiple days. This illustrates how experience battling sorcerers helps curses refine new dangerous abilities.

Exorcism and Destruction of Cursed Spirits


The general rule of jujutsu is that a curse must be exorcised using another curse. Cursed spirits cannot be harmed by conventional means, as they have bodies composed entirely of cursed energy. While physical strikes will have no effect, targeting a cursed spirit with another's cursed energy can dissolve their metaphysical form.

A fatal attack using cursed energy will cause most cursed spirits to completely disappear. However, certain special-grade curses can elude consistent destruction due to their immense power levels. These extremely powerful curses must be sealed away using restrictive talismans or imprisonment techniques rather than destroyed.

Vengeful cursed spirits created from humans who became curses after death can sometimes be too formidable to exorcise directly. In these cases, millions of knots of cursed energy must be slowly analyzed and undone piece by piece. Alternatively, severing the bond between servant and master spirit can potentially nullify the curse if the spirit no longer desires punishment.

Sorcerers killed by means other than jujutsu also risk becoming vengeful cursed spirits after death. Preventing this involves killing sorcerers using jujutsu to destroy their cursed energy before death. Cursed spirits incarnated into flesh and blood vessels like the Death Paintings require unique exorcism methods different from simply destroying the spirit's form.

Cursed spirits populate Jujustu Kaisen's setting in all shapes and potencies. Understanding their divergent origins, classifications, combative techniques, and bizarre variations provides insight into the complex supernatural threats Jujutsu sorcerers must constantly counteract and contain. Their studious monitoring remains pivotal to safeguarding humanity from these dreadful, cursed entities.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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