
  • The Culling Game Arc in Jujutsu Kaisen is the longest and most exciting story arc, with shocking events and intense fights between jujutsu sorcerers.
  • Sukuna wants to take over Megumi Fushiguro's body because he needs a new vessel and believes Megumi's powers make him a suitable candidate.
  • Sukuna takes over Megumi's body by breaking the binding vow with Yuji, forcefully cutting his finger, and inflicting pain on Tsumiki, Megumi's sister, to break Megumi's soul and gain full control.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, available on the Viz Manga App.

The Culling Game Arc is by far the longest and the most exciting story arc in Jujutsu Kaisen. Lots of interesting, shocking, and devastating events happen in this arc, such as Satoru Gojo being trapped in a dimensional prison, lots of popular characters losing their lives, the countless intense fights between jujutsu sorcerers featuring lots of bizarre cursed techniques, and many others.

One of the biggest incidents happened recently in the form of Sukuna forcefully escaping from the confinement of Yuji Itadori’s body, and attempting to take over Megumi Fushiguro’s body. And the way he goes about doing it is not only ruthless, but it is actually downright cruel. So here’s a quick rundown of how it happens.

Related: Jujutsu Kaisen: Domain Expansion, Explained

Why Sukuna Wants To Take Over Megumi Fushiguro’s Body

Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna Negotiate to Yuji

As the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna is an extremely powerful and dangerous entity that cannot be killed. Furthermore, he also found a way to survive through the ages by splitting his powers and identity into the Twenty Indestructible Fingers. Those who ingest any of those fingers will get the chance to feel a tremendous boost in power, but it also gives a chance to Sukuna to reincarnate. And that is precisely what happened when Yuji Itadori consumed the first finger at the beginning of the series.

Since then, although Sukuna’s identity, consciousness, and parts of his powers has basically reincarnated into the modern world, he is still stuck inside Yuji’s body. So for all intent and purpose, Ryomen Sukuna is sealed within Yuji Itadori’s body with an unbreakable binding vow that prevents him from escaping. There are some random moments when he can somehow take over Yuji’s body for a moment, but for the most part, there’s really nothing he can do as long as he is still caged within Yuji’s body.

That is until Sukuna makes an offer that Yuji can’t refuse. According to this secret deal that Yuji can’t even remember, when Sukuna chants the word “Enchain”, he will be able to fully take over Yuji’s body for one minute, although he can’t hurt anybody during the take-over. And that is basically what Sukuna did in recent chapters. When Yuji, Megumi, Angel, and Megumi’s sister, Tsumiki Fushiguro, are in the middle of executing their plan to save Tsumiki, Sukuna appears and executes the plan that he has been plotting all this time.

How Sukuna Took Over Megumi’s Body

Jujutsu Kaisen Sukuna Transfer to Megumi

Sukuna has been wanting to get out of Yuji’s body the minute he realizes that he has been reincarnated into what is basically a cage. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the power nor the means to escape because of the binding vow. Not only that, even if he decided to get out, he still needs a new vessel. So based on what he’s observed thus far, Megumi Fushiguro and his Zen’in blood and prized Ten Shadow Techniques would be a suitable vessel for Sukuna. So begins his preparation to break free from Yuji’s body as he waits for his powers to return.

As mentioned earlier, Sukuna divided his powers to the curse objects known as twenty indestructible fingers. Since Sukuna is sealed within Yuji’s body, it means he has to wait for Yuji to ingest more of those fingers in order to regain access to his lost powers. Because without it, there’s really no point in trying to get out of his cage. As the story progresses, Yuji does end up consuming more fingers, either voluntarily or not. When the Culling Game finally nears its climactic point, Sukuna finally has enough power to execute his great escape.

On that fateful day, Sukuna chants the word “Enchain”, takes over Yuji’s body, and forcefully cuts his little finger. Realizing that Yuji has lost control over Sukuna, Megumi immediately prepares to attack. Unfortunately, Sukuna manages to close the distance and prevent Megumi from executing his ability. Not only that, Sukuna also shoves Yuji’s bloodied finger into Megumi’s throat. Since Sukuna is currently in control of Yuji’s body, that finger is the same as Sukuna’s finger. That means in a matter of seconds, Sukuna manages to break the binding vow that he had with Yuji, escape his cage, and transfer to a new vessel, which is the body of Megumi Fushiguro.

The Cruel Way Sukuna Completed The Take-Over

Jujutsu Kaisen Tsumiki Megumi Depressed

Although Sukuna manages to leave Yuji’s body and get into Megumi’s body, he doesn’t have full control over the new vessel yet. Megumi’s consciousness frantically fights Sukuna from within. This means Sukuna can’t exert his and the body’s full capabilities, which severely limits his combat prowess. In order to fully take over the body, Sukuna needs to completely break Megumi’s soul and make him voluntarily surrender the control of his body to Sukuna. What better way to do that than to turn into the people he loves the most?

There’s only one person in this whole wide world that Megumi genuinely loves and cares about, which is his dear sister, Tsumiki Fushiguro. As it happens, Tsumiki is currently being possessed by a spirit of the past named Yorozu. She used to be one of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers during the reign of Sukuna, and as it turns out, she is also extremely obsessed with Sukuna. Being the devious being that he is, Sukuna uses this fact to help break Megumi’s soul. Because normally, Sukuna would simply ignore Yorozu's aggressive advances, but since he wants to break Megumi’s soul, Sukuna opts to inflict pain onto Yorozu instead.

Not only that, rather than subjugating her with his powerful abilities, Sukuna decided to slowly hurt and torture Yorozu, who currently possessed Tsumiki’s body, solely with Megumi’s Ten Shadow Techniques. So in a way, it’s like Megumi himself is the one who slowly kills her sister. Needless to say, an intense fight inevitably ensues, and Sukuna inevitably comes on top. And as he expected, with each wound Sukuna imposed upon Yorozu, Megumi’s soul succumbed deeper and deeper into anger and frustration.

When Sukuna eventually kills Yorozu, and Tsumiki along with her, Megumi’s soul inevitably drowns into the deepest abyss of sadness and depression. He lost any will to fight, or even the will to survive for that matter, and effectively surrendered his body to Sukuna. And that is how Sukuna completely takes over Megumi’s body in the most effective and cruelest way possible.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

More: Jujutsu Kaisen: The Tragic Life of the Strongest Assassin Who Almost Killed Satoru Gojo