
  • Jujutsu Kaisen is a popular manga and anime series that has gained a large following since its debut in 2018.
  • The upcoming season 2 of the anime will cover the Shibuya Incident Arc, which is highly anticipated by fans.
  • The series features a diverse cast of compelling characters, including both heroes and villains, who have become beloved by fans.

A manga that has taken anime fans by storm, Jujutsu Kaisen is a newer Shonen series having started back in 2018 by mangaka Gege Akutami. The 2020 anime adaptation helped popularize it even more and, later this year, on July 6, 2023, fans can expect the release of the long-awaited season 2 of the anime that will cover the Shibuya Incident Arc, which is, perhaps, one of the most popular arcs in the entire manga.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Best Female Characters In The Show

Female characters can sometimes get sidelined in shonen anime, but Jujutsu Kaisen does these women justice.

Currently, the manga Jujutsu Kaisen has over 220 chapters, and, as such, has showcased some incredibly compelling characters. With a rich character and special focus thrown on depth, Gege has created a special cast. As expected, villains are also a part of this cast that fans have come to love and hate.

Updated on March 6, 2024, by Rei Penber: Jujutsu Kaisen has introduced fans to quite a lot of incredible villains over the years. While the story has always had a strong cast of villains, the Culling Game arc, which is currently going on in the manga, has seen to it that some of the most incredible villains get introduced to the fans.

This arc is entirely battle-focused, and it is also one of the longest ones in the entire manga, with several ancient sorcerers being reincarnated. As a result, one can see why this arc has the biggest cast of villains in JJK, as a whole, and why quite a lot of them deserve a mention on this list as well.

This list isn't ranked based on strength, but on how good a villain is, overall.

20 Jiro Awasaka

Villain in Arc: Shibuya

itadori and megumi vs jiro jujutsu kaisen

Jiro Awasaka was one of the minor antagonists in the Shibuya arc in JJK. Fans saw him fight against Yuji and Megumi and still hold the advantage for the vast majority of the fight. The trick to defeating him lay in his cursed technique, which was basically Inverse.

Essentially, strong attacks would not have much of an effect against him so they had to hit him with weaker attacks. Once Yuji and Megumi figured out his weakness, he was easy to take down. He wasn't really a big villain, however, he certainly added a nice twist to the Shibuya Incident arc.

19 Haruta Shigemo

Villain In Arc: Shibuya Incident

Haruta Shigemo JJK holding his sword

Haruta is a minor antagonist that has played some intriguing roles in JJK on many occasions. In the Kyoto Goodwill Event arc, fans got to see him play an interesting role when he was letting loose against Utahime. Later down the line, Haruta also made an appearance during the Shibuya arc, where he went on a merciless killing streak, and even engaged in combat with Nobara.

There, he was defeated by none other than Nanami, and of course, eventually, he ended up falling to his death later down the line. His role as a villain continued later down the line, when he caused issues for an already injured Megumi, leading to the summoning of Mahoraga. Although he stood absolutely no chance against him, he still managed to survive, until eventually, Sukuna saw to it that he died.

18 Dhruv Lakdawalla

Villain In Arc: Culling Game

Dhruv Lakdawalla Jujutsu Kaisen

Dhruv Lakdawalla is an ancient sorcerer who was reincarnated by Kenjaku during the Culling Game arc. At some point in history, he made a pact with Kenjaku, which allowed him to be resurrected in the modern era and participate in the Culling Game. Back then, he was known to be quite ferocious, as he took down an entire country by himself, which just goes to show how strong he was. However, compared to the modern sorcerers, Dhruv Lakdawalla proved to not be all that impressive. Still, his shikigami technique was quite surprisingly good, and he certainly possessed great control over cursed energy.

He engaged in quite a lot of interesting battles in the Culling Game arc, such as the one he fought against Kururushi. Later down the line, he even engaged in combat with Yuta, however, that is where his luck ran out, and he ended up dying at the hands of the strong sorcerer.

17 Ryu Ishigori

Villain in Arc: Culling Game

Ryu Ishigori Jujutsu kaisen

Ryu Ishigori played the role of a minor antagonist in the Culling Game arc in its first part. Fans got to see him stand in Yuta's path. He certainly fought well and his cursed technique output was very impressive.

He caused all sorts of problems for the heroes of the story and it was clear that he was going to shake things up moving forward in the Culling Game arc. Unfortunately for him, Sukuna cut his time short.

16 Reggie Star

Villain in Arc: Culling Game

Reggie star jujutsu kaisen

The antagonist of the Culling Game Arc, Reggie Star partakes in the Culling Game where he leads a group of Sorcerers. During this game, Reggie, the sorcerer from the past fights Megumi Fushiguro before his ultimate defeat.

Intelligent and playful, he shows throughout the game that he can be really cruel, not caring about anyone and only feeling embarrassed when one of his teammates dies.

15 Uraume

Villain in Arc: Culling Game

uraume jujutsu kaisen

Uraume is another Jujutsu Kaisen villain who is known to be a powerful servant to Sukuna. Uraume is a user of ice-based cursed technique and has, on many occasions, aided both Kenjaku, as well as Sukuna.

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These characters are the very best at using Shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Quite a lot about them remains to be a mystery in the story at the moment and fans can only hope that as the story progresses, they get more attention.

14 Dagon

Villain in Arc: Shibuya

dagon jujutsu kaisen

Dagon was introduced quite early in Jujutsu Kaisen. However, he only played a big role in the Shibuya arc. In this arc, he was seen engaging in combat against the team of Maki, Megumi, Naobito, and Nanami. Even though he was outnumbered, he held the advantage in the battle and fought incredibly well.

This fight was nothing short of spectacular for the fans and just went on to show that even though he was not one of the main members of the fighting group, he was still a tremendous fighter. Dagon was certainly fun as a villain and he raised the intensity of the Shibuya arc by manifold.

13 Eso and Kechizu

Villain in Arc: Death Painting

eso and kechizu jujutsu kaisen every death

Eso and Kechizu were two of the cursed wombs and they were introduced as villains quite early into JJK. They possessed tremendous power and they were able to test their skills against Gojo's team. Both Eso and Kechizu were taken on by none other than Yuji and Nobara in battle.

Although the duo struggled at first in the fight against these two cursed wombs, they figured out a strategy to outclass them soon. Despite being underdogs, Yuji and Nobara fought incredibly well in this battle and managed to kill both of them. Unbeknownst to them, they weren't cursed spirits and their death left a profound effect on both these characters. They certainly provided an incredible fight to the fans and the emotional impact they had on the main characters was also very interesting.

12 Ogi Zenin

Villain in Arc: Perfect Prepartion

ogi zen'in jujutsu kaisen

Ogi Zenin is one of the strongest members of the Zenin Family. Fans saw him take center stage shortly before the Culling Game arc began. He fought against his daughters and successfully defeated both of them.

However, moments after Maki awakened her true powers, following the sacrifice of Mai, he was utterly outclassed by his own daughter. Maki hit a completely new level of power and outshined him in battle, killing him in the process. His strength was certainly commendable, but when faced with someone as strong as Maki, he could not do much.

11 Hajime Kashimo

Villain In Arc: Culling Game

Hajime Kashimo in Jujutsu Kaisen

Hajime Kashimo is yet another powerful character from ancient times who was reincarnated to take part in the Culling Game arc. At some point, Kenjaku approached him and asked him to join him in the Culling Game, to which he agreed. Kashima always wanted to test his skill against Ryomen Sukuna, the strongest sorcerer in history.

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These JJK attacks can one shot most enemies.

In the Culling Game arc, he gained points with blistering speed, and it was only a matter of time before he became an antagonist and stood in the path of some of the modern sorcerers. He fought an incredible battle against Hakari, which he ended up losing, however, only because he did not rely on his cursed technique at all. Later down the line, he also engaged in combat with Sukuna, fulfilling his lifelong dream. Unfortunately for him, Sukuna proved to be too strong, and in the end, he met his end at his hands.

10 Naoya Zenin

Villain In Arc: Itadori’s Extermination, Culling Game

Naoya Zenin smiling in Jujutsu Kaisen

Naoya Zenin played the role of a villain in several arcs in JJK. Primarily, he caused all sorts of problems for Maki in the Zenin Family. Naoya was to be the next leader of the Zenin Clan, after the death of Naobito. His misogynistic views saw to it that Maki made an enemy out of him, and, in the end, she certainly did manage to one-up him in combat.

Naoya returned later down the line as a vengeful spirit in the Culling Game arc. He thought he would be able to beat Maki, however, once again, he was outclassed by her in every aspect of battle, and, using the Split Soul Katana, forged with Mai, she was able to completely obliterate him. While he wasn't a major villain at any point in the story, he did certainly serve the role of a minor antagonist very well. Fans thoroughly enjoyed his role as a villain in the series, and his eventual end at the hands of Maki was absolutely perfect.

9 Yorozu

Villain In Arc: Culling Game


Yorozu is known to have been a sorcerer from the Heian era, just like Sukuna. It is believed that she was one of the strongest of the time, and she possessed enough strength to be considered somewhat of a rival to Sukuna himself. In the Culling Game arc, Yorozu was reincarnated in the body of Tsumiki, Megumi’s very own sister.

She ended up fighting against the Ryomen Sukuna, who had taken over the body of Megumi at the time. Because of her, Tsumiki ended up dying, which was a major shocking point in the Culling Game arc for all the fans. Furthermore, Yorozu herself ended up laying down her life in the battle against Sukuna, despite having confessed her love for him prior to that. In the end, she paved the way for Sukuna getting his cursed tool, Kamutoke, back once again.

8 Choso

Villain in Arc: Shibuya


Choso played the role of a villain for a significant portion of the story and he was certainly a dangerous character for the heroes to oppose. In the Shibuya Incident arc, he fought against Yuji in an attempt to avenge the death of his brothers. He certainly fought very well and completely overpowered Yuji, defeating him in the process.

This fight did well to showcase his strength and, at the same time, his principles, which saw him put the lives of his brothers ahead of everyone else. Eventually, however, he realized that Yuji was one of his brothers as well and he decided to switch sides, vowing to protect him no matter what.

7 Hanami

Villain in Arc: Kyoto Goodwill Event

Hanami in Jujutsu Kaisen

Hanami is an unregistered Special Grade Cursed Spirit that teams up with Mahito, as well as Jogo and Dagon to destroy humanity. Their ambition for ridding the earth of humans is due to humans’ constant destruction and mistreatment of nature throughout the centuries. They believe that a world controlled by Curses will be more thoughtful of the Earth.

Hanami had an interesting role to play during the anime’s first season, specifically the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc, and was seen to be a powerful fighter, taking on multiple characters.

6 Jogo

Villain in Arc: Shibuya

Jogo in Jujutsu Kaisen

With a head shaped like a volcano, Jogo is an Unregistered Cursed Spirit that works with Mahito and the rest of the Cursed Spirits who wish to get rid of humanity. His goal is to establish a world where Curses take over from humans.

He fought against Satoru Gojo early on and was used to demonstrate Gojo’s immense power. He did manage to escape Gojo’s clutches and, later, came back in the story to try and take his revenge on Yuji. In the end, Jogo was killed by Sukuna after he accepted to fight against him and, expectedly, was heavily outclassed.

5 Toji Fushiguro

Villain in Arc: Gojo's Past

Jujutsu Kaisen Toji attack

Toji Fushiguro is easily one of the most well-liked villains in Jujutsu Kaisen. He acts as the primary antagonist in Gojo's Past arc. He is also set to be a major antagonist in the second season of the anime. Referred to as the Sorcerer Killer, Toji is an infamous assassin who goes through his fights without the use of Curse Powers, as he has no innate talent for Jutsu. Even without Jutsu, Toji is still terrifyingly powerful and a force to be reckoned with.

Being a former member of the Zenin family and the father of Megumi Fushiguro, Toji makes the story more interesting through his sole presence and aura that nobody else in the story can emanate.

4 Kenjaku

Villain in Arc: Overarching Villain

Kenjaku Jujutsu kaisen 236

Kenjaku acts as one of the central antagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. Fans who watched Jujutsu Kaisen might’ve not expected that Suguru Geto was actually a dead character who is controlled by none other than Kenjaku. Kenjaku is referred to as Pseudo-Geto when he’s controlling Geto’s body.

The identity of Kenjaku is that of an Ancient Sorcerer that uses his powers to control other’s bodies by transplanting his brain there. When he does that, he can also obtain whatever technique or memory his host had before they died.

3 Suguru Geto

Villain in Arc: Jujutsu Kaisen 0

Menacing Suguru Geto Jujutsu Kaisen

Suguru Geto is a Special Grade Sorcerer that, despite his importance in the series, was never seen alive during the present events in the manga; only in flashbacks and in Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High. He died at the end of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 at the hands of his former classmate Satoru Gojo.

Getting expelled from Tokyo Jujutsu High due to committing a massacre, he has a hatred for Non-Sorcerers. He eventually came to be known as the worst of all Curse users.

2 Mahito

Villain in Arc: Shibuya

Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen anime

In the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Mahito sees himself as one of its most important antagonists with his early debut in the manga during chapter 16. With his goal to eradicate humanity and revive Sukuna, he is an extremely powerful Unregistered Special Grade Spirit who is able to overwhelm Grade 1 Sorcerers with little difficulty.

He also showcases great intelligence and great growth potential that makes him one of the biggest threats to the Jujutsu Kaisen main cast with his dark sadistic nature.

1 Sukuna

Villain in Arc: Overarching Villain

sukuna smiling maniacally In Jujutsu Kaisen

Ryomen Sukuna is a character introduced very early on in the Jujutsu Kaisen series and a character whose existence pushes the plot forward. He is the King of Curses who was a powerful sorcerer once, and later became a Cursed Spirit after his death. His body being indestructible, 20 of his fingers remain preserved and a major goal in the story is for Yuji to find and eat them.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 15 Best Cursed Tools, Ranked

Cursed tools are Jujutsu sorcerers' combat weapons as they improve their attacks and battle efficiency; however, which cursed tool is the best?

After his first finger was eaten by Yuji Itadori, Sukuna started inhibiting Yuji’s body and granted him some power, however, on some occasions, Sukuna was able to control Yuji’s body against his will.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 7 Best Fights Of Ryomen Sukuna, Ranked

Sukuna is JJK's most powerful sorcerer and has had his fair share of incredible fights.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Based on Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Mappa's battle shonen anime envisions a world where Jujutsu Sorcerers battle against entities born out of Cursed Energy. One day, a teenager named Yuji Itadori is dragged into this conflict when he eats a possessed finger.