
  • Innate Techniques in Jujutsu Sorcery are engraved in the brain and can be trained to perfection from a young age, forming the basis of a sorcerer's fighting style.
  • Some of the strongest Innate Techniques seen in Jujutsu Kaisen include the Straw Doll Technique, Sukuna's cutting powers, and Jogo's pyrokinetic abilities.
  • Other powerful Innate Techniques include Hanami's Disaster Plants, Kento Nanami's Ratio Technique, and Mahito's dangerous ability to manipulate souls through idle transfiguration.

Innate Techniques form an incredibly important component when it comes to Jujutsu Sorcery. These techniques are engraved in the right prefrontal cortex of the user's brain, manifest around the age of 5 to 6, and from there onwards, they can be trained to perfection.

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The vast majority of Jujutsu Sorcerers in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen build their entire fighting style around their Innate Techniques. Over the years, fans have seen quite a lot of powerful Innate Techniques in JJK so far and while nearly all of them are very impressive, only a few can be classified as the very strongest ones.

10 Straw Doll Technique


The Straw Doll Technique is used by Nobara Kugisaki and is one of the most intuitive Innate Techniques seen in the series. This technique allows her to use her hammer and nail, along with straw dolls.

She can channel her Cursed Energy through them and deal explosive damage to her enemies. Using the straw doll as an effigy, she can also deal damage to her enemy's bodies and it is surely a very scary technique.

9 Sukuna's Innate Technique

ryomen sukuna jujutsu kaisen strongest villains

Sukuna is known as the King of Curses and it is no surprise that he possesses the strongest cursed techniques there are. His Innate Technique has not been revealed to the fans just yet, however, he is strong enough to utilize cutting powers such as Cleave or Dismantle.

Out of the two, cleave is the stronger one as it takes down the opponent and one single slash. He is also able to use some pyrokinetic abilities that surpass even those of Jogo. These pyrokinetic abilities, however, are likely not a part of his Innate Technique.

8 Disaster Flames

Jogo jujutsu kaisen all deaths

Disaster Flames is the Innate Technique of none other than Jogo, a Special Grade Curse. Fans know him to possess tremendous pyrokinetic abilities and disaster flame certainly is his go-to ability.

This Innate Technique allows him to use the power of volcanoes, such as magma, and incorporate them into his attacks. He can also use other pyrokinetic abilities that are related to volcanoes and fire.

7 Disaster Plants

Jujutsu Kaisen - PNG Of Hanami Over Image Of Hanami Summoning The Cursed Plants

Hanami is the user of Disaster Plants and they are certainly very adept at its usage. This technique allows them to make use of various plant-related abilities.

They can absorb the user's life force or damage them in other ways. This is one of the most dangerous Innate Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen. Hanami can easily skewer their enemies with roots or even sap their life force and defeat them effortlessly.

6 Ratio Technique

Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami Getting A Beautifully Composited Curse Kill In The Anime

Used by Kento Nanami, the Ratio Technique is a very complicated technique that allows him to essentially create a weak spot after dividing his opponent into 10 parts. The weaknesses are created at the ratio points of 7:3, and they can then be attacked to bring down the enemy.

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Nanami can choose which part of the body he likes to divide and use his ratio technique on and there is no limitation to what he can achieve with this power.

5 Idle Transfiguration


Quite possibly one of the most dangerous abilities in JJK, idle transfiguration is the Innate Technique of Mahito, a Special Grade Curse.

This technique allows him to manipulate the souls of anyone as he likes and reshape them accordingly upon contact. When he does this, the bodies of the users are also altered, turning them into grotesque figures.

4 Boogie Woogie


Boogie Woogie Is the Innate Technique of Aoi Todo. This technique is activated when Todo claps his hands together. Essentially, this technique allows him to swap places with any object within a certain range and also swap the places of two objects that are within his range.

The only prerequisite that he needs to activate this is that the targets Aoi switches need to have a certain level of cursed energy. While this isn't the strongest technique, it is incredibly effective in combat, depending on how Todo uses it.

3 Cursed Spirit Manipulation

Suguru Geto Cursed Spirit Manipulation Jujutsu Kaisen - Featured

Cursed Spirit Manipulation is quite a dangerous technique utilized by Suguru Geto. This technique allows him to manipulate Cursed Spirits which he has conquered in combat.

If there is a massive difference in power level between him and the curse, then he can simply just absorb it. Suguru possesses quite a number of powerful curses under his belt and his skills with this Innate Technique are absolutely immense.

2 Private Pure Love Train

Kinji Hakari jujutsu kaisen

Private Pure Love Train is the Innate Technique of Kinji Hakari. He usually only applies this technique through Domain Expansion, however, when used, it is extremely dangerous. His strongest technique while doing so comes after hitting the jackpot, which technically grants an unkillable mode.

This mode gives him an unlimited amount of Cursed Energy for 4 minutes and 11 seconds. Furthermore, it also allows him to use Reverse Curse Technique, making him heal from any and every injury that he receives. Essentially, he becomes unkillable for these 4 minutes and 11 seconds.

1 Star Rage

Yuki Tsukumo jujutsu kaisen

Star Rage is an astonishingly powerful ability used by Yuki Tsukumo. This technique allows her to add virtual mass to herself and her Shikigami, increasing the power of all her techniques.

The mass added is not real, however, the effect it has on Yuki as well as her Shikigami's attacks is certainly real. This allows her to bolster her techniques even further and reach incredible amounts of strength, strong enough to crush even Special Grades.

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