
  • Shonen anime often lacks well-developed female characters, but there are exceptions like Jujutsu Kaisen with its strong female characters.
  • The series explores complex moralities and shows that noble figures can become villains and rough characters can be heroes.
  • Among the best women and girls in Jujutsu Kaisen are Mimiko & Nanako Hasaba, Riko Amanai, Rika Orimoto, Shoko Ieiri, Akari Nitta, Nagi Yoshino, Yuki Tsukumo, and Utahime Iori.

The problem with shonen anime comes in the name. ‘Shōnen’ means ‘young boy,’ so shōnen works have produced a wide variety of male heroes, like stoic muscleman Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star or happy-go-lucky Goku from Dragon Ball. Unfortunately, the women in those series specifically can be typically described as “useless damsels” and “they be shopping,” respectively.

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It’s not that guys shouldn’t be heroes in a genre named after them and primarily targeted for them. The genre could just do with writing of equal quality for its female characters, as plenty of girls and women enjoy shōnen anime too. They don't have to be perfect, but they can be more than boring eye candy. Luckily, there are a bunch of shōnen anime shows with strong female characters. Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen is one of them, and these are the best women and girls in the series.

Updated on July 6th, 2024, by David Heath: If all goes to schedule, the Jujutsu Kaisen manga will reach its conclusion later this year. Which means anime-only viewers will have a tense wait, as the next season of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime won't debut until 2025. Even then, it's hard to tell whether its remaining arcs after the Shibuya Incident will fit in just one extra season. That's a lot of time to see what becomes of the cast, especially with keen manga readers trying to keep the spoilers to a minimum.

It also puts this list in a tricky spot, as most of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime's favorite female characters have already been covered, but there are still some big hitters in the manga that will likely turn up in Season 3. One of whom, Takako Uro, has already been added as a cheeky preview of things to come. So, this update has added a few more manga characters at the end, while sparing details to avoid being too much of a spoiler, alongside a few more anime characters that missed their spot beforehand.

21 Setsuko Sasaki

The First Girl In The Series

Best JJK Women- Setsuko Sasaki
  • Non-magical Occult Enthusiast
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 1

Setsuko Sasaki was the first girl to turn up in Jujutsu Kaisen, though she doesn't do a lot after her part in the Fearsome Womb Arc. She's just an ordinary high school girl after all, and wouldn't have a spot at either Tokyo or Kyoto's Jujutsu high schools, but she was Yuji's friend before he got involved in the world of sorcery and curses, and it's her fault he ended up becoming the vessel for Sukuna. Kind of.

The two were members of Sugisawa Third High School's Occult Research Club, alongside their other friend Takeshi. She and Takeshi snuck back into school after hours to unseal a special occult charm they found. It turned out to contain Sukuna's finger, and attracted some Curses that threatened to kill the pair. Yuji swallows the finger to save his friends, gets possessed by Sukuna, and ends up at Tokyo Jujutsu High. If Setsuko was less curious, or less into the occult, the story would've ended as soon as it began.

20 Nobuko Takada

Pop-Ping In For Cameos

Best JJK Women- Nobuko Takada
  • Non-magical Pop Idol
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 8

Like Setsuko, not everyone in the series is a Curse User, Cursed Spirit, sorcerer, or other magically-powered being. Some are just regular humans who get wrapped up in the plot for one reason or another. They can suffer a grim fate, like Nagi Yoshino, or get out while the getting is good, like Setsuko Sasaki. But that doesn't mean they can't provide some funny moments.

For example, Nobuko Takada is an upbeat pop idol who just happened to catch Aoi Todo's eye (thus answering his mentor Yuki Tsukumo's question). She has a legion of adoring fans, and she likes them back, with her charming and disarming personality managing to break even Mai Zenin's stern facade. In canon, she only appears in person once, but she turns up in Todo's memories often, including one where she and the big lug get to beat the vile Mahito. If only that happened for real.

19 Nagi Yoshino

Loving Mother And Keen Drinker

Best Jujutsu Kaisen Women- Nagi Yoshino
  • Junpei Yoshino's Mother
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 11

It's not that JJK doesn't have flaws. It could be argued that Nagi Yoshino got killed just to give character development to her son Junpei and the series' hero Yuji Itadori, a trope better known as 'fridging' a character. Yet the worst cases of fridging tend to be because the woman had little development beyond “doomed love interest/relative.” By contrast, Nagi had enough characterization to make her a fan favorite.

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It might've been because she was likable and easy-going. She wasn’t some perfect parent, as she smoked, drank, and would let Junpei skip school if he didn’t want to go. Nagi thought he’d succeed in any path in life he chose, regardless of whether it involved college or the like. She was more interested in seeing Junpei break out of his gloomy shell, make friends, and be happy. Which makes the Yoshino family's fate all the sadder.

18 Mimiko & Nanako Hasaba

Suguru Geto's Right-Hand Women

Best JJK Women- Nanako and Mimiko Hasaba
  • Curse Users
  • Debut: Season 2, Episode 1 (Fantasy), Episode 5 (Proper)

JJK is a series where the guy who felt sorcerers should protect non-sorcerers is its most notorious villain, and the guy who thought that was cheesy nonsense is one of its main heroes. How that happened made up a large part of Season 2, as the once noble Suguru Geto became a sorcerer-supremacist, preferring to wipe out all of regular humanity rather than cater to them.

What sealed that deal for him was when he came across a village that was victimizing two twin girls, Mimiko & Nanako Hasaba, thinking they were responsible for deaths in the area. Suguru slaughtered them and saved the twins instead. The sisters' arc showed the reason for Suguru's madness, and why they went along with it. Why stop Suguru's "sorcerers-only paradise" when he's treated them better than the real world ever did? They're the drop of good that can be found in evil.

17 Manami Suda

Geto's Assistant And Second-In-Command

Best JJK Women- Manami Suda
  • Curse User
  • Debut: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie, Season 2, Episode 16 (anime)

If Mimiko and Nanako were like daughters to Geto, Manami Suda would be the closest thing he got to a partner. He was able to unwind with her, and even took a selfie with her and had a jolly good time celebrating their 'family' reunion after they killed some unlucky human. She shares his supremacist ideals, and also would rather live in a world without humans.

She aided him as his second-in-command and was no slouch in the sorcery department either, as she was able to hold her own against Atsuya and Panda. Her only drawback is that, without Geto, she loses much of her purpose. She chose to aid Pseudo-Geto, the spirit inhabiting her late superior's body, in order to create the world the real deal wanted. But he hasn't given her as much to do. Without Geto, Manami will likely be left adrift.

16 Riko Amanai

A Loner In A World of Magic

Best JJK Women- Riko Amanai
  • Star Plasma Vessel
  • Debut: Season 2, Episode 2

The Hasaba Twins' situation pushed Suguru over the edge, but what got it shaking was Riko Amanai's fate. She was an ordinary high school girl who just happened to have the potential to be a Star Plasma Vessel- a body that could merge with the immortal jujutsu master Tengen to maintain their will and self-awareness. The result would essentially kill the Vessel, but it would keep Tengen from becoming a Cursed Spirit and making things worse.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Everything is Toji Fushiguro's Fault and Here’s Why

Did Toji's lethal choice unknowingly reshape Jujutsu Kaisen's world forever?

Riko was fine with it as, growing up without her parents, she felt left alone anyway. She had school friends, a caretaker, and escorts in Suguru and Satoru Gojo, but no one she could call family. Over time, she'd bonded with Suguru and Satoru to the point where she didn't want to merge anymore. She wanted more time with her friends. But she didn't have a choice. Ironically, a non-sorcerer 'monkey's death made Suguru shift towards his dark goals.

15 Rika Orimoto

Queen Of Curses

Best JJK Women- Rika Orimoto
  • Cursed Spirit
  • Debut: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie

Some of the best villains live up to the phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," as Suguru showed in his descent from wanting to "protect everyone" to "kill all the monkeys." Another case turned up in Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High, the prequel that saw Satoru and Maki join forces to help Yuta, a boy plagued by a cursed spirit that used to be Rika Orimoto, his childhood friend who was killed in a car accident.

Yuta had promised to outlive her, but the accident broke that promise, leading to her becoming a cursed spirit so powerful she could test Satoru and overwhelm Suguru. But Rika wasn't harming Yuta. Not directly anyway. She was protecting him against anything she saw as a threat, inadvertently making him suffer as a result. People can sympathize with her plight and intentions, but ultimately her bond was toxic to Yuta, and she had to let go to move on.

14 Shoko Ieiri

The Coolest Head In The Room

Jujutsu Kaisen Best Women- Shoko Ieiri
  • Sorcerer/Doctor
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 5

What would a school be without a resident doctor? Particularly one this cool-headed. There are quite a few laid-back ladies in JJK, but Shoko Ieiri is possibly the most laid-back and nonchalant of the bunch. She takes her medical work, with or without sorcery, quite seriously. Yet she remains unflappable in nearly any and every situation. As harsh or upsetting as things get, she keeps her head when everyone is losing theirs.

Shoko was the same back when she was a student, as Season 2's flashbacks showed. She was classmates with Satoru and Suguru, and she'd handle them at their best and worst. As an adult, she remembers these days fondly, lighting up a cigarette for old times' sake. They were idyllic compared to the Shibuya incident, but even there she kept at work, healing others as best as she could.

13 Akari Nitta

Biker Girl Turned Professional

Jujutsu Kaisen Best Women- Akari Nitta
  • Sorcerer/Auxiliary Manager
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 22

As the auxiliary manager at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School (Tokyo Jujutsu High for short), Akari Nitta usually takes a supportive role. She drove Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi off to their destination for Season 1's finale, then found them again once it was over. But there's more to her than meets the eye. She used to be a Yanki, a delinquent known for being keen on motors, American rock music, and wild hairstyles. But the only trace of her past is her interest in customizing cars.

11 Smartest Female Characters In Shonen Anime, Ranked

There are a lot of incredibly intelligent female characters in Shonen Anime. Here's a look at some of the smartest.

Akari gave up the rough life to graduate from Kyoto Jujutsu High and entered the school system as an assistant because she knew her little brother Arata would be going to her alma mater. She didn't want him getting into trouble, so she got a job where looking after him and the other Jujutsu students would be her top priority. It's rather sweet in a way and shows that there's more to her than a smart suit.

12 Yuki Tsukumo

Renegade Sorcerer

Best Jujutsu Kaisen Women- Yuki Tsukumo
  • Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 20 (Flashback), Episode 29 (Proper)

That said, if being unladylike was a bad omen for JJK’s women, Yuki Tsukumo would also be damned. She’s just as laid-back as Nagi, though more outspoken and brash. Why beat around the bush when she can get straight to the point? She doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind, often questioning the higher-ups at Tokyo Jujutsu High, or teasing her student Aoi Todo about "what kind of girls do you like?" before taking him under her wing.

It helps that she has the power to back herself up. Few people, if anyone, knows their utmost power level beyond its Special Grade designation. Only 4 other Jujutsu sorcerers have managed that feat, including the series' co-protagonist Satoru. She got to show her skills in Season 2, notably when she freed Yuji and co from Uraume's Frost Calm curse with one spell. Even without her magic, she’s a powerful hand-to-hand fighter who can endure strikes that would kill lesser warriors. It's probably best to stay on her good side.

11 Mei Mei

Jujutsu Mercenary

Mei Mei in Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Sorcerer
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 17

Kaisen’s women also run through varying shades of gray morality. If Iori is close to white, then Mei Mei is a payday away from going all black. She’s upfront about her values, and they all involve cash. It doesn’t matter if the client is an angel, devil, or anything in between—if the money’s right, she’s there for their plight. Likewise, she believes in applying “service potential” to people. The more useful they are to her, the more precious their life is.

But the more useless they are, the less worth their life has, as Ebina and a few other Curse Users discovered first-hand. As cynical as her worldview is, she's quite calm and friendly and compliments her allies’ skills when they show potential. Mei Mei's attitude, and worrying relationship with her younger brother Ui Ui, would make her a somewhat typical lawful evil villain in other series. But thanks to this nuance, she becomes a more interesting character.

10 Utahime Iori

Kyoto's Top Teacher

Best Jujutsu Kaisen Women- Utahime Iori
  • Sorcerer And Teacher At Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School (Kyoto Jujutsu High)
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 14

Kyoto, Japan’s former capital city, is where many of the country’s oldest cultural sights still stand. So, it’s only fitting that Kyoto Jujutsu High’s student supervisor, Utahime Iori, looks like a classical Shinto priestess, or “miko.” As feudal as the Tokyo school is, Kyoto High has an extra holy touch as its land is considered sacred to Jujutsu practitioners.

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Even the strongest anime protagonist needed a good teacher. These instructors have proven to be the best in anime.

Even so, Iori is no pious nun. She still has blood in her veins. As stern as she can be, she loves having fun, which for her usually involves karaoke, soccer, baseball, and plenty of beer. She can also get angry, as Satoru finds out regularly. One incident saw her dump her cup of tea on him because he said she was weak, scalding him while scolding him for his disrespect. But it doesn't stop them from working together in battle.

9 Kasumi Miwa

Fan Girl With Courage

Best Jujutsu Kaisen Women- Miwa Kasumi
  • Student At Kyoto Jujutsu High
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 8

There’s still room for women who aren’t drinkers, bold, or cold. One of Iori’s Kyoto students, Kasumi Miwa, is a little less self-assured. She stands out from her stiffer Kyoto classmates by being more kind-hearted and open-minded, looking up to top-level sorcerers like Satoru Gojo, albeit more for his skill than his personality.

She wants to follow in their footsteps and earn a living to support her little brothers. She often doubts herself and doesn’t like some of the jobs her principal orders her to do (like trying to kill Yuji). However, she’s one of the show's bravest characters. In that, as scared as she may get, with her family on the line, she’ll fight off any foe, no matter how strong they are.

8 Maki Zenin

Black Sheep Turned Head Of The Flock

Maki Zenin wielding a stick behind her back in Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Student At Tokyo Jujutsu High School
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 5

Both of the Zenin sisters are popular, though only one of them (thus far) has their own spin-off manga. Maki Zenin is the eldest of the twin duo and the family’s black sheep. She was neglected for being the only member of the family without innate sorcerer abilities. After trying to run away from home and start a new life, she switched tactics and entered Tokyo Jujutsu High instead.

Now Maki wants to spite her family by becoming a powerful sorcerer through her grit and determination. As a result, she can be stern and even mean to those she feels aren’t pulling their weight (like Satoru). Still, her “cold-hearted demon” facade hides a person who wants to see herself and others become the best they can be. This is probably why Nobara and the other Tokyo High students admire her so much, as they recognize that ambition.

7 Momo Nishimiya

Devoted Team Player

Jujutsu Kaisen Best Women- Momo Nishimiya
  • Student At Kyoto Jujutsu High
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 14

Momo Nishiyama isn't everyone's favorite JJK girl as she didn't make the best first impression. She's one of the Kyoto students under Iori, and her introduction sees her plotting to kill Yuji with the other students. But it did lead to one of the series' best fights against Yuji's friend Nobara. Aside from the action, it showed she's a skillful sorcerer and a devoted team player to her school and friends.

10 Strongest Evil Witches In Anime, Ranked

Powerful and evil witches are common villains in anime shows, but who among the many villains are actually the strongest?

It's because she believes women have to work twice as hard as men to get equal recognition in the jujutsu world (it seems some things never change). As such, Momo is keen to prove her worth as a sorcerer, and a female one at that. She just has enough sense to prove that through her teamwork rather than trying to do everything by herself, like when she tried to buy Yuji & co time during the fight against Uraume. Plus, the cutesy witch aesthetic she prides herself on helps her stand out from the crowd.

6 Mai Zenin

Reluctant Sorcerer

Best Jujutsu Kaisen Women- Mai Zenin
  • Student At Kyoto Jujutsu High
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 8

Maki’s twin sister, Mai Zenin, didn't have it any better in her family. Her innate sorcery was greater than Maki’s, but still short of the family standard. Nonetheless, she'd have been happy to stay under their thumb if Maki had stuck to her promise to stay with Mai no matter what. However, when Maki fled to Jujutsu High, Mai was blamed for her disappearance and forced into the sorcerer’s path as penitence.

Feeling betrayed and stuck studying for a job she hated, she’d take out her frustrations on her peers, especially Maki. Ironically, for someone who hated magic enough to favor guns over wands, broomsticks, or other typical tropes, she’d become close friends with the sorcery-loving Kasumi and witch-like Momo. She isn’t cruel or sour because she’s evil. It’s because she’s hurt, which gives her a sad, sympathetic edge to her fate.

5 Nobara Kugisaki

The Strength Of Confidence

Nobara Kugisaki in Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Student At Tokyo Jujutsu High
  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

Maki tends to be the most popular of the women due to her story arc and skill. However, for most of the show's run, its main female protagonist is Nobara Kugisaki. She's an overconfident, prideful, even arrogant student who feels like an outsider. She never felt at home in her tiny village life and preferred to be with her big city friends. Once they had to go home, she got upset but promised to see them again in Tokyo.

It’s part of the sweet side she doesn't dare show to others. That’s not Nobara's only contrast either. She aspires to be as strong as Maki while acting like the class clown with Yuji. She's easily rattled into trash talk, yet she’s better at keeping a level head when things get serious. As a sorcerer, she knows she's solid, but is aware she has room for improvement and strives for it. Not many women in shōnen anime have as much nuance and strength as Nobara did. Which is perhaps why her fate in Season 2 really hurt fans of the show.

4 Takako Uro

Vengeance From Beyond The Grave

Best JJK Women- Takako Uro
  • Sorcerer And Assassin
  • Debut: Chapter 173 (manga)

Takako Uro was a sorcerer from a thousand years ago, serving as captain for the Sun, Moon & Stars Squad, a group of assassins. She was betrayed and killed but was brought back in the present to avenge her fate. She's a strong hand-to-hand fighter, with a keen tactical mind that only gets undercut by her short temper and susceptibility to sadism.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Every Sorcerer From Kyoto Jujutsu High, Ranked

These are the young and flourishing sorcerers enrolled in Kyoto Jujutsu High.

Her powers are interesting too, as her 'Sky Manipulation' sees her able to wrap reality around her like a cloak. Using this, she can seemingly disappear into thin air, or break off shards of the sky like glass and chuck them at her foes. It's an intriguing power to see in print, and will likely be just as imaginative in motion.

3 Remi

When Character Flaws Aren't Weak Points

  • Sorcerer
  • Debut: Chapter 161 (manga)

Characters don't need to be the ideal heroes or villains to be interesting. Maki Zenin and Mei Mei are strong characters because they've got complex motivations and significant flaws they have to overcome. In Maki's case, it came with the ultimate revenge at a high price, and Mei Mei is a lawful-evil type who probably gave some of her cosplayers the costumer's equivalent of buyer's remorse through her awkward relationship with her younger brother.

Remi is comparatively tame, as a woman who relies on her beauty to manipulate others to do her bidding. She's a familiar femme fatale archetype, but to try and avoid completely spoiling her arc, it doesn't work out for her the way it does for others like her. If anything, it exposes her innate sadness as someone who has trouble getting by on her own. In other words, she's a Harley Quinn trying to be Poison Ivy. Whether she'll overcome this flaw remains to be seen.

2 Hana Kurusu

Touched By An Angel

Angel Cursed Technique JJK
  • Possessed By A Sorcerer
  • Debut: Chapter 145 (manga)

Yuji became possessed by Sukuna when he ate his finger. Then Geto became Pseudo-Geto when another spirit took over his body after death. Hana Kurusu's possession by the Angel is more like a spiritual version of Venom's symbiote from Spider-Man. Beforehand, Hana was an ordinary girl who Megumi saved when they were children. Since then, she's developed a crush on the Sorcerer that might've gone unrequited if, in a bid to stop Sukuna in the present, Angel's spirit didn't become one with her.

Now Hana's natural inclination to help people, and Angel's determination to stop Sukuna and other incarnated figures, have made them a deadly duo. Together, they can nullify cursed techniques, and engulf their foes with holy light. But it makes getting to know others more difficult as, while Hana's nice, friendly, and willing to go out of her way to help others, the Angel is more pragmatic and appears as a mouth anywhere on Hana's body to tell her or others off. Which should make for interesting viewing when they get animated.