Jude Law, star of the upcoming Star Wars: Skeleton Crew series set to stream on Disney Plus, has some sly information to share about his character in the show. Many have already made assumptions about what sort of figure the English actor will play, with a popular theory being that he's secretly (or not-so-secretly) a Jedi. But it looks like things are more complex than fans might realize.

Given the relative lack of info about the Star Wars series, fans have resorted to making predictions about Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. It will feature a cast of young actors playing a group of kids who find themselves traveling through the galaxy alongside Law's character, which has led many to assume it will be a "kids' show." But that appears to be far from how things will be. Luckily, Law has finally been able to offer a few precious details - at least as much as he's allowed to without angering the Disney gods.

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In a recent interview with Empire, Law made a note to describe his Star Wars: Skeleton Crew character as "complicated." That's probably to be expected, but he went a bit deeper. "They need guidance, but they're vulnerable," Law said about the youngsters his character will travel the stars with. "And so throughout, the people they meet, you question all of them. Is my character nice? Is he not? You just want them to be alright and get back home. But if you know [series creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford's] work, you'll know that the kids aren't always safe."


There's more to Skeleton Crew than a surprising connection to Spider-Man and a mysterious mentor character guiding kids across the universe. But the kids are the focus, and their perspective is worth experiencing. "Seeing this galaxy, this world that we've all grown up loving, and the jeopardy, the divides, the heroes, the villains, through the eyes of children, is brilliant," Law continued, driving home what appears to be the core idea behind the series.

Regarding the audience, there's still the question of who Skeleton Crew is for. It will be a coming-of-age tale inspired by classic Amblin films like Steven Spielberg's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Richard Donner's The Goonies. That's partly thanks to Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, who co-founded Amblin Entertainment. "The way Kathy explained Amblin to us was that they never thought of those as kids' movies. They just happened to have kids," explained Skeleton Crew co-creator Ford in an interview at Star Wars Celebration 2023. "All the stakes are as real as possible: the kids think they're in Andor."

So fans who are concerned about the Star Wars show can rest easy. Not only has Skeleton Crew already finished filming, but the series' inspiration from timeless coming-of-age stories should help assuage any fears from viewers that they might be too old to enjoy it. Hey, maybe Law's favorite snack for long ship journeys will be space Reese's Pieces.

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is set to release on Disney Plus in 2023.

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Source: Empire