JoJo'sBizarreAdventure is an extremely popular manga series that has been written by Hirohiko Araki. The series is divided into several parts, with each part having its own unique protagonist and antagonist. The cast of characters and the location also changes.

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The main source of power in the JoJo series are the stands, which were introduced in StardustCrusaders. However, before stands, Hamon was the primary source and it was arguably the better power. With all the powerful stands in the series, it is obvious that there are some extremely devastating attacks that can cause serious damage to the target.

10 Thunder Cross Split Attack

Dire using his strongest attack versus Dio

Thunder Cross Split Attack is arguably the most well-known attack in the JoJo series. It was used by Dire, one of Tonpetty's disciples. This attack is the advanced version of the Thunder Split Attack, which had several weaknesses.

In order to cover up the weaknesses, Dire came up with the Thunder Cross Split Attack. In this attack, he forms a cross with his arm and thus, makes up for the lack of defense. Dire used this technique against Dio Brando, who was the villain of PhantomBlood.

9 Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive

Will Zeppeli using Hamon

While it is not an offensive technique, Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive is a very powerful ability. This technique was used by Will Anthonio Zeppeli. In his final moments, he used this technique to transfer all of his energy to Jonathan.

This technique greatly boosted Jonathan's strength, speed, and Ripple prowess drastically. The technique leads to Zeppeli aging at a rapid pace, and eventually to his death.

8 Emerald Splash

Hierophant Green using Emerald Splash

Emerald Splash is the strongest attack of Hierophant Green. In this attack, the Stand gathers a lot of energy inside and then fires the stored energy, which takes the form of emeralds.

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​​​​​At the beginning of the series, it was labeled as an attack that could prove to be very destructive, however, as the series dragged on it was quite obvious that the attack had many weaknesses. Stands such as Star Platinum could easily block the attacks

7 Finger Nail Attack

JJBA: Johnny Joestar In Steel Ball Run

This attack was used by Johnny Joestar, the protagonist of SteelBallRun. This technique can only be used by Johnny as it requires using his stand, Tusk. In this attack, Johnny fires his fingernails and combines it with his Stand's power. These attacks are very dangerous as they possess infinite energy.

6 Bubble Cutter

Caesar using Bubble Cutter, his strongest technique

Caesar Zeppeli is one of the best secondary characters, and he was introduced in BattleTendency. Like his grandfather, Joseph was incredibly talented at using Hamon. After training under Lisa Lisa, Caesar's skills went up a notch.

His control over Hamon allowed him to use some very incredible attacks, with Bubble Cutter being his strongest move. The attack is an improved version of the Bubble Launcher. Bubble Cutter has more speed and packs a stronger punch.

5 Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Wamuu using his ultimate technique against Joseph

Wamuu is among the best antagonists in the series. He was introduced in Part 2 and was one of the Pillar Men. He was very loyal and devoted to protecting Esidisi and Kars, who were his masters. Wamuu was a highly talented fighter and his skills were acknowledged by both Caesar and Joseph.

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Final Mode: Atmospheric Rift is Wamuu's final attack. In this attack, Wamuu gathers a large quantity of air and compresses it. The compressed air is released through the horn and due to the compression, it becomes sharp enough to cut through sturdy objects. The side-effect of the technique is very devastating as it tears down Wamuu's body.​​​​​​

4 Self Detonation

Esidisi uses his final attack to kill Joseph

It is used by Esidisi, one of the Pillar Men. Despite his brash behavior, Esidisi was one of the smartest characters in the BattleTendency. He was able to match Joseph's wit and Esidisi dominated the fight for a long period.

However, Joseph eventually managed to get the better of Esidisi. After being left with no other alternatives, Esidisi used Self Detonation to get rid of his opponents. With this attack, Esidisi can cover a large area with his boiling blood, and thus causing severe damage to his foes.

3 Star Finger

Jotaro uses Star Finger against his opponent

Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum is among the strongest stands in the series. Out of all the stands introduced in the series, Star Platinum is one of the strongest and arguably has the most strength and precision. Jotaro has used the Stand's power in a variety of different ways.

The only real weakness of the Stand is its short range. In order to compensate for its lack of range, Jotaro uses the Star Finger, an attack where he extends two fingers to a decent range, which allows him to catch his enemies off-guard.

2 Sunlight Yellow Overdrive

Jonathan's strongest and most memorable attack

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive is the strongest attack of Jonathan Joestar, the main protagonist ofPhantomBlood. The attack is pretty strong and Jonathan only used it against powerful foes. It is a flurry of punches that are imbued with Hamon and the power of the Hamon is comparable to that of the sun. The energy produced from the attack is enough to completely destroy the undead without any problems.

1 Ora Ora Rush

Star Platinum's signature attack

This is Jotaro's signature move. After awakening his latent Stand powers, Jotaro began using his Star Platinum at every possible opportunity. The Ora Ora Rush became his most used attack. In this attack, Jotaro unleashed a barrage of punches.

With Star Platunum's speed and precision, the barrage of punches can prove to be very dangerous and can potentially lead to serious injuries.

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