Hirohiko Araki's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an action fantasy manga series with over a hundred million copies sold, making it one of the most popular manga of all time. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is different from the majority of other series in that, instead of being compiled into one long-running story, Araki has divided it into multiple parts.

The most recent part, JoJolion, came to an end in 2021. Araki didn't waste any time, and immediately announced the next part of his series. The ninth part in the JoJo series is called JOJOLands. Fans are undoubtedly excited to read the new story, but there is still some time before the first chapter comes out. With that in mind, here are a few things that they can expect from JOJOLands.

5 Unique Cast

JOJOLands Protagonist

Like all the JoJo parts to date, JOJOLands can be expected to have a completely different cast of characters. This means Araki will have another opportunity to show off his character and Stand designs. Araki's art has changed a lot since Phantom Blood; it has become more refined. His earlier designs were extremely muscular, which made them look similar to each other and thus didn't stand out that much.

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With time, Araki's artwork has improved significantly, and he pays a lot more attention to the smallest of details. Due to this reason, the newer characters stand out more than their older counterparts. Along with the designs, there is also a great deal of excitement about the new Stands that will be featured in the new installment. In the last two parts, Araki has created some magnificent Stands that are ridiculously overpowered. It is plausible to assume that he will continue the pattern in JOJOLands.

4 Protagonist Is A Descendant of Joseph Joestar

Joseph Joestar in his sixties during JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

Araki has kept almost all details about JOJOLands under wraps, so it was impossible to find out who the lead was until recently. In an announcement, he confirmed that the protagonist of the ninth part would be a descendant of Joseph Joestar. To celebrate the New Year, Araki released a drawing, which didn't seem special at all on first impression.

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But, on closer inspection, one could see a character's head, which was drawn on the rabbit's body. The character's hair had a star-shaped ornament, and it was a big clue. The star is the symbol of the Joestars, so this was Araki's way of telling everyone that the character is the new protagonist. Not long after this revelation, a full-fledged page with the character's face was made public. Considering the fact that the new protagonist is a descendant of Joseph, fans will be hoping that Araki gives him a better Stand than what he gave to his predecessor. Joseph was given a shockingly bad Stand, which almost made him a liability in fights; hopefully, this time things will be different.

3 It Might Be The Last Part

JOJOLands Part 9

JOJOLands is the ninth installment in the JoJo franchise, and it is very likely to be the last. There are a handful of reasons behind this assumption, the main one being Araki's age. He is currently 62 years old, and if JOJOLands takes the same amount of time to finish as JoJolion, then Araki will be over 70 by the time it's done. It is a well-known fact that drawing manga is one of the hardest things to do. Many mangaka have developed health complications because of their work. This might be something that will be on Araki's mind as well.

JOJOLands will be the perfect chance to end the story as it will complete the trilogy set in the alternate universe. So far, Araki has drawn two parts in the alternate universe, and they have taken some characteristics from the first four parts, leaving out parts 5 and 6. It is possible that JOJOLands will cover the two parts that have been left out. JoJolion was a masterpiece, but there were a few questions that remained unanswered. Araki seems to have done it on purpose, as he wanted to lift the curtains on these mysteries in JOJOLands, thus tying up all the loose ends.

2 The Story

Hirohiko Araki

Araki's genius knows no bounds. He has created a unique story for every part that has successfully kept the audience hooked for decades. There is no doubt that Araki will make the story JOJOLands different from any of the last ones. In a recent announcement, it was confirmed that JOJOLands will follow a boy, who goes on to become extremely rich.

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For the last two parts, Araki released similar statements. In Steel Ball Run, Johnny Joestar talks about starting his journey from adolescence to adulthood. In JoJolion, Yasuho Hirose talks about breaking a curse. The newest statement from Araki about JOJOLands is along the same lines, so fans can expect the main protagonist to work toward his goal of attaining wealth. Based on the statement alone, it is clear that Araki will be taking a completely different direction in JOJOLands.

1 New Location

Morioh town from JoJo

There was a lot of speculation about the possible setting of JOJOLands. In an interview, Araki expressed his desire to base the next part in Northern Europe or the Scottish Highlands. There were also rumors of Araki wanting to revisit Italy, which was the setting for GoldenWind.

However, it seems Araki has taken a completely different path for JOJOLands. According to the newly released information, the ninth part will take place on subtropical islands.

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