JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the most popular anime series in the world. It consists of several exciting stories that are spread over different parts. The series mainly focuses on providing fans with great action scenes and comedy.

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Another special quality of Araki is being able to move the story from happy and exciting to grim and depressing quickly. With eight different parts, fans of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure have witnessed the deaths of many amazing characters. These deaths not only affected the fans, but they also helped to progress the story and develop the characters.

7 Shigechi

Shigechi's body is covered by flames

One of the greatest skills of a mangaka is being able to create a character that fans can love and hate at the same time, and Shigechi is one such character. Shigechi was an outcast, but he managed to become friends with Josuke and Okuyasu. After the trio came across some money, Shigechi showed his true colors and declined to give them their share.

This resulted in a fight between them, in which Josuke and Okuyasu managed to come out on top. Eventually, the three went back to being good friends, until one fateful day, Shigechi accidentally found out about Kira. Shigechi ran to inform Josuke and Okuyasu about the killer, but Kira was one step ahead of him. Shigechi was killed in a horrific fashion right outside Josuke's classroom. However, Shigechi's death wasn't in vain, as Josuke managed to find Kira with the button that Shigechi's Stand had delivered to him.

6 Kakyoin

Kakyoin killed by Dio

Originally, Kakyoin was a henchman of DIO, and his job was to get rid of Jotaro. Unfortunately, Kakyoin had no idea that Jotaro had the power of Star Platinum by his side. With the help of Star Platinum, Jotaro defeated Kakyoin swiftly. After being freed from DIO's influence, Kakyoin decided to join Jotaro on his quest to beat the vampire.

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Kakyoin traveled with the Joestar group all over the world until they reached Egypt. While his involvement in Egypt was limited, Kakyoin played a crucial role in Jotaro's victory over DIO. Kakyoin was able to figure out the power of DIO's Stand, but it came at the cost of his own life. During his final moments, Kakyoin thought about his parents and the life that he had lived.

5 Caesar Zeppeli

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency

Caesar Zeppeli was the main ally of Joseph Joestar in Battle Tendency. After starting on bad terms, Caesar and Joseph became extremely close friends. The two went through training together, and became Hamon experts. When Lisa Lisa informed them about the location of Kars and Wamuu, Caesar couldn't control his emotions and fight them by himself.

He headed to their location and fought against the powerful Wamuu. The fight between the two was amazing, but sadly, Caesar fell short, and he ended up being crushed to death by a huge pillar. However, he did manage to get the antidote for Joseph, which helped the Joestar to fight Wamuu without any issues.

4 Iggy and Avdol

Iggy and Avdol from JoJo

Stardust Crusaders has some extremely intense moments. After going through many ordeals, the Joestar group somehow managed to reach Egypt in one piece. As expected, DIO kept on sending more of his henchmen to stop them, but the heroes stood firm.

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Once the group reached DIO's mansion, everything changed. Not long after they entered the place, Avdol was killed by Vanilla Ice. Avdol decided to sacrifice his life to protect Ponareff and Iggy, so he pushed them out of harm's way. Polnareff continued to explore the mansion further with Iggy, and the two of them were soon confronted by Vanilla Ice. The two heroes took a heavy beating, but eventually, they managed to defeat him. Sadly, Iggy sustained multiple serious injuries and succumbed to them.

3 Gyro Zeppeli

Gyro falls from his horse

Gyro Zeppeli is one of the best characters in the entire JoJo franchise. He played a crucial role in Steel Ball Run, as he helped Johnny to get back on his feet. Gyro was an incredible character, who remained unfazed even in the face of danger.

On multiple occasions, he tried to act selfishly, but in reality, he was a kind person. The reason he joined the Steel Ball Run race was to free an innocent boy, which shows how noble he was. Gyro was knowledgeable about the Spin and used it throughout Part 7. His biggest test was Funny Valentine, who was armed with an extremely overpowered Stand. Gyro used the Golden Spin against the villain, but it wasn't enough. Funny Valentine bided his time and waited for Gyro to succumb to his injuries. Before dying, Gyro told Johnny about the secret of the Spin, which helped the latter to win against Funny Valentine.

2 Entire Stone Ocean

Jolyne fights Pucci

Every JoJo part has its fair share of deaths, but Araki very rarely kills off the main character. In Stone Ocean, he took a completely different approach. When Jolyne and co. fought against Enrico Pucci, they were completely outclassed by the villain. Pucci's Made in Heaven made it impossible for them to land any kind of attack.

After struggling for a while, Jolyne's allies started falling one by one. Even Jotaro and his Star Platinum couldn't do much. This was truly a grim moment in the series, as almost all the heroes were wiped out by Pucci.

1 Jonathan Joestar

Jonathan Joestar dies

The story of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure began with Jonathan Joestar. He was held in very high regard by his friends and enemies because of his kindness. Jonathan was nothing short of a gentleman, and he never fought dirty, even if he was losing a fight. He was always very considerate, and he was willing to look past the faults of a person. Jonathan's biggest test was to defeat Dio Brando.

Dio dominated the fight for the most part, but Jonathan wasn't willing to lay down his weapons. Ultimately, his dedication paid off, and he managed to decapitate Dio. Jonathan believed that Dio was dead, but he was proven wrong when he was attacked on a cruise by his enemy. Before dying, Jonathan held Dio's head in his arms and gave an immense speech. Dio was shocked to find out that Jonathan was dead and one could say his final bit of humanity died that day.

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