Those waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6 will likely be anticipating the kind of epic single-player experience the series is known for, but a recent job posting suggests the elusive installment may implement multiplayer assets as well. Over the decades, Bethesda has developed and published plenty of games, many of which have become huge successes in the AAA market. While the likes of Skyrim and Fallout are generally what the company is known for, it's hard to play a mainstream release these days that doesn't have the developer's stamp on it.

However, when it comes to the next entry in Bethesda's long-running epic fantasy RPG franchise, there's still no word on when The Elder Scrolls 6 will be coming out. Fans have been waiting for years now, ever since the teaser trailer was shown off at E3 2018. Half a decade has passed since then and no one outside the studio and publisher is any closer to knowing when a release date will be coming. In the meantime, the rumor mill continues.

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A Zenimax job listing suggests that The Elder Scrolls 6 could have a multiplayer mode, currently hiring for a number of positions including an Associate Level Designer. When looking at the job page, one of the requirements for a potential candidate is that they must have knowledge of "3D game space and environmental storytelling," as well as experience in "The Elder Scrolls Construction Set." However, what's most interesting is that the role is asking applicants to also be strongly familiar with "a variety of open world multiplayer games."

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Looking at this, it does suggest that TES6 might have some multiplayer aspects. Of course, it goes without saying that there's no way to verify whether this is true or not. All the mainline entries in the series have typically been single-player, with Elder Scrolls Online being developed specifically for online play. However, that's not to say Bethesda won't allow for some multiplayer functionality, but it is just one of many Elder Scrolls 6 rumors that have come about over the years. Essentially, readers are advised to take the information with a grain of salt.

For now, fans will have to wait until the developer or publisher makes an official announcement. With Starfield now coming in September, many will be hopeful that Bethesda will give more details about TES6, but it's looking like the long-awaited follow-up to Skyrim could still be a long way off.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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