JETT: The Far Shore has been revealed at the PlayStation 5 event. The PlayStation 5 event had been highly anticipated and many had wondered what games would be showcased alongside the upcoming console. In the event, there was a mixture of exclusive games as well as independent titles and high budget sequels. JETT: The Far Shore was introduced with an enigmatic trailer and many were excited by the independent developers behind the title, Superbrothers.

While many viewers were impressed by sequels to established games like Horizon Zero Dawn, JETT: The Far Shore has managed to gain a fair amount of interest as well. Many viewers noted the quality of the developer's last title, Superbrothers: Sword & SworceryEP, which had adventure elements alongside a focus on artistic style and in these areas, JETT: The Far Shore looks set to similar ground.

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The trailer showcases its art style with characters who are dressed in long cloaks before a rocket begins to fly upward in a series of long-shots. A number of years pass as a space hub appears to travel further away from the planet. The resulting gameplay seems to show a rocket-propelled ship that traverses numerous landscapes. The mysterious trailer has made many players intrigued about this game, which was one of the most surprising game trailers to feature in the PlayStation 5 event.

Many will be interested to see how JETT: The Far Shore will combine its unique artistic qualities with what looks to be vast exploration and unique mechanics. What is clear is that the enigmatic trailer has created excitement for the game. It will be exciting to see how this game does against other titles that showcased an original art style at the PS5 event.

JETT: The Far Shore is scheduled to release Holidays 2020 for PS4 and PS5.

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