Trigger-Warning: This article mentions aspects of Psychological and Physical Abuse

Most people watch comic-book-based movies and television shows to watch their favorite superheroes. Marvel projects are no exception to this rule, particularly since the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) kicked off in 2008 with Iron Man. Thor is regal and physically imposing. He is an actual Norse God of Thunder who holds the power of lightning at his fingertips. Daredevil is a blind lawyer who dresses up as a crimson-clad vigilante and uses his heightened senses to deal out justice in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. Captain Marvel is a former air force pilot with otherworldly alien abilities, and the power to defeat entire armies almost single-handedly.

As compelling as the aforementioned superheroes and their comrades are, there are more compelling characters in the MCU. The franchise’s supervillains are arguably more compelling and richly complex characters than the likes of Captain America and Ant-Man. Loki is Thor’s half-brother who seeks to have humanity kneel before him, and is also the Norse God of Mischief. Mysterio is a brilliant master of illusion who sought revenge against Iron Man and subsequently, Spider-Man. Thanos is the Mad Titan of the MCU, an alien who calculates that the only way to save a resource-scarce universe is to cleave its population by half.

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However, one particularly unique supervillain stands high in the top tier of the MCU’s rogues’ gallery. That is Kilgrave from the Marvel Netflix television show Jessica Jones. He is complex, immensely powerful, and haunting.

Kilgrave’s Power Over the Mind

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Kilgrave has an incredibly unique power set. The supervillain can manipulate the mind of anyone who can hear his voice. This is nothing short of a terrifying ability, especially in the form of a man with the morality of an abusive dictator.

What good is it to have the ability to wield a magic-laden Norse warhammer or wear an iron suit that turns someone into a one-man battalion if their very minds can be controlled? For all of their noble qualities and moral compasses, the likes of Captain America and Spider-Man would be turned into tools of evil were they to confront Kilgrave. All he would have to do is utter a few words, and anyone would be at his command. It is truly a chilling prospect.

Psychological and Physical Torture of Jessica Jones

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Kilgrave is not content to merely have his mind-control powers, he uses them however he sees fit on whoever he sees fit. Jessica Jones has the unfortunate luck to cross paths with Kilgrave.

Kilgrave develops a ‘relationship’ with Jessica Jones. It is not of her choosing, and the supervillain makes Jessica Jones do things that are against her will and her autonomy. What Kilgrave does to Jessica Jones is nothing short of mental abuse and rape, and this is both heartbreaking and enraging.

The fact that Jessica Jones tackled these harrowing subjects was bold. This was two years before the #MeToo movement took a large global foothold in 2017. The show chronicles Jessica Jones’ abuse in a balanced way, neither fetishizing the abuse nor downplaying it.

Kilgrave Manipulates Superheroes Against One Another

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Since 2012’s Avengers, the MCU hinted at upcoming brawls between superheroes, particularly Captain America and Iron Man. This came to fruition with 2016’s Captain America: Civil War with members of The Avengers being forced to choose a side.

However, before Captain America and Iron Man came to blows, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage did. This was a tragic occurrence, as Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were recently lovers at the time of their physical fight. Furthermore, this brawl was orchestrated by Kilgrave, who essentially used Luke Cage as a tool to fight Jessica Jones when it became clear to Kilgrave that he could not control her anymore. When a supervillain can manipulate not just civilians but metahumans against each other, the outcome is bleak.

David Tennant’s Acting Performance as Kilgrave

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The MCU has had no shortage of great actors portraying its supervillains. Josh Brolin has portrayed Thanos on multiple occasions. Tom Hiddleston has been Loki since 2010’s Thor. Vincent D’Onofrio has been the Kingpin since season one of Daredevil in 2015.

As wonderful as the aforementioned performances are, David Tennant’s portrayal of Kilgrave is simply staggering. The Scottish actor entered the spotlight as the tenth doctor on the television show Doctor Who. He is far more sinister in his portrayal of Jessica Jones’ archnemesis. The man is not physically imposing, but he more than makes up for it with sinisterly-delivered dialogue, an unforgettable voice, and unpredictable body language.

At the conclusion of Jessica Jones’ inaugural season, the haunted protagonist breaks Kilgrave’s neck, killing the supervillain. Though viewers are unlikely to see Kilgrave return in the future (unless by time travel or multiversal shenanigans) David Tennant’s performance remains one of the most legendary in the MCU arsenal.

MORE: The MCU Shouldn’t Ignore Luke Cage And Jessica Jones