The Jason Bourne series might be on track for a sixth installment. The franchise's producer, Frank Marshall, recently expressed interest in producing a new movie for the super-spy series and even revealed that he was already taking steps to make it happen.

Frank revealed this new information in an interview with Collider. The two were discussing Marshall's work on the upcoming fifth Indiana Jones movie before the talk shifted over to Jason Bourne.

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Marshall is apparently already looking for a new filmmaker and story writer. He likes the Jason Bourne series and thinks now is a good time for new talent to get in on it. From the way Marshall words his statement, though, if a sixth Jason Bourne movie does come to fruition, it won't star Matt Damon or be about Jason.

"I do like the  Bourne  series, and I do think [there's] an opportunity for different filmmakers to come in now. So, I'm hoping that we can find a new story for  Bourne  and a new filmmaker. We are looking."

Marshall's search for new creative talent suggests that he wants to give the series another soft reboot, similar to what the Bourne Legacy did with Jeremy Renner. Whether or not this means the sixth movie will be a Bourne Legacy sequel or something completely new remains unclear. But since Marshall is already looking for a new team, more information on the film will likely come about after the upcoming Indiana Jones movie makes its run.

All Jason Bourne movies are available now on digital, DVD, and Blue-Ray.

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Source: Collider