
  • James Gunn's past comments about Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan's Batman movies have stirred up controversy among DC fans.
  • Some fans are concerned about Gunn's leadership of DC Studios after he criticized these highly acclaimed comic book films.
  • While some fans believe Gunn's comments were valid and reflect his personal opinion, others question his taste in good movies.

James Gunn continues to get himself in hot water with DC fans. This time, it was caused by comments he made over a decade ago about Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan's Batman films.

When Gunn was made co-CEO of DC Studios, it divided the fan base between those who believed he would be DC's savior and those who thought he would be the final nail in the coffin for them. Gunn has been active on social media, which has been good for fans to get updates on upcoming DCU projects. However, Gunn's recent comments on Superman: Legacy reignited some hate around the decision to recast Henry Cavill.

Related: James Gunn Had To Shut Down A Ridiculous Rumor About Who Would Play The DCU's Lex Luthor

Now Gunn is receiving backlash for a rant that he went on 11 years ago about Burton and Nolan's Batman movies on his personal Facebook page. The comments, which have since been removed from the Facebook account, say, “The Tim Burton Batman movie is poorly written, the soundtrack is the worst work of everyone involved, and it is absolutely one of the most boring films ever.” Gunn stated in another comment, “Oh yeah, and Jack Nicholson as the Joker is Jack Nicholson in shining with shitty clown makeup. Fuck you, everyone involved in that travesty.”

Although Gunn was tough on Burton's Batman, he also made negative comments about Nolan's first two films in The Dark Knight trilogy. “I have problems with both of Nolan's films - I don’t think either one is classic, and I don’t even really think Batman Begins is good.” Gunn continues, “But they’re far superior to the first Batman.” Gunn was nicer to the Nolan movies than the Burton movies but still harsh to films considered some of the best comic book movies ever made.

This has angered fans of those films and people who were not fans of Gunn's leadership of DC Studios already. Some fans now wonder what it means for the DCU if Gunn believes these movies are awful and box office bomb The Flash was one of the “greatest superhero movies ever." There are some concerns about what Gunn considers a good movie.

Gunn's fans believe that the comments about these past Batman movies are from a fake account, although they came from his personal account, linked to his official Facebook account. Others believe he is entitled to his opinion and made some valid points about past Batman movies. Gunn has removed those comments from the page, but the damage might already be done.

MORE: James Gunn's Uphill Battle to Save DC Movies

Source: James Gunn/Facebook