Avatar isn’t the only franchise that James Cameron is currently interested in, as the visionary director and writer knows what he would do if he was allowed to return to Terminator. While audiences may be tired of the recent reboot trend, if anyone could bring back Terminator, it would be the person who gave it life.

Cameron co-wrote and directed the first two Terminator films, which are considered some of the best action movies of all time. It wasn’t until after this that Cameron went on to direct True Lies and Titanic, leaving the Terminator franchise to resurface under the direction of new creators. Based on the critical reception, the new Terminator films couldn't capture the same magic as the originals. However, the director opened up about Terminator and what he would do if he had the chance to do it again.

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In the opening weekend of Avatar: The Way of Water, Cameron spoke with the Smartless podcast. In the conversation, he describes how talks are in place for him to return to Terminator, but adds that nothing is set in stone yet. Cameron said that if he rebooted the sci-fi series, he would make it more about “the AI side of it than bad robots gone crazy.” Although Cameron was not a part of these projects, there have been plenty of Terminatorreboots that were supposed to revive the franchise and were all unsuccessful from a critical and box office perspective.

The T-800 says goodbye to John Connor at the end of Terminator 2

Cameron also reflected on the latest Terminator film, Dark Fate, and why that one wasn’t as successful as he originally anticipated. He says that the film could have survived if either Linda Hamilton or Arnold Schwarzenegger returned, but having both of them in the film may have had the opposite effect, as both actors were considered too old for new audiences to connect with. Despite this, Cameron still expresses having loved the film and that there was even a planned sequel for Terminator Dark Fate, which never came to fruition.

This news of a possible Terminator reboot spearheaded by Cameron may excite fans because if anyone can bring back the franchise in a way that can be appreciated, it would be him. However, Cameron is hard at work on his Avatar series (the fourth Avatar film received zero studio notes) and an Alita: Battle Angel sequel is also a part of his plans. The positive reception of the director's new movie may give the push he and producing studios need to revitalize the beloved sci-fi robot movies.

The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day are available on Amazon Prime Video.

MORE: How Avatar: The Way of Water Expands The Franchise’s Lore

Source: Smartless