Jagged Alliance 3 is a complex strategy game in which players must control and manage a group of hired Mercenaries as they seek to free the captured president of the fictional West African country of Grand Chien from a destructive warlord and his "Legion." Each Mercenary has its own unique personality and skill set, and each occupies a unique class from Marksman to Mechanic. One of the classes that players should always have as a part of any squad is the Doctor. These characters will be more adept at spotting Medical Herbs and will have the ability to heal both themselves and their teammates.

Characters will inevitably become injured at some point during combat, and often this will result in penalties to accuracy, movement, and other key attributes. Players should always check on the health of their squad before entering into a new sector since the death of Mercenaries can result in permadeath, depending on the player's settings.

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Tactical View

Jagged Alliance 3 Heal Allies Tactical View

When a squad is deployed, players will be able to control them through the Tactical View. Initially, each phase will run in real-time, at which point players can heal their squad without losing Action Points. The health of each Mercenary will be limited to the point they started the deployment with, so if a Mercenary enters a new sector with just 20% health, they cannot able to be fully restored to 100% without moving to the Satellite View.

In order to heal allies during deployment and combat, players will need to ensure that they have crafted enough Meds out of their collected Medical Herbs. This can be done via the Inventory screen by right-clicking the herbs and converting them into usable medicine. Keep in mind that only Mercenaries with a high enough skill level, who are also equipped with the crafted medicines, will be able to heal themselves and their teammates.

Satellite View

Jagged Alliance 3 Heal Allies

It is also possible to restore Mercenaries to full health via the Satellite View. By selecting Operations, players can assign their characters to different tasks, such as training local militia to defend towns and diamond mines, as well as Treat Injuries. This will require one Mercenary of the Doctor class to be available, as well as enough medical supplies to heal the selected wounds. If multiple Mercenaries are wounded, the assigned Doctor will only be able to tend to one Patient at a time; however, multiple Doctors and Patients can be assigned here, and Doctors will be able to heal multiple wounds at once on a single individual if supplies will permit it.

Like all Operations in the Satellite View, this will take some time to complete, so be aware of Mercenary contracts expiring, especially if they are already wounded; it may be better to temporarily replace them for certain missions. Similarly, if the squad comes under attack, the healing action will be interrupted and may have to be started again. Tiredness can also be a crucial factor in battlefield performance, so ensuring that all Mercenaries are fully healed and rested before taking on a difficult mission should always be a part of preparation.

Jagged Alliance 3 is available now on PC.

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