BioWare is a prolific developer, with multiple award-winning games in its stable of releases. Its franchises like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Baldur's Gate are critically lauded and beloved among the gaming community, in addition to the developer's other popular successes like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. One of its slightly lesser-known titles, however, is Jade Empire — a 2005 Xbox game that flew under the radar in part thanks to its lack of commercial success. Despite the game failing to start its own franchise or even warrant a sequel, Jade Empire still has its fans, and many players would like to see a revival of BioWare's old IP.

BioWare has been in business for a long time, and it's established itself in the gaming community as a developer that produces popular and acclaimed games. There has been heavy speculation for years that a Knights of the Old Republic remake was in the works, and while this might not be in BioWare's hands, it does show an appetite for older titles from the developer in today's market. Jade Empire 2 was once in development before it was canceled, and some members of BioWare have said that the property hasn't been shelved forever, so some fans think the time is right for a remake.

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In Praise Of The Original Jade Empire


BioWare is up there with some of the best when it comes to producing action RPGs. BioWare's games are often well-written, with engaging casts of characters and engrossing stories, amidst the combat and excitement of the gameplay. Upon its release, Jade Empire was well-received and praised for its unique story and setting. Loosely based on Chinese history and mythology, the game took place in a fictional far-eastern kingdom where human sorcerers could harness the five elements and take on enemies both living and dead.

Like many other BioWare RPGs, Jade Empire featured player choice and a morality system. There were two options, much like Mass Effect's antithetical Renegade and Paragon system. However, unlike Mass Effect, Jade Empire's Open Palm and Closed Fist choices had a bit more nuance to them. One wasn't necessarily good and the other bad, but rather one was a more altruistic approach and the other was more direct and self-reliant. While the latter did tend to lead to more aggressive choices, it wasn't a "bad" choice the way Renegade is considered to be.

Jade Empire's world feels distinct from BioWare's more sci-fi or straightforward fantasy settings, and this helps to set it apart not only from the developer's other titles but also RPGs in general, as there are disappointingly few that have Chinese-inspired settings. BioWare went deep when it came to worldbuilding as well, even creating Tho Fan, an Asian-style constructed language made specifically for the game to add to the realism of the setting and help fans feel more immersed in its culture.

Jade Empire: What A Remake Could Improve


While Jade Empire was critically well-received, and has its share of loyal fans over a decade after its release, there are parts of the game that could undoubtedly do with an upgrade. Remakes like Square Enix's recent Final Fantasy 7 have proved what is possible, especially with decades-old titles. Jade Empire may not be as established or as beloved as Final Fantasy 7, but a remake would go a long way in polishing up the original game and elevating its best features, as well as improving some of the ones that didn't work so well the first time around.

Some of the criticisms that Jade Empire faced when it was first released were to do with the game's combat. Some critics felt that the combat didn't achieve a good balance or have a natural flow, and some of the systems felt a little shallow. The gameplay in general was considered solid, even if parts of it seemed repetitive and fairly basic. An improved combat system with more complex and challenging aspects would automatically improve Jade Empire's gameplay and would help to engage players alongside the compelling story.

Jade Empire's world and its story were often singled out for praise from critics and players, but overall the game was felt to be too short. A remake could broaden the game's world, giving players more chances to explore and offer more content like side quests and story missions. There are other obvious improvements, like better graphics and slicker animations, which would all work together to enhance the Jade Empire experience.

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Why Jade Empire Should Return

Fighting enemies in Jade Empire

Similar to BioWare's remastered Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a remake of Jade Empire could smooth out the rougher edges of the game, and turn a great title into an exceptional one. With some basic combat improvement, visual upgrades, and a wider world to explore, Jade Empire could enter that previously elusive sphere of commercial success, in addition to already achieving a critical one.

Remaking Jade Empire would ensure its relevance and legacy for years to come, especially as there is already a wonderful game to use as a base. Its later PC port may have meant that it was able to reach a slightly wider audience, but coming as it did a decade after Jade Empire's original launch, the game couldn't really compete in its current state with more modern titles.

Jade Empire's original release date back in 2005 was a long time ago, but it's even longer in video game terms. Game engines, mechanics, and even game design have come an incredibly long way since then, and the industry has seen a whole slew of different console generations come and go as well. With the benefit of what game developers have at their disposal nowadays, Jade Empire could have an unbelievable facelift to do true justice to its beautiful setting and fantastical elements.

While the setting and worldbuilding were praised at the time, almost two decades of progress could lead to a richer, more authentic story. The writers and the development team took a lot of inspiration from Chinese artwork, eastern landscapes, Asian literature, and even Samurai films. However, there are vast differences between cultural sensitivities in the early 2000s and today. A reappraisal of the world that Jade Empire depicted with a keener sense of what constitutes exoticism, and who should be included in getting stories like this made, would only help create a better world and a more nuanced story as well.

Jade Empire is available on PC.

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