Like its source material, Isonzo is a tough experience. Granted, being an infantryman in World War 1 and dying in a senseless war was one of the worst things that could happen to a person and Isonzo captures that essence of mortality on the Italian Front. It's easy to die in Isonzo just as it's also easy to kill another player, though certain class perks can prolong one's life in this game.

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These perks can range from supplemental combat efficiency to making one's character more physically fit. Sadly, the grind to unlock these perks in Isonzo is about as strenuous as a trek to the Alps under artillery fire. Too many FPS gymnastics involved. If players are already spending that much effort, then they at least ought to pick these most useful perks associated with certain classes.

10 Engineer Company (Engineer)

  • x2 Faster construction and sabotage speed

Engineers in Isonzo are crucial to maintaining a strong defensive entrenchment but they're also necessary when the time comes to blow up enemy defenses. That's why having an all-around specialist Engineer is always a solid option for any faction.

That's also why the Engineer Company perk for the Engineer is a decent choice, especially for those just grasping the basics of the class. It doesn't really excel at specific stuff though the building and other operation speed buffs are quite a godsend.

9 Marksman (Rifleman)

isonzo soldier with a gun
  • x0.5 Less weapon sway

The Rifleman is likely what a lot of newcomers would pick since it's one of the most straightforward classes. Just point and shoot. So while the players are at it, they might as well point and shoot more steadily using the Marksman perk for the Rifleman.

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The 50 percent reduced sway is quite substantial here for taking out targets from medium to long range. It's not going to turn the tide and it's neither an exciting buff, but it's a good way to learn the way Isonzo wants its players to shoot weapons.

8 Death Company (Engineer)

Isonzo engineer
  • Body Armor: Reduced damage from suppression and explosions

Since grenades are some of the most dangerous meta tactics in the game, having the Body Armor perk is always a good precaution for Engineers. After all, they get taken out quite often by explosions especially if they're caught building or establishing the frontline barbed wire.

With this, Engineers have longer staying power on the field and can survive long enough to set up some much-needed defenses. They're still very much vulnerable to gunfire, of course, though they can retreat better.

7 Quickshot (Assault)

isonzo assault team
  • x2 Faster aim-down sights

Firing from the hip in Isonzo might as well be throwing cotton balls at the enemy since it has a semi-realistic ballistics and gun physics system. So aiming down is always recommended since magazine sizes are cripplingly limited and reload speeds are debilitatingly long.

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Assault classes can alleviate both problems by increasing their accuracy through faster aiming. With this, they can also zip in and out of the aiming stance, letting themselves perform hit-and-run tactics. Of course, it works better with rifles and weapons that are quick to aim so it can limit weapon choice.

6 Spotter (Mountaineer)

isonzo mountaineer
  • x4 Increased spot duration of spotted enemies

There are no highlights for enemies in Isonzo and contrast can be rather washed out, that's camouflage at work. So it having a Mountaineer with the Spotter perk can literally turn the tide of battle. If players know where their enemies are, then they know where to push or where to defend.

And the increased duration isn't just useful as a quality of life improvement during firefights but also for keeping track of enemy movements and advancements. It's an underrated skill and arguably makes Mountaineers a good target for sniping.

5 Frontline Officer (Officer)

isonzo officer
  • Allows players to spawn on all squad leaders; allows squad leaders to spawn on officers

Officers can be just as important as the grunts in Isonzo and it's thanks to perks like these. The Frontline Officer perk lets the whole team or faction play faster and looser with their assaults and counterattacks. Being able to spawn in areas where there are Officers is more than a convenience.

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It can also be a tactical bomb. Some sneaky Officers can just infiltrate behind enemy lines and spawn a whole squad behind the enemy. Of course, the enemy can also do this so who the victor will be is up to experience and foresight.

4 Scout (Marksman)

  • Increased reload and bolting speed

It's no secret that World War 1 guns are painfully slow when compared to their more modern counterparts and successors. An unexpected reload can be the cause of death for a lot of players, especially in shootout duels or some tense moments.

Luckily, the Marksman class is a good way to circumvent this kind of drawback for bolt-action weapons or just about any gun. It just so happens that a lot of strong guns in Isonzo have lengthy reload speeds; this perk can act as a counterbalance.

3 Grenadier (Assault)

isonzo assault
  • Enables construction of Grenade Crate for supplying; provides bonus grenades for spawned players

Grandes are sort of the meta right now in Isonzo due to the slow movement speed and rather sluggish animation speeds. That's why having a steady supply of grenades can also win some small fights and effortlessly help teammates push.

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If not, then they can also be a great defensive tool, especially in the hands of a thoughtful Assault class with the Grenadier perk. As an added bonus, players who spawn near the Grenade Crate also get additional grenades, which helps immensely.

2 Assault Officer (Officer)

isonzo officer assault
  • Faster whistle ability cooldown

The whistle ability for Officers in Isonzo is way too valuable and overpowered in the right hands. Using the whistle practically sets up the vicinity as a spawn point regardless of the location, as long as the whistle ability is available.

If timed right, this could win a battle or a counterattack and might snag some unprecedented victories. Being able to use the whistle more often means players can just keep throwing themselves at enemies or continue with their relentless attacks.

1 Light Infantry (Mountaineer)

  • Increased movement speed

Of course, no whistle can fix one of the most glaring quirks of Isonzo, which is slow movement. That's why the Mountaineer class with its Light Infantry perk is almost a crutch for a lot of players. It essentially turns Isonzo into a more action-oriented FPS.

Everything is faster from vaulting, dodging, running, and crouching. Movement generally feels more fluid and comfortable with this perk and being able to move fast and reposition will nullify the effectiveness of bolt-action rifles, which is why LMGs and grenades are popular meta options.

Isonzo is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, and macOS.

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