
  • Indie games excel at isometric shooting, offering challenging gameplay and variety in weapons and enemies.
  • Games like Dead Estate and Brigador showcase the appeal of cyberpunk settings and customization in isometric shooters.
  • Titles like Wizard With A Gun and Ruiner provide fast-paced action and engaging storylines, making them must-plays for fans.

Most people would assume that a game with an isometric perspective where the main character takes up a very small portion of the screen would not be a great fit for a shooting game. The first thing that comes to mind is visual noise, with aiming and dodging attacks sounding like a chore. However, indie games have proven time and time again that this combination is a winning formula.

8 Best Top-Down RTS Games, Ranked

These top-down RTS games offer something for both new and old players of the genre.

The industry has produced a wealth of amazing isometric shooting games that make the most of this perspective and challenge players every step of the way. Avoiding damage and upgrading weapons is downright necessary to take out some of the stronger opponents in their respective games who take no prisoners.

5 Dead Estate

Metacritic User Score: 7.8

Dead Estate
Dead Estate

October 19, 2021
Milkbar Lads
Roguelike , Twin-Stick Shooter

For a game inspired by horror imagery, the charming visuals of Dead Estate make its gore almost palatable. Players are tasked with exploring a haunted mansion, going up several procedurally-generated levels with tough enemies who can be killed in many interesting ways. With ten playable characters and more than a hundred weapons, players won't get tired of playing this amazing isometric shooter game.

The game prioritizes close-quarters combat, with each room being claustrophobic and littered with traps in some instances to make it even harder to move around while taking out enemies. If regular runs are getting tiring, players can add blessings or curses to make things more engaging and force players to adapt to certain playstyles, letting them optimize the damage they dish out while ensuring that they don't die at the hands of a particularly challenging foe.

4 Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

Metascore: 70

Brigador gameplay

June 2, 2016
Stellar Jockeys, Gausswerks

A lot of isometric shooters focus on a cyberpunk setting to add some compelling context to the violence that takes place on-screen, and Brigador is no exception here. Players pilot a mech to take out their enemies using varied weaponry that is tailored for a host of different combat scenarios and enemy types.

Players can configure their loadout and purchase new mechs, vehicles, and weapons after each failed run, trying their hardest to escape a planet and get a massive payload on their way to escape this hostile landscape. Not only do players unlock new levels to show off their skills, but they also uncover some interesting lore about this cyberpunk dystopia that gives players another excuse to optimize their loadout and tackle the many maps in the campaign mode.

3 Wizard With A Gun

Metascore: 72

Wizard With a Gun

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
October 17, 2023
Galvanic Games

It's taken a while for Wizard with a Gun to pick up the pace since its release, and long-time fans are glad to see this title get the praise it deserves after all this time. This twin-stick shooter has elements of survival and crafting that don't feel too tacked on and let players mess around with more gameplay systems, which is always welcome.

6 Best Top-Down RPGs On PS5

Fans of top-down RPGs can find a lot on offer on the PlayStation 5.

As one would expect, this game starts easy before ramping up the challenge and forcing players to adapt to each situation if they wish to survive. Sure, investing in the Wizard Tower makes things easier, but players must improve their skills if they wish to tackle the game's hardest bosses. Players can unlock better weapons with spell effects, shooting magical bullets to take out enemies in procedurally generated levels that keep things fresh and interesting.

2 The Ascent

Metascore: 74

An all out battle with lots of gunfire in The Ascent
The Ascent

Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PS4 , PS5 , PC
July 29, 2021
Neon Giant

A seamless, excellent cyberpunk twin-stick shooter that wows players from start to end, it's easy to see why players love The Ascent to bits. This gritty title can be pretty challenging at times, and players may be forced to grind in a bid to make progress, but that's a small price to pay for what is one of the most rewarding experiences players can subject themselves to. The cover system is critical to succeeding in this game, with players switching between close and long-range aiming to tackle different combat scenarios. Along with this cyberware upgrades ensure that players can augment their abilities in combat and enhance their damage, defenses, and everything else along the same lines.

The final stretch of the game is so incredible that a lot of fans may be disappointed that this game ends during such a high without letting them rest. In a way, this can be construed as a compliment, highlighting the sheer excellence of this title and why more people need to check The Ascent for themselves.

1 Ruiner

Metascore: 75

Ruiner gameplay

PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
September 26, 2017
Reikon Games

A short, engaging experience that players will have a great time with, Ruiner's fun top-down shooting action coupled with a riveting story makes it worth checking out for fans who want to check out a fast-paced experience with amazing gameplay that doesn't overstay its welcome. It's criminal how more people haven't given this title a shot.

The brutal combat and fun powers make this title dynamic from start to end, with very little downtime that may bore players. Some people may argue that it's too short, but that's where New Game+ steps in to give players another reason to go through this amazing title.

10 Best Top-Down Horror Games, Ranked

These games change up the camera angle to give players a new look at horror.