Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening was one of the best surprise announcements of Nintendo's February 2019 Direct conference. It's a remake of the original Link's Awakening from the 1990s, and while it may not be one of the best Legend of Zelda games of all time, it still packs quite a bit of Zelda goodness within. But, it comes with a $60 price tag, which may leave some gamers wondering if Link's Awakening is worth it.

The first question many people will have is how long it takes to beat Link's AwakeningThose that go in expecting another Breath of The Wild will be disappointed, at least as far as raw game length is concerned. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening will probably only take players around 12 hours to beat on avarage, with some players beating the main quest in about 8 hours and others taking as long as 15 hours.

RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening Remake: 10 Pro Tips You Should Know

For some, this may not be too short. After all, there are other major games releasing this fall, and it'll be hard to beat all of them. Having a game that can be beaten in a few evenings really doesn't sound that bad. However, those trying to stretch their games out may want to consider waiting for the game to drop its price a little bit. It's fairly rare for Nintendo games to get significant price decreases, but with this being a remake it seems more possible. There are things to do after beating Link's Awakening too, so that also helps stretch out player's dollars.

4 Link's Awakening

Even for players that may feel burned by the relatively short length, Link's Awakening is still a great experience. It's one of the most stylish games on the Switch, and it looks absolutely gorgeous in motion. The game also boasts an incredible soundtrack - one that elevates the experience of journeying across Koholint Island. The island isn't the vastest Legend of Zelda location in the franchise, but there are still some unique biomes that are interesting to traverse. It's one of the main points that have been brought up in Link's Awakening reviewswhich have been positive so far.

Link's Awakening is a bit more of a traditional gaming experience, though. The game doesn't actually feature a quest log or mission tracking. Instead, players have access to memories - a way to recall important conversations in the menu that will inform them where to go, or at the very least hint towards it. Dungeons may require players to use a guide if they get stumped, as there are usually few resources in-game to help work through issues. For some, this may prove a bit frustrating, but, there are now decades worth of guides to help newcomers through the experience should they need it.

Speaking of newcomers, Link's Awakening for the Switch may be the best spot for those that have never played a Legend of Zelda game before to jump into the franchise. It won't require them to purchase an older console to play, and it will familiarize them with the mechanics found in older games should they ever want to go back to the older titles. Breath of The Wild is also good, but it's more of a departure from franchise norms than Link's Awakening, which is a traditional Zelda experience.

legend of zelda links awakening ancient ruins boss

There's a profound sense of accomplishment present in the game too, which helps make the $60 more worth it. There's just something about doubling back to an earlier part of the game to unlock a previously unaccessible chest that feels good. Of course, this comes with some frustration early on, as there are numerous areas players can't explore, but those frustrations are overridden after completing the first few dungeons.

Essentially, players that want a beefier experience on their Switch may want to consider skipping Link's Awakening. On the other hand, those looking for a nostalgia rush, are just getting into the series, or want to experience one of the best games the Switch currently has to offer, should definitely consider picking up Link's Awakening. It's a timeless experience, and it should even have some replayability for those that are looking for a game to keep going back to. Link's Awakening has already broken sales records on the Switch, and for good reason.

MORE: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - How to Get Perfect Ending