Bleach has its fair share of characters, from the kind and bubbly Orihime to the cold and level-headed Byakuya. With such memorable moments from this large cast of characters, there is a lot of nuance as to whose backstory is sadder or whose motives are justified.

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The characters of Bleach are unique in both personality and memorability, but there are some who are irredeemable in both regards. With such a combat-heavy series as Bleach, there is no doubt that many characters are infamous for their horrible actions, and these nine stand out among the rest for all the wrong reasons.

9 Grand Fisher

Grand Fisher attacking the Kurosakis in Bleach

Grand Fisher is usually the first name that comes up when it comes to horrible actions. As the culprit behind the murder of Ichigo's mother, to say there is bad blood between Grand Fisher and the Kurosaki family is an understatement.

Not only is this Hollow extremely predatory, but it also has absolutely no qualms about using its lure to imitate its opponent's deceased loved ones; such was the case when Grand Fisher's lure took the form of Ichigo's mother in order to lower Ichigo's guard. Even after coming back as an Arrancar, getting revenge on Ichigo for his previous defeat was Grand Fisher's only priority.

8 Metastacia

Metastacia appears before Kaien Shiba in Bleach

Similar to Grand Fisher, Metastacia was an especially ruthless Hollow, having consumed several Soul Reapers without the slightest inkling of remorse. When asked by Kaien Shiba if he regretted doing so, Metastacia's only reply was to sarcastically lament not eating his wife's head or torso.

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After fighting with Kaien for a while, Metastacia eventually fused with him and proceeded to attack Rukia and Ukitake. Not hesitating to use Kaien's likeness against them, he relentlessly beats Rukia and an illness-stricken Ukitake back all while boasting about how his fusion with Kaien is permanent.

7 Numb Chandelier

Numb Chandelier prepares to attack in the Bleach anime

Unlike most Hollows, Numb Chandelier preferred to avoid fighting herself due to her physically weak stature. Instead, she opted to use her Bulb Scatter technique to possess other humans, including Orihime's friends, to do her dirty work and kill each other.

During her encounter with Orihime, Numb Chandelier had her proxies brutalize her while she took glee in her suffering. When Tatsuki tried to stop her, Numb Chandelier grew enraged and started possessing and torturing Tatsuki instead, prompting Orihime to awaken her Shun Shun Rikka and fight back.

6 Aaroniero Arrurruerie

Aaroniero Arrurruerie in Hell in the Bleach anime

Aaroniero had no qualms about impersonating those closest to his opponents, a trait he gained from absorbing the body-snatching Metastacia. This was the case during his fight with Rukia, in which he impersonated the late Kaien Shiba in order to deceive Rukia and make her hesitate.

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After his ruse was exposed, Aaroniero wasted no time trying to assume Kaien's form again, knowing full well that it would make Rukia lose the will to fight. Ironically, this action would lead to his death, as Aaroniero did not account for Rukia regaining her courage to strike down her mentor's likeness.

5 Nnoitra Gilga

Nnoitra Gilga showing off his Hollow Hole in Bleach

Nnoitra can easily be noted as one of the more bloodthirsty Espada members present in the series, to the point that he will do anything it takes to win against a stronger opponent. From his chauvinistic attitudes and sneak attack on Nelliel to his underhanded tactics against Ichigo and Grimmjow, fighting unfairly is clearly the norm in the eyes of Nnoitra.

Although Nnoitra wishes to be acknowledged as the strongest by his opponents, as shown in his with Kenpachi, his unfair tactics on the battlefield make this sentiment of his very hypocritical. As a result, Nnoitra's lack of respect for those around him makes him quite heartless.

4 Yammy Llargo

Yammy Llargo in the Human World in the Bleach anime

Speaking of heartless, another such member of the Espada would be Yammy, a hulking Arrancar who initially bears the number 10. Yammy's brutality is such that he will attack others around him for no reason at all; at one point, his very first action after getting his arm reattached was to kill the healer!

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In battle, Yammy will not hesitate to inflict gruesome wounds on his opponents, a trait that he retains once he releases his Zanpakuto. Though he respects his senior Espada members, this respect is completely squandered once he reveals his true rank as the Cero Espada.

3 Kaname Tosen

Kaname Tosen (Bleach)

The blind Kaname's creed of following the path with the least bloodshed may be admirable, but his actions completely contradict what he stands for. In addition to knowing about the sacrifices Aizen needed to make in order to create the King's Key, he had no qualms about attacking his fellow Ninth Division members, even hollowfying his own superiors in the process.

Kaname's defection from Soul Society drove a wedge between him and the like-minded Sajin Komamura, with whom he was friends prior to his betrayal. Upon being able to physically see, Kaname's hubris ultimately got the best of him, which ironically made him more blind to his actions than before.

2 Loly Aivirrne

Loly Aivirrne in Orihime's room in the Bleach anime

One of Aizen's aides after he defected from Soul Society, Loly becomes resentful of Orihime due to how much attention the latter was receiving from Aizen. This jealousy eventually came to a head when she and her friend Menoly entered Orihime's chambers and started attacking her.

When Orihime heals Loly's injuries after Grimmjow's intervention, Loly's hatred for her grew to the point of calling her a monster. After Aizen no longer deemed Orihime necessary, Loly wasted no time continuing to abuse her. Even her friend Menoly is not spared from her abuse, as Loly has no qualms about striking her for not going along with her plans.

1 Koga Kuchiki

Koga Kuchiki breaks his Zanpakuto in two in Bleach

Though Koga Kuchiki may be a filler character, his actions during the Zanpakuto Unknown Tales arc are just as irredeemable as any canon villain on this list. Driven mad by everyone's supposed resentment of his power, Koga sought revenge on those who had wronged him upon realizing that they showed no remorse for framing him for murder.

As Koga's madness grew, he eventually turned to kill innocent people in hopes of sending a message to Soul Society. Even Muramasa, his Zanpakuto spirit, was not spared from the effects of his madness, as Koga would abuse him over slights and ultimately severed their bond upon being released from his imprisonment.

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