Superhero games are irresistible for most gamers. Iron Man VR takes superhero games to a whole other level. Players control Tony Stark as he faces the consequences of making weapons in his past life. He also has the challenge of destroying Droids and the main villain Ghost.

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Players get to experience the world through the lens of Iron Man like they never have before. The game has many secrets and takes unexpected turns leaving players astonished. However, not everyone is thriving in the Iron Man VR experience. Below are the reasons why people are loving the game, and why they aren't.

10 Love: Feeling Like A Real Superhero

Even though users play the superhero in all superhero games, it's obvious that they are not the actual superhero. However, Iron Man VR makes players feel like they are Tony Stark. Being in a virtual world as Iron Man allows players to feel what it's like to be close to death. They also feel the rush of fighting villains and flying all from Stark's perspective. This game is more than just holding controllers and pressing buttons. It really gives players the full Iron Man perspective.

9 Don't Love: Physically Demanding

Iron Man Avengers

One of the major complaints about Iron Man VR is that it requires a ridiculous amount of physical effort. Many virtual reality games require players to move, but this game needs to calm it down. Players have to be constantly moving in order for Stark to maneuver around the sky successfully.

Also, in order to blast, players must constantly move their arms and push upwards. Some users even complain about their wrists hurting the next day. Furthermore, players have to move their heads around in order to view their surroundings. Make sure there's a bottle of water nearby.

8 Love: Optional Challenges

There are many main objectives in the game that players must accomplish. However, there are many optional challenges they can choose from as well. For example, players can familiarize themselves with the virtual reality experience back at Stark's mansion in California. They can explore the grounds, play basketball, workout at the gym, and even practice fighting techniques. Players can spend hours on the extra challenges and Easter eggs alone.

7 Don't Love: Complicated Weapons

Players can choose from various weapons in the game, but sometimes it gets to be too much. The main weapons are the repulsors and many other weapons that players can customize. In order to use the repulsors, players must reach their palms towards the screen and tilt one palm downwards. That's not all.

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There are also specific buttons that go with the motions when using different weapons. Players find themselves forgetting about half of the weapons because of their complications! Fighting takes a lot of effort in this game, especially when the reaction times don't match up.

6 Love: Detail

Iron Man has to keep track of so many features in that advanced costume of his. Therefore, players have to do the same. Forget the repetitive shooting, punching, and boosting because the details are incredible! Players can customize the features in their suits by adding missiles and beams that attach to targets. In addition, there are rechargeable beams, bombs in clusters, and even the iconic Unibeam. Players can see Stark's breath within the helmet along with all of the features in and around the eye area. There is a lot of thought and detail that goes into this virtual reality experience.

5 Don't Love: Too Repetitive

Players applaud the game's plot for originality, but it becomes repetitive when playing sometimes. Firstly, many of the major parts of the story spoil before they happen. Secondly, a lot of the plot's important details come out when the camera is off. Lastly, so much of the game is Iron Man blasting Droids and trying to defeat Ghost. There are a solid amount of optional challenges that players can participate in, but the main objectives should vary more.

4 Love: Fast-Paced

Superheroes do not waste time especially Iron Man! This game makes sure that players are always moving at a fast pace. Some games require a lot of waiting in between the action. However, Iron Man VR keeps players on their toes both during fights and when they're simply exploring the California mansion. Even designing the various suit options feels fast-paced because they require so much effort. Stark doesn't have a second to spare.

3  Don't Love: Lack Of Organization

There are features in Iron Man VR that seem to be way more disorganized than they should be. The game sections off by chapters and within these chapters, there are many missions. The problem is that after players complete the mission of their choice, they go back to the home page.

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Not only can players completely forget which mission they're on, but it's unnecessary to go back that far. It would make more sense if, after the mission, players return to that chapter or the next mission in line.

2 Love: Original Ideas

It's always fun playing a superhero game already knowing his/her story. Sometimes games do not feel authentic enough when they match the original story perfectly though. Iron Man VR gives odes to many general Iron Man concepts, including Stark's humor. However, the story itself does not copy the MCU version or the comics to a T. The game's story is quite original leaving even the biggest Iron Man fans surprised.

1 Don't Love: Loading Time

A downfall of Iron Man VR is the amount of time it takes for the screen to load between missions.  It's nice to catch a break in between flying around and blasting Droids but sometimes you're waiting for minutes on end. The amount of time they spend waiting is absurd. Players usually end up taking off their headsets and grabbing a snack in between to kill time.

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