
  • EA Motive's Iron Man game may not be influenced by its previous game Dead Space, but it could still draw inspiration from its mechanics, such as zero-gravity flight.
  • The choice of enemies will determine the level of violence in the game, with options including human factions, automatons, or aliens from Marvel's vast universe.
  • The game has the potential to be unique and stand on its own, with distinct gameplay and powerful abilities for Iron Man, making enemy selection a crucial decision for EA Motive.

It’s easy to presume that EA Motive’s Iron Man game will have Dead Space inspirations since that was the studio’s most recent game, particularly because of the subtle similarities the two could share, but EA Motive might have a starkly opposite take in mind for its portrayal of Tony Stark and the Marvel universe. Even so, while all the work that went into the Dead Space remake will hopefully come to fruition again in a remake of the sequel, there are opportunities for EA’s Iron Man game to perpetuate it further.

Motive must’ve been selected for EA’s Iron Man game for a reason, after all, and it’s already plain to see where Iron Man mechanics could stem from Isaac Clarke gameplay such as zero-gravity flight. That’s not to say the Iron Man game will take place in outer space, lean into psychological horror, or have undead corpses as enemies, but the latter’s limb degradation was a fascinating iteration that would be excellent to see employed in an Iron Man game depending on what kind of enemies players are firing repulsor blasts at.

Marvel’s Blade’s Limited Arsenal Could Make for a Simple Combat System

Marvel's Blade hasn't revealed a lot, but what it's shown thus far may already offer an insightful glimpse at what combat could look like.

Iron Man’s Enemy Types Will Determine How Lethal Tony’s Suits Can Be

Iron Man’s rogues’ gallery is eclectic and not in a great way. His nemeses are all fairly unmemorable when he’s on his own outside a couple of big-name antagonists, making him far more interesting when he’s part of an ensemble.

EA Motive will get a chance to provide evidence that he can stand on his own as a dynamic character after the MCU’s predominant and arguably insurmountable portrayal, and where it should begin is in its choice for ordinary enemies that Tony will inevitably be suiting up to defeat. Therefore, whoever EA Motive selects as Iron Man villains will also probably ensure what enemy factions appear, meaning there is no shortage to choose from between humans, automatons, and aliens spread across Marvel’s enormous pantheon.

EA Motive Making a Violent Iron Man Game Could Be Phenomenal

Human enemy factions are a possibility even with Iron Man’s arsenal typically involving energy blasts, micro-missiles, and other excessive armaments, but unless the game has a Mature rating it likely wouldn’t allow players to sear flesh from bone with a direct hit from a unibeam or proton cannon. If EA was able to make its Iron Man truly distinct in this way, though, it would be incredibly satisfying to see the Dead Space remake’s limb degradation on a reprehensible human enemy faction.

Automatons or Aliens May Be Iron Man’s Only Viable Enemy Choices

Nonhuman Enemies Would Make Iron Man More Diverse

The alternative would be to flood EA Motive’s Iron Man game with an endless horde of automatons—such as Doombots or Sentinels—that Tony can freely disassemble, but it would need to be far more engaging and diverse than the AIM bots players fought infinitely in Marvel’s Avengers. However, if Iron Man could battle an alien race such as the Chitauri or Brood, limb degradation could be fulfilled and iterated on with a bit of the science-fiction body horror Dead Space is known for.

Nothing is currently known about what choices have been made for this game, but it’ll need to stand uniquely in order to be tenable as a standalone game either way. Iron Man’s repulsors are likely far more lethal than Isaac Clarke’s Plasma Cutter, for instance, and who Tony chooses to fire his palm blasts at can’t be a choice that EA Motive makes lightly.