The reveal of Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5 last week was a big deal for video game developers who wanted to get a better idea of what the production process might be like for next-generation consoles, as well as for fans who wanted to know what those games might look like. With it being confirmed that engine will work with the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One, there are a lot of possibilities as to what might be created, and it seems Wasteland developers inXile Entertainment will be one studio tackling this brave new world.

A fan of the studio who goes by BethWilder20 on Twitter reached out to inXile earlier today wondering if the "solo AAA RPG" they have announced for the Xbox Series X will be making use of Unreal Engine 5. After letting the fan know it is currently focused on finishing the delayed Wasteland 3 for August, the studio says, "We will indeed be using Unreal Engine 5 for our next project."

RELATED: Epic Games Confirms Unreal Engine 5 is Compatible With Nintendo Switch

Unfortunately, this tease is only meant to wet the whistle of fans who want to see whatever the Xbox Game Studio team is working on for the next-generation console. Beyond the confirmation that it is utilizing the new Unreal Engine, inXile Entertainment's Tweet says, "We're excited to share more, although it'll be a while."

wasteland developer xbox series x

Shortly after the studio put out this message, its CEO and founder Brian Fargo quote tweeted the post to further confirm that "our next gen RPG ... will use Unreal Engine 5." Microsoft first announced its purchase of inXile Entertainment alongside Obsidian Entertainment in November 2018, leading both to become Xbox-focused studios alongside Rare, Ninja Theory, Mojang, and many others.

The idea that inXile will be working on a game using Unreal Engine 5 for the Xbox Series X is exciting considering how impressive the engine appears to be based on Epic Games' first demonstration. Its demo title ran on the PlayStation 5 and looked beautiful despite only running at 30FPS, so when given to developers with huge ambitions on a powerful new console there's no telling what kind of game will emerge.

There will be plenty more games coming to the Xbox Series X, though not all of them will be utilizing the unveiled Unreal Engine 5. Arguably the biggest title is 343 Industries' Halo Infinite, which anticipating fans will find out more about during the first-party Xbox 20/20 event in July.

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Source: Twitter