It's been almost two years since the Amazon Prime Video hit Invincible took the world by storm, and, judging by their latest teaser, it appears that they know that as well as anyone.

Almost two years after the Amazon Prime Video show aired its first season's finale, they finally released a teaser for its Invincible season 2 with its titular character and fan-favorite Allen the Alien at a Burger Mart, where Mark Grayson works. While conversing with one another, Grayson spoke for the show's production team, explaining to viewers why it's taken so long for Invincible season 2 to be completed and when the next season will start airing new episodes.

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In the Invincible season 2 teaser, Allen the Alien and Mark discuss what's been going on with their lives. Allen reveals that he still hasn't found the planet he was supposed to track, Urath, which he had mistaken Earth for. Allen then asked what Mark had been up to since it had been a while, to which Mark revealed that he's "been busy writing, designing, storyboarding, voice acting, key posing, inbetweening, cleaning up, color slapping, comping the whole thing, and all that for, you know, roughly thousands of shots, it's kind of a lot." Allen responded by saying that "90 percent of that...sounds completely made up," before asking when Grayson will be back out there, to which he says late 2023, thus giving the fans their first objective update on Invincible in what feels like a while.

The Invincible season 2 teaser is engulfed with meta-humour by acknowledging how long it's been since the show has put up any new material while also giving a pretty valid explanation as to why they've taken as long as they have to get its next season out there. The teaser did this while also making a pretty understated joke about the fact that Mark is eating at the place he works while dressed up as his alter ego with an Alien life form, who no one on Earth knows or seems to call attention to this in the slightest. Even when they're creating two-minute teasers that likely won't be canon, they manage to keep it all fresh.

Fans have to keep in mind that because Invincible took the world by storm by introducing new material to the superhero genre, stories like that can't be rushed out if they expect the show to remain fresh. What made the show good was how it kept finding ways to be unpredictable to its viewers while brutal at the same time. If those behind Invincible need time to ensure they keep up their consistency in the next season, they deserve as much time as they need. While fans may want the next season out as soon as possible, they should want more than anything for Invincible season 2 to keep the good times coming.

The show also basically said at the end that season 1 was just the tip of the iceberg for what should continue to be an epic show whose world shall only get bigger as time goes on. Worldbuilding is always a good idea when picking a certain direction, but only if you stick to the landing. It seems like forever ago now, but Marvel Studios took its time building to what it became. It managed to keep its fanbase invested and consistently made entertaining superhero flicks. Invincible proved its story is more than intriguing enough to warrant the time it inevitably has taken to complete its next season.

Invincible season 1 can currently be streamed on Amazon Prime.

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Source: Invincible/Twitter