While The Invincible largely adapts plot elements, the setting, and more from Stanisław Lem's works and philosophies, it also introduces a new set of characters to provide a different perspective. In The Invincible, players will step into the shoes of Yasna as she attempts to rescue her crew after their crash landing on Regis III. For those familiar with Lem's work, the plot is very similar to the original novel, but developer Starward Industries has made plenty of changes in order to line it up with a game. One of those changes is player choice.

As Yasna, players will be able to make key choices that impact The Invincible's endings. Although Yasna is suffering from amnesia in order to heighten the tension in the story, she retains several elements of her character such as her curiosity. Recently, Game ZXC spoke to several members of the Starward Industries development team to learn about Yasna, her crew, and their roles in the upcoming adventure game.

The Invincible: Who is Yasna?

As is common in video game development, Yasna's character has changed a lot since her initial concept, CEO Marek Markuszewski tells us. Yasna existed in the minds of the development team before the pre-production process even began, with the team certain they wanted a character who embodied courage, humanistic ideals, and a general sense of curiosity for the universe. Throughout the production of The Invincible, Markuszewski believed that Yasna "matured."


While much of her general attitude is dependent upon player choice, the goal was to retain all of the above in a likable character who shows empathy. In the final stages of development, the team added a bit more energy and wit to Yasna in order to make her a more relatable and well-rounded character. Moreover, when we asked why the team wanted Yasna to suffer from amnesia, he added that,

Amnesia intensifies the sense of danger and isolation, and it also allows the player to co-discover the character's past and earlier events. It's an engaging technique that immerses players in the narrative and gameplay.

As far as her overarching character design, Starward Industries looked to the history of space exploration and specifically at the role of women within this history. Wojciech Ostrycharz, The Invincible's art director, told us that the crew watched several documentaries about this during the character creation process. In Yasna, "there's a bit of every one of these stories," while her appearance draws inspiration from the "history of astronautics from the last 1950s and 1960s," with the focus on this time period adding the retro sci-fi touch to The Invincible.

Yasna's Crew

Accompanying Yasna to Regis III are the following:

  • Krauta
  • Marit
  • Koval
  • Gorsky

However, it should be noted that there is one more member of the crew: astrogator (space navigator) Novik. His role is somewhat distinct from the others, though.

The Invincible - GameZXC exclusive screenshot 3

Olga Piech, one of The Invincible's writer, tells us that not only is each character distinct in personality and style, but they hold different meanings in the larger narrative and overarching philosophies for Yasna. "Exploring these characters during Yasna's journey to Regis III is an essential narrative element," Piech says. While players will need to wait for the game's release to learn more about these characters, Piech did comment specifically on Marit and Gorsky.

Marit is one of the first women who became an astronaut and holds great importance for women in science fields. Gorsky is an extraordinary mind with a penchant for daring actions.

Marit's character, then, may serve as some sort of inspiration for Yasna thanks to her role in space exploration, while Gorsky sounds like he might get himself and others into potential trouble. They may be separated, but it is a rescue mission after all. Something bad happened, and it sounds like a situation that gets worse before it gets better. However Starward Industries approaches their roles in the plot and their perspective relationships with Yasna, narrative designer and writer Magdalena Kucenty promises us that "the fate of the crew is in the player's hands."

The Invincible Crew

Astrogator Novik

Novik, as the astrogator, operates a little differently from other characters in The Invincible. He doesn't appear on-screen, and effectively, he serves as the companion Yasna will speak to and interact with most. However, Novik and Yasna could not been any more different. In regard to Yasna and Novik's relationship, Piech said,

"Yasna and Novik represent two different worldviews. Novik appears to be a conqueror type who wants to subjugate the universe to humanity. Yasna is focused on exploration and discovery."

In this way, Yasna represents the hopeful scientist who wishes to learn more about her and humanity's role in the universe, while Novik imagines humanity as the apex of evolution. To that degree, Yasna believes that Novik is a "robotic servant of regulations," while Novik "doesn't completely trust Yasna's wisdom." This relationship is a key element for player choice in The Invincible, with Piech also adding, "Both of them change their attitudes toward the universe and each other during the course of the story. How this happens depends on the player's choices."

That said, this characterization doesn't mean players should expect Novik to be a one-note, nihilistic conquerer. Instead, Starward Industries set out to ensure he was a complex character with a deep psychological portrayal. Part of this is the situation that Yasna and the crew find themselves in, as well as his role as the astrogator. Of his character, Kucenty also said, "On one hand, he feels connected to the team and responsible for Yasna, but on the other, he grapples with his own biases and limitations. Throughout the game, the player will deepen their relationship with him, engage in philosophical debates, follow his advice, or... not, and these choices will influence the course of the game."

the invincible robot-1

Arti/Helper Bot

Not necessarily a crew member, but players will encounter a all sorts of helper bots throughout the course of The Invincible. Yasna will encounter many robot companions during her journey on Regis III, but as level designer Michał Paciorek put it, "There is an irony to meet an androbot on the planet." Meeting a "helper" bot on a deserted planet overrun by machines, one tasked with performing everyday tasks of an astrobase, is certainly an oddity. And it seems it could get a little darker than that subtle irony, with Paciorek explaining,

At some point in the game, however, you will be of more use to the androbot than it will be to you…

It remains to be seen how each of these characters directly impacts The Invincible's narrative, but with a plethora of personalities at play, it'll be interesting to see how each character tackles the philosophies that Lem's work is known for.

The Invincible

The Invincible is a story-driven adventure game, adapted from the hard sci-fi works of Stanislaw Lem. Players will explore Regis III as Yasna, use tools to search for her missing crew, and face unforeseen threats.

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 6, 2023
Starward Industries
11 Bit Studios