Fans have been blown away by the latest Peacock drama The Girl In The Woods, based on a 2018 Crypt TV short film. Directed by Jessica Jones' Krysten Ritter and Jacob Chase, this series throws its viewers straight into a world of sinister cults, monster-fighting, and the not-so illustrious life of being a teenager. Crushes, gender identity, missing relatives, and harboring a teen runaway definitely throws a wrench in the high school routine.

Game ZXC was able to hop on a call with the three young actors of the show, Misha Osherovich, Sofia Bryant, and Stefanie Scott, to talk about their characters and filming experiences. 24-year-old actor Scott plays the show's most mysterious character, Carrie — a grim escapee from the local town's cult. Describing her character's journey throughout the series, Scott chose the words, "adventurous, excitement, and loyal." She went on to say, "I feel like all our characters are gonna be loyal because they all do love each other."

Related: Interview: Krysten Ritter Shares How Jessica Jones Prepared Her For The Girl In The Woods

Her co-star, Misha Osherovich, last seen in Universal Picture's Freaky, would agree. They said, "I will say loyal for Nolan as well. Also, messy. There's a lot of messiness. And adventurous. I mean, we're literally hunting monsters. You don't really have the option but to be adventurous."

Rounding things off was Sofia Bryant, the actor behind Tasha— adventure-seeker and Carrie's first friend. She expressed, "I think there's some denial in there at first, that's definitely part of her journey. She's very, "No, this is not my issue right now. This is not the world that I live in." Bryant continued, "I think towards the end, there's bravery. I'd say definitely loyal. But then she's in denial about these crazy things that are happening for a second."

Game ZXC: Misha, can you talk to me a little bit about your character Nolan? How would you describe them and what challenged you as an actor while playing this character?

Osherovich: Nolan is a very special character to me. They move through the world with parents that don't necessarily understand a struggle with gender identity, and with friends like Tasha and Carrie who are supportive but also trying to encourage Nolan to be more honest with themselves about their gender identity.

I was pretty emotional to play a character that's so close to home because I only recently came out as nonbinary. And it was amazing to have both a set and co-stars that were so supportive of me as a human, but also it's built into the character in the writing as well. I'm nothing but grateful to be playing this kind of character on this kind of show. It really means a lot to me.

Nolan in The Girl In The Woods
via NBC

What kind of trouble does Carrie face throughout the series?

Scott: She faces some life-or-death situations throughout the series. It's so hard to go into it without giving it away. But some messed-up s*** happens. She grew up in a colony where she had to learn how to fight from birth. She's basically the guardian for this door, and she can't let any of the demons out.

I think only one person has ever survived their guardianship, which lasts about eight years because all of them get killed. So, she faces quite a lot of life-or-death situations. But then some pretty exciting ones too, she meets Tasha and Nolan, and goes on some real-life adventures.

Carrie from The Girl In The Woods
via NBC

What was the process like getting into character for Tasha?

Bryant: Immediately after reading her description, I was like, "Oh, I can tap into this. She's definitely the coolest girl in town." Working with Krysten, we put a playlist together of music to listen to and that really helped me get into character. I listen to music 24/7 — this right now is why I don't have music on right now.

I always have something playing and even when I'm not reading the script or going through my sides or "x,y,z" I can have her playlist on and step into her shoes. And I know Misha, you did some of this as well for Nolan — getting to choose or kind of collaborate and talk about, what posters she has in her room? How does she decorate? All small things like that kind of helped me really get into her.

What are two songs that were on your playlist?

Bryant: Oh my gosh. Well, I had to have some Deftones on their playlist. That's just like my personal sprinkle because I'm a huge Deftones girl. We have some Deftones on there. And then we have some Rob Zombie on there. These are all definitely my sprinkles, but they fit works for her.

The Girl In The Woods is currently streaming on Peacock.

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