It's time to grab a big glass of mead and binge-watch the latest season of Netflix's animation series Disenchantment. Part 4 of the fantasy series will be dropping on the streaming platform on February 9 with ten, 30-minute episodes. Recently, Netflix released a full-length trailer and new key art, teasing Bean, Luci, and Elfo's individual journeys, given that they were split up at the end of Part 3.

The series comes from the creator behind The Simpsons, Matt Groening— who Bean voice actor Abbi Jacobson identifies as one of her animation idols. Ahead of the premiere of the latest season, Game ZXC had the opportunity to chat with Jacobson about Bean's hero journey throughout Season 4, her animation inspirations, and her relationship with the Disenchantment fandom.

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Game ZXC: The last season ended on a cliffhanger. How would you tease this upcoming season?

Abbi Jacobson: This part definitely takes our characters on individual journeys. There are so many adventures within each episode. In every season of the show, there are unexpected adventures into all the depths of Dreamland and all the different worlds in which this show has created. This is the most personal season yet. We're getting to know the characters way more and getting to know Bean's parents more, and her relationship with herself and to her best friends from whom she's been separated.

This is her hero's journey. They're all on their hero's journey and they, kind of, always have been, but this is where I think they get to do it more personally.

production still from Disenchantment
via Netflix

GR: Bean has had some amazing character growth. Did you expect to see her character arc go in this direction when you first accepted the role?

Jacobson: Not at all, it's been one of my favorite things about this show. I think the show is hilarious. There's no question about the laughs per minute. It's a very juicy show full of humor, whether it's visual or in the dialogue or storyline. Everything has these layers of funny. I really didn't expect there to be this much character development and growth and this exploration of figuring oneself out.

GR: Do you have a favorite memory from this season?

Jacobson: Oh man, I can't reveal what this is. But there's this thing that allows me to branch out in a different way, voice-wise. I often get to imitate a lot of the other characters, like Bean does their voices because she's annoyed. That often ends up being some of my favorite stuff when I get to imitate Dagmar, or her parents, or other characters on the show because I'm one of the only voice actors that pretty much uses my own voice. Everyone else has this incredible list of characters that they voice, so I love when I get to do something outside the box. In this season, I do something that's really fun. I'm really not explaining it well, but you'll know it when you see it.

GR: Did you know that Disenchantment fanfiction and fan-art exists? Do you ever check it out?

Jacobson: I don't have a big relationship with the fan community. Unfortunately, I'm someone who struggles a bit with social media. I feel very addicted to it, so I try to lessen my time on it for my mental well-being. I mean, around Halloween, I get to see when people dress up as Bean and other characters from the show. And then drawings and stuff like that, but I'm not I'm not privy to most of it. I've got to do a deep dive and search a little.

GR: That's what you should do to celebrate the premiere of the new season.

Jacobson: Yeah, okay, I'm gonna do it.

GR: One last question— who are some of your animation idols?

Jacobson: I mean, The Simpsons was pretty influential to me as a kid growing up. And Matt [Groening] is the loveliest person. Every single time I do a recording and he's on the Zoom, I'm like 'this is wild'. And he's just the greatest and most thoughtful person. I feel like I've learned a lot about creating characters and show-running and storytelling from him.

I really loved Bojack [Horseman]. I really loved that show and how they dealt with really serious issues, and they, sort of, Trojan-horsed in some major adult concerns. I also love Big Mouth. I think what they're doing is in the same vein— tapping into some heavier issues through animation. [Phil] Lord and [Christopher] Miller, too, I got the chance to work with them in The Mitchells vs. the Machines. Mike Rianda has become an idol of mine because of what he did with that movie.

GR: That's a really nice selection of Netflix productions. They're really furthering the adult animation genre.

Jacobson: Oh, yeah, I guess I just named all Netflix stuff. Truly, they didn't tell me to do that.

Disenchantment Part Four premieres Wednesday, February 9 on Netflix.

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