
  • A hub world could greatly benefit Insomniac Games' X-Men game, providing a neutral ground for players to spend time in between missions and enhancing the game's world.
  • The Xavier Institute, the home of the X-Men, is an ideal option for a hub world as it offers various features such as exploring the mansion, replaying old missions, and interacting with other characters.
  • The Xavier Institute could also include cameos from popular or prominent X-Men characters who may not be playable, adding to the game's appeal and satisfying fans of the series.

Insomniac Games' X-Men game could benefit heavily from one mechanic that has appeared in several games throughout the years. When a mechanic is tried and true, it's only logical that several games would end up trying some variation of it. That being said, X-Men is in a unique position that could give it even greater upside than usual. There are a lot of elements that an X-Men game would need to capture in order to live up to the feel of the series. In some areas, a small touch could work wonders for the overall game.

While the likely mature-rated Wolverine game has been the topic of much discussion, one can't forget about the team that made Logan famous. The X-Men are one of Marvel's most famous superhero teams, and unlike The Avengers, they were designed from the beginning to be a team. Led by Charles Xavier, the X-Men are mutants who use their powers to become superheroes, despite frequently facing adversity. Despite the team's fame, there hasn't been a proper X-Men game for consoles since X-Men: Destiny in 2011. Fans of the series have had to wait far too long for another game, and hopefully Insomniac's entry will be worth the wait.

5 X-Men Characters Who Deserve Their Own Game After Marvel's Wolverine

Insomniac Games can't seem to miss, and in the inevitable case that Marvel's Wolverine is a hit, it should look to other X-Men characters to adapt.

Insomniac's X-Men Has an Ideal Hub World Option


X-Men Could Benefit From a Hub World

The existence of hub worlds in video games has been used in many genres, from RPGs to roguelikes. They serve the important role of giving players a neutral ground to spend time in between stages. In many games, the hub world serves many functions, such as providing shops for players to buy upgrades and NPCs to speak to. This mechanic has been used to varying levels of success, as it can feel like a waste of time if used improperly. In the case of X-Men, a hub world could be a big advantage when it comes to drawing players into the game's world.

The Xavier Institute Is Perfectly Designed as a Hub Level

The Xavier Institute has appeared in past X-Men video games, and it's an ideal option for a hub world. As the home of the team as well as the place where they learned to refine their powers, there's no better place for them to spend their downtime between missions. In addition to exploring the mansion, they could go to the Danger Room, either to replay old missions or take on bonus challenges, or even get additional missions from other characters at the Institute. The Xavier Institute could easily go from being an iconic location in the Marvel universe to a memorable video game hub.

The Xavier Institute Could Feature Cameos From Unplayable X-Men

The sheer size of the X-Men also makes a case for Insomniac's leaked X-Men game to include the Institute. There are so many characters that have graced the series that it would be virtually impossible to include them all. Setting the game's hub in the Xavier Institute would be a good way to accommodate popular or prominent characters that didn't make the cut for the playable roster. While they may not play a big role, they could at least appear in the game to make their fans happy. After all, there is no better place in the Marvel universe to find the X-Men than the Xavier Institute.

The Xavier Institute could easily go from being an iconic location in the Marvel universe to a memorable video game hub.

Insomniac's X-Men game has a real chance to be an excellent superhero ensemble game for Marvel, and the Xavier Institute could be an important piece of the puzzle. As the home base of the X-Men, it's the perfect hub for any game starring them. Between the Danger Room, fellow inhabitants of the Institute, and Charles Xavier himself, it has almost every amenity that fans of the series would expect. The Xavier Institute would make for a fantastic addition to Insomniac's X-Men game.