One of the most iconic indie titles to be released in recent years is without a doubt PlayDead Studios' Limbo. Mixing striking visuals with fluid gameplay, it acted as one of the titles to prove the sway that indie developers can have in a market seemingly dominated by AAA releases. Announced today, PlayDead will soon be making their next foray into the world of indie gaming with a dark side-scroller by the name of Inside.

Announced during the Xbox E3 2014 media briefing, gamers got their first look at Inside and it's every bit as gorgeous as one would expect from PlayDead Studios. Eschewing the shadowy visuals that marked Limbo, Inside instead adds a tiny splash of colour to the mix while still retaining a dark and oppressive atmosphere. The gameplay looks to be similar to the studio's previous effort, taking on the role of a 2D side-scroller.

The setting of the game though, is perhaps the most intriguing aspect of its reveal. Whereas Limbo presented a predominantly organic landscape, Inside instead looks far more mechanical and futuristic, placing the player in control of a child in what seems to be a dystopian city. Staying true to Playdead's pedigree, the landscape itself - while oppressive and sterile - looks to be just as expressive as one might expect, with movement taking place across multiple planes and giving the player a better grasp of the world they are inhabiting.

Inside New Title Limbo Developer E3 2014

Outside of the game's aesthetics, little else is known about Inside. The prospect of an effectively-realized oppressive dystopian world is an exciting one though. With dreams of Half-Life 3 still raging as strong as ever, every little bit of Orwellian society helps to keep the yearning at bay. Limbo managed to create a landscape that players were excited to experience so if Inside can capture this same feeling, PlayDead Studios will no doubt have another hit on their hands.

While it's hardly the only indie title that's expected to make waves at this year's E3, there's little doubt that PlayDead's pedigree and attention to detail in creating truly immersive worlds will help Inside to draw in a large amount of attention. Finding its reveal presented alongside significant AAA news like Forza Horizon 2's release date and details on Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a testament to how far indie gaming has progressed.

Are you excited to see a new game from the developers that brought you Limbo? Do you think Inside will represent much of a divergence from the previous title's style and gameplay?

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Inside is expected to launch in the first half of 2015 with a debut on the Xbox One.

Follow Ryan on Twitter @ThatRyanB.

Source: PlayDead