Inscryption is all about building the right deck to outwit the murderous Game Master sitting on the other side of the table. During the first act, players are introduced to the way this horror Roguelike deckbuilder plays out, and players are limited to the kinds of cards they will come across this early in the game. A more diverse range of cards will become available, but Act 1 still has many creatures to choose from.

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Updated February 1, 2022, by Mina Smith: As the fanbase around Inscryption continues to grow, players have discovered new cards and new ways to combine them into amazing decks. While the new Kaycee's Mod adds a lot of new cards to Act 1's already large pool of possible creatures, none of those new items have been added. However, this list needed to be updated in order to provide a complete list of all the cards that have been documented in the game so far. This list should help out anyone looking to make a unique deck in order to take on Leshy and get out of his cabin alive.

The Squirrel Card

The Squirrel is the sacrificial lamb of escape-room-style horror gameInscryption. It's a 0 power, 1 health creature that players can choose to draw at any time. It gives the player 1 Blood when sacrificed, giving players the currency they need to summon bigger and better things. It has no cost.

Talking Cards in Inscryption


The Stoat Card

The Stoat card is one of a few talking cards that players will come across during a playthrough of Inscryption. This little furry weasel is a 1/3 that costs 1 Blood. Its chatter adds to the spooky aura of Inscryption along with the creepy sound design of this horror title.

The Stink Bug

This is another card players can get in the first Act that will have something to say for itself. The Stink Bug requires players to get up from their seats, like when they solve Inscryption's clock puzzle, to get it into their decks, but it's worth the trouble. Stinky is a 1/2 that costs 2 Bones, the other currency used for summon creatures. One Bone is created each time a player's creature dies for any reason.

Stink Bug Card From Inscryption

The Stunted Wolf

This third talking card in Inscryption, named the Stunted Wolf, is the final Scyrbe that has been locked in a card by Leshy. This wolf is a 2/2 for one Blood, and he can be found by completing the last clock puzzle.

Pelt Cards in Inscryption

There are three types of pelt cards in this indie horror title; they are purchased from the trader with teeth. Teeth are earned from overkilling enemies. After purchasing the pelts, players will have to carry them in their decks until they come across an NPC who wants to buy them with cards. These three are:

  • Rabbit Pelt
  • Wolf Pelt
  • Golden Pelt

Cards Without Abilities In Inscryption

In this award-winning indie title, players can also just nab up some other creatures, each with its own unique casting cost and special abilities. Players can pick them up in trades, by landing on card-shaped spots on the map, or by starting off with them. Below, players can find each card listed with its power and health, any special attributes it has, and its cost.

Creatures Without Abilities

  • Wolf: 3/2 for 2 Blood
  • Coyote: 2/1 for 4 Bones
  • Grizzly: 4/6 for 3 Blood
  • Rabbit: 0/1 for no cost
  • Urayuli: 7/7 for 4 Blood
  • Geck: 1/1 for no cost
  • Dam: 0/2 for no cost
  • Ring Worm: 0/1 for 1 Blood
  • Rattler: 3/1 for 6 Bones
  • Amalgam: 3/3 for 2 Blood
  • River Snapper: 1/6 for 2 Blood
  • Oppossum: 1/1 for 2 Bones
  • Worker Ant: X/2 for 1 Blood
    • X = the number of total Ants on the field
  • The Caged Wolf: 0/6 for 2 Blood

Inanimate Cards

  • Gold Nugget
  • Stump
  • Rock
  • Chime
  • Grand Fur
  • Snowy Fur
  • Raven Egg (Turns into Raven)
  • Bait Bucket (Turns into Great White)

Cards With Abilities

Cards With Mighty Leap or Airborne

Mighty Leap allows non-flying creatures to block and attack airborne creatures. Airborne creatures fly over other creatures or obstacles and deal damage directly to the opposite player, unless blocked by a creature with Mighty Leap. Players should take flying creatures into consideration while deckbuilding in this game.

Mothman Card From Inscryption
  • Bullfrog - 1/3
  • Magpie - 1/1
    • Airborne and Hoarder (allows players to get a random item)
    • 2 Blood
  • Sparrow - 1/2
    • Airborne
    • 1 Blood
  • Turkey Vulture - 3/3
    • Airborne
    • 8 Bones
  • Bat - 2/1
    • Airborne
    • 1 Blood
  • Raven - 2/3
    • Airborne
    • 2 Blood
  • Mothman - 7/3
    • Airborne
    • Can only be evolved from other cards, so it has no cost.
  • Kingfisher - 1/1
    • Waterborne and Airborne
    • 1 Blood
  • Bee - 1/1
    • Airborne
    • No Cost
  • Cuckoo - 1/1
    • Airborne
    • 1 Blood

Cards With Waterborne

Like the Kingfisher above, some cards are water-bound. This means that the card flips over while it is not their owner's turn, preventing the other player from being able to kill or access them.

  • Kingfisher- 1/1
    • Waterborne and Airborne
    • 1 Blood
  • River Otter - 1/1
    • Waterborne
    • 1 Blood
  • Great White - 4/2
    • Waterborne
    • 3 Blood

Cards with Strike

There are two types of strike in Inscryption's Act 1: Bifurcated Strike and Trifurcated Strike. Trifurcated Strike means that the creature hits to its right, middle, and left when striking at the ends of its owner's turn. Meanwhile, a Bifurcated strike only hits to the left and the right, and not the creature directly ahead of it.

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  • Mantis - 1/1
    • Bifurcated Strike
    • Blood
  • Mantis God - 1/1
    • Trifurcated Strike
    • 1 Blood
  • Pronghorn - 1/3
    • Sprinter (moves this card if there is an available slot to whatever direction it's facing if possible), and Bifurcated Strike

Cards with Fledgling

Cards with Fledgling will flip over after a certain number of turns on the battlefield to turn into a bigger and better monster. Some of these cards are as creepy as any Resident Evil villain.

  • Elk Fawn - 1/1
    • Fledgling and Sprinter
    • 1 Blood
  • Strange Larva - 0/3
    • Fledgling
    • 1 Blood
  • Strange Pupa - 0/3
    • Fledgling
    • No cost, as it can only evolve from Strange Larva

Cards that Spawn Other Cards

inscryption Prospector
  • Beaver - 1/3
    • Dam Builder: Spawns Dams
    • 2 Blood
  • Ant Queen - 2/3
    • Ant Spawner: Spawns Ants
    • 2 Blood
  • Warren - 0/2
    • Rabbit Hole: Spawns Rabbits
    • 1 Blood
  • Beehive - 0/1
    • Beehive: Spawns Bees
    • 1 Blood
  • Skink - 1/2
    • Loose Tail: spawns a loose tail that takes damage in its place. If Loose Tail is given to any other creature, they have their own unique Tail cards, including:
      • Wriggling Tail (default)
      • Wriggling Leg (Insects)
      • Furry Tail (Canines, Deer, Squirrels)
      • Tail Feathers (Birds)
      • Amalgam Limb
      • Ring Worm Tail (unique).
    • 1 Blood

Cards With Many Lives

In this indie horror title, Many Lives means a card can be sacrificed over and over again without dying. The only way for these creatures to die is to be killed by one of the game master's creatures on the other side of the table.

  • Cat - 0/1
    • Many Lives
    • 1 Blood
  • The Child - 0/1
    • Many Lives
    • 1 Blood
  • The Child (Evolved) - 2/1
    • Many Lives and Airborne
    • No cost
    • Sacrificing the Child will turn in into the Evolved version, and sacrificing Evolved will change it back.

Tentacle Cards in Inscryption


Tentacle cards are odd critters that have strange attack power or can have strange effects in this Slay the Spire-like game.

  • Card Tentacle — X/2: Card Counter
    • X = the number of cards in hand
    • 1 Blood
  • Mirror Tentacle — X/2: Mirror ?????
    • X = the opponent's total attack power
    • 1 Blood
  • Bell Tentacle — X/2: Bell Ringer
    • X = is how close the card is located in relation to the bell
    • 1 Blood

Other Cards Available in Act 1 of Inscryption

  • The Daus - 2/2
    • Bellist (Creates a chime)
    • 2 Blood
  • The Smoke - 0/1
    • This card is added to a player's hand during boss battles; it gives extra bones when it dies.
    • No Cost
  • The Greater Smoke - 1/2
  • Adder - 1/1
    • Touch of Death
    • 2 blood
  • Fieldmice - 2/2
    • Fecundity: when played, a copy is put in its owner's hand.
    • 2 Blood
  • Alpha - 1/2
    • Raises the attack power of each creature beside itself
    • 5 Bones
  • Amoeba - 1/2
    • Amorphous
    • 2 Bones
  • Mole - 0/4
    • Burrower: if an empty space would be hit, this card moves to that place and is hit instead.
    • 1 Blood
  • Mole Man - 0/6
    • Burrower and Mighty Leap
    • 1 Blood
  • Cockroach - 1/1
    • Unkillable
    • 4 Bones
  • Elk - 2/4
    • Sprinter
    • 2 Blood
  • Static - ?/? - ??? - ???
    • The Static Card's cost, power, life, and keywords change every time a player draws it.
  • Frozen Oppossum - 0/5
    • Spawns an Oppossum after death
    • 1 Blood
  • Starvation - ?/?
    • Appears when a player runs out of cards, and cannot be attacked.
    • No Cost
  • Ouroboros - 1/1
    • Every time the Ouroboros dies, it gets a permanent 1/1 upgrade.
    • 2 Blood
  • Pack Mule - 0/5
    • Sprinter, houses a pack of cards under it that gets put into the attacker's hand when it dies.
    • No Cost
  • Blood Goat - 0/1
    • Gives three Blood when Sacrificed
    • 1 Blood
  • Bloodhound - 2/3
    • Moves to block new incoming attackers across the board
    • 2 Blood
  • Boulder - 0/5
    • Cannot be sacrificed
    • No cost
  • Pack Rat - 2/2
  • Rat King - 2/1
    • Gives multiple bones when it dies
    • 2 Blood
  • Skunk - 1/2
    • Stinky
    • 1 Blood
  • Strange Frog - 1/2
  • Leaping Trap - 0/1 with Mighty Leap and Steel Trap
    • Kills the creature across from it, turning it into a pelt.
  • Wolf Cub - 1/1
    • Fledgling 1
    • 1 Blood
  • Porcupine - 1/2 - Deals 1 damage to any creature that attacks it - 1 Blood
  • Long Elk - 1/2 - Movement and Touch of Death- 4 Bones
  • Moose Buck - 3/7 - Sprinter - 3 Blood
  • Ringworm - 0/1 - If the men around the fire of the camp spot eat this creature, they all perish, allowing players to upgrade their creatures without worry of being killed - 1 Blood
  • Corpse Maggots - 1/2 - If Corpse Maggots is in the player's hand and one of their creatures dies, Corpse Maggots takes its place on the board - 5 Bones

Deathcards in Inscryption

There are also Deathcards, which are made when players die to Leshy's game. They are made from a random selection of cards from the player's hand. They can be the best cards in Act 1 of Inscryption. But there are a couple of characters inside the game who have already died and have death cards to match their lore.

  • Kaycee - Bifurcated Strike and Sharp Quills
  • Louis - Sprinter and Waterborne
  • Kaminski - Sharp Quills and Guardian
  • Reginald - Touch of Death

Inscryption is available now for PC.

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