It happens to every new player in Inkulinati; they find a favorite new beast, use it, and then find the beast becomes so expensive to play that they don't get to use it again for the rest of the run. This happens because of boredom stacks that increase every time players use a beast.

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The costs don't change in the middle of a fight. Once a battle begins, a creature that costs five living ink will stay at that cost. But for future fights, the cost of the creature will increase based on how many times it was used. These are the best way to keep those stacks of boredom nice and low in Inkulinati.

Play On The Easy Difficulty

Inkulinati Selecting The Easiest Difficulty

This won't remove a boredom stack, but playing on the easiest setting will only increase the boredom level by one per beast played. Every other difficulty setting has this penalty at two. Halving the boredom cost is a big deal in the long run.

The easy setting is also the way to go when it comes to farming up prestige. Until players unlock the best moves and units, there isn't a great reason to play on anything tougher. The final boss fight is nearly impossible as it is, cranking up the difficulty is absurd.

Rotate The Beasts

Inkulinati Using Beasts Without Boredom Stacks

A beast that doesn't participate in combat has its boredom level reduced by one. While players might have a favorite unit, consider giving it a fight or two off to reset the cost of drawing it.

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Ultimately, players will have a wide selection of beasts to choose from. Ideally, players who like archers can have three or more archers at the end of a run, creating a nice rotation where none of the beasts are ever bored. It's like an amazing indie party game with creatures instead of other players.

Play Beast Battles

Inkulinati Advantages To The Beast Battle

These battles occur without the Tiny on the field, so the player doesn't ever draw any creatures. This means that the fight can be done with creatures that have boredom stacks without any drawbacks. Best of all, the boredom stacks on all units decrease by one.

For these Beast Battles, use the best creatures and ignore living ink expense entirely. One of each creature is automatically placed on the field, so cheap units, while economical, have no place in a battle where living ink is irrelevant.

Select Rewards That Decrease Boredom

Inkulinati Reward That Decreases Boredom

In between battles, players will get the chance to visit vendors and have role-playing interactions. Some of these rewards show a downward symbol and a negative number beside it. That means the boredom stacks will be reduced by that number.

This number goes for all creatures, reducing boredom stacks for the entire team. These are especially valuable before a big fight where gamers will want to have their best beasts ready to go.

Inkulinati is available now for PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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