As with many resource-based games, players will naturally want to unlock every possible move and unit in Inkulinati. Whether it's the hand actions, talents, or beasts, players can't really know if they've got the ideal setup until they've managed to unlock everything.

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That will mean going on a personal mission to get as much prestige as possible until everything has been unlocked. Prestige has no in-game use in Inkulinati, meaning after players farm up enough to unlock everything, they can safely ignore it. These few steps should ensure that this process is as quick as possible.

Play On The Easy Difficulty

Inkulinati Selecting The Easiest Difficulty

Gamers love a good challenge; if they didn't, they wouldn't have this hobby. So many gamers will feel like they're robbing themselves if they play on anything less than normal difficulty. However, even the easy difficulty is close to impossible to beat without all the best moves unlocked.

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Because prestige is not given out at higher rates on other difficulties, the best thing players can do for themselves in terms of prestige is to play often. On every new journey, go ahead and play on the easiest mode until hitting the 5,000 prestige it takes to get everything unlocked. After that point, this begins to feel like one of the best Indie games on the Nintendo Switch.

Win Fights

Inkulinati Rewards For Winning A Fight

The most common way of gaining prestige is by winning battles. While battles have their toll on forces, they should not be avoided at all costs. These small amounts add up throughout an entire run and the totals grow as players progress into the campaign.

On the easiest difficulty, it's relatively simple to get to the final boss consistently despite being battered around from previous fights. The Tiny will be healed between rounds and boredom is hardly a factor. It begins to feel like an awesome indie party game until running into the final boss who is completely overpowered on any difficulty.

Select Prestige Rewards

Inkulinati Choosing The Prestige Reward

On many of the encounters between fights, players will be offered standard rewards that they can forfeit in exchange for more prestige. This is a really bad idea if players want to defeat the entire campaign but a fantastic thing to do for gamers that are still farming.

Prestige runs should not be treated as a wise idea for winning the game. It's important to remember that prestige does not have a benefit in battles at all. It gives players options that contribute to winning those battles, but not in the middle of a run. So go ahead and choose prestige at all costs until getting it maxed out.

Inkulinati is available now for PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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