Players can make various time-related elements in Infinite Craft following simple combinations. Whether you want to make all 12 months of the year or create Week, Year, and Month, you can do so by fusing two elements.

One time-related item players can craft is all the weekdays from Sunday to Friday. Since Infinite Craft has endless combinations and possibilities, knowing the exact elements to mix and match to create days of the week can be challenging. This guide covers the specific combinations players can follow to create weekdays.

Infinite Craft: How To Make Money

In Infinite Craft, you can spend hours combining different elements to create new things. Here's how players can make Money.

How to Make All Week Days in Infinite Craft

Here’s how to make all days of the week in Infinite Craft:

SundayWeek + Time
  1. Water + Wind = Wave
  2. Wave + Earth = Sand
  3. Sand + Fire = Glass
  4. Glass + Sand = Hourglass
  5. Hourglass + Sand = Time
  6. Water + Earth = Plant
  7. Water + Plant = Swamp
  8. Earth + Swamp = Mud
  9. Fire + Mud = Brick
  10. Brick + Brick = Wall
  11. Wall + Brick = House
  12. House + House = Town
  13. Town + Town = City
  14. City + City = Metropolis
  15. Metropolis + Metropolis = Megalopolis
  16. Earth + Wind = Dust
  17. Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
  18. Dust + Earth = Planet
  19. Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
  20. Earth + Mars = Life
  21. Life + Dust = Human
  22. Human + Megalopolis = Politician
  23. Plant + Plant = Pollen
  24. Plant + Pollen = Flower
  25. Earth + Earth = Mountain
  26. Mountain + Planet = Moon
  27. Moon + Flower = Night
  28. Pollen + Human = Allergy
  29. Allergy + Allergy = Sneeze
  30. Sneeze + Human = Snot
  31. Politician + Snot = Not
  32. Not + Night = Day
  33. Day + Time = Week
  34. Week + Time = Sunday
MondayWork + Sunday
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Work + Sunday = Monday
TuesdayWork + Monday
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Monday + Work = Tuesday
WednesdayTuesday + Opposite
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Monday + Work = Tuesday
  16. Earth + Wind = Dust
  17. Dust + Fire = Ash
  18. Ash + Fire = Phoenix
  19. Plant + Water = Swamp
  20. Fire + Swamp = Dragon
  21. Dragon + Phoenix = Ying Yang
  22. Dust + Dust = Sand
  23. Fire + Sand = Glass
  24. Glass + Glass = Window
  25. Wind + Window = Curtain
  26. Curtain + Dust = Dust Bunny
  27. Dust Bunny + Ying Yang = Opposite
  28. Tuesday + Opposite = Wednesday
ThursdayWednesday + Opposite
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Monday + Work = Tuesday
  16. Earth + Wind = Dust
  17. Dust + Fire = Ash
  18. Ash + Fire = Phoenix
  19. Plant + Water = Swamp
  20. Fire + Swamp = Dragon
  21. Dragon + Phoenix = Ying Yang
  22. Dust + Dust = Sand
  23. Fire + Sand = Glass
  24. Glass + Glass = Window
  25. Wind + Window = Curtain
  26. Curtain + Dust = Dust Bunny
  27. Dust Bunny + Ying Yang = Opposite
  28. Tuesday + Opposite = Wednesday
  29. Wednesday + Opposite = Thursday
FridayThursday + Opposite
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Monday + Work = Tuesday
  16. Earth + Wind = Dust
  17. Dust + Fire = Ash
  18. Ash + Fire = Phoenix
  19. Plant + Water = Swamp
  20. Fire + Swamp = Dragon
  21. Dragon + Phoenix = Ying Yang
  22. Dust + Dust = Sand
  23. Fire + Sand = Glass
  24. Glass + Glass = Window
  25. Wind + Window = Curtain
  26. Curtain + Dust = Dust Bunny
  27. Dust Bunny + Ying Yang = Opposite
  28. Tuesday + Opposite = Wednesday
  29. Wednesday + Opposite = Thursday
  30. Thursday + Opposite = Friday
SaturdayFriday + Opposite
  1. Earth + Water = Plant
  2. Plant + Plant = Tree
  3. Tree + Tree = Forest
  4. Tree + Forest = Wood
  5. Water + Fire = Steam
  6. Steam + Plant = Tea
  7. Tea + Wood = Table
  8. Table + Table = Desk
  9. Desk + Tea = Teacher
  10. Teacher + Teacher = School
  11. School + School = University
  12. University + Earth = Graduate
  13. Graduate + School = Job
  14. Job + Job = Work
  15. Monday + Work = Tuesday
  16. Earth + Wind = Dust
  17. Dust + Fire = Ash
  18. Ash + Fire = Phoenix
  19. Plant + Water = Swamp
  20. Fire + Swamp = Dragon
  21. Dragon + Phoenix = Ying Yang
  22. Dust + Dust = Sand
  23. Fire + Sand = Glass
  24. Glass + Glass = Window
  25. Wind + Window = Curtain
  26. Curtain + Dust = Dust Bunny
  27. Dust Bunny + Ying Yang = Opposite
  28. Tuesday + Opposite = Wednesday
  29. Wednesday + Opposite = Thursday
  30. Thursday + Opposite = Friday
  31. Friday + Opposite = Saturday
infinite craft game
Infinite Craft

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Neal Agarwal
Neal Agarwal