inFAMOUS AC Development Scheme

inFAMOUS: Second Son may have only just arrived, but already Sucker Punch studios is looking ahead to the future of the franchise. Following a swathe of warm reviews and some seriously encouraging sales figures, the PlayStation-exclusive brand has the entire world at its neon-spewing fingertips.

Despite losing longtime collaborator and lead designer Jaime Griesemer earlier this week — Griesemer's reasons for leaving remain unclear — the superheroic series shows no signs of slowing down. So where next for the high-powered PlayStation title?

That's the question OPM put to series director Nate Fox this Monday, and the answer he gave may surprise you. Responding to the possibility of Sucker Punch being 'typecast' as a one series studio, Fox replied:

“That’s a good curse to be saddled with […] inFAMOUS  is a really broad concept — an everyday person gets powers and decides if they want to use them for good or evil. That could be anybody of any age, any gender, any time, any country."

Given the breadth of options available, Fox appears to be implying that the inFAMOUS franchise could explore settings well beyond the near-future America of recent titles. While the events of inFAMOUS 1 & 2 certainly set the table for Second Son, they're by no means 'required reading' for play. Likewise, the next inFAMOUS instalment could leave Delsin and company behind in order to pursue yet another fresh setting.

Infamous Second Son Midnight Launch Heroic Ruthless Gameplay

It's an approach Fox likens to the Assassin's Creed franchise, which meshes an over-arching plot with the self-contained adventures of a number of unique protagonists. In what might be construed as a hint towards the future of the brand Fox continues by stating (in reference to the series' formula): "Okay, she gets powers, is she going to hurt or help?"

Could this mean the series is about to receive its first playable female lead? The recent successes of other female-fronted titles, including The Last of Us, Tomb Raider and Beyond: Two Souls has certainly made the possibility that much more palatable to producers — though whether Fox actually meant anything by this statement remains to be seen.

Is the inFAMOUS brand set for a history-hopping adventure? Would the Assassin's Creed formula benefit from wacky superpowers? Will we be seeing more of Second Son's female lead Fetch? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to keep up with all of the latest PS4 news, right here on Game ZXC.

inFAMOUS: Second Son is now available for the PlayStation 4.

Follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo

Source: OPM