Infamous Second Son moves the series away from the fictionalized settings of Empire City and New Marais and into the real-world Seattle, where game developers Sucker Punch reside. With such a distinct city to capture in-game, Sucker Punch did an excellent job at recreating the memorable skyline. Of course any attempt at recreating Seattle in Infamous Second Son would be futile without the inclusion of its most iconic landmark. The game doesn't just show the Space Needle though; it incorporates it into the gameplay and story.

Mission 7: The Gauntlet tasks players with dismantling the Department of Unified Protection’s monitoring equipment, installed atop Seattle's Space Needle. To do this, players must first climb the spire to the very top and begin fighting waves of D.U.P Agents before they can raise the flag of anarchy and take the fight to Brooke Augustine’s goons. It’s worth noting that the Space Needle can only be climbed during this mission, and will be locked off at all other times.

RELATED: Infamous Second Son: How to Fast Travel

How to Climb the Space Needle

This mission will begin when Reggie calls regarding the central antenna the D.U.P have retrofitted onto Second Son's stunning Space Needle. The player will then receive a minimap icon indicating the mission start location, at the base of the building. Head there and click the up arrow on the D-Pad to begin the quest.

infamous second son space needle climb grey sign

Use the yellow ladders on either side of the main entrance to scale the base. Atop this will be rooftop vents that players can Smoke Dash through using Delsin’s powers. After launching into the air, look to the central pillar to see a gray and yellow D.U.P sign which can be climbed.

Reaching another platform, Smoke Dash through a rooftop vent again to reach a yellow ladder on some scaffolding to the right. Walk along this scaffolding to reach the rear and climb some white planks up to another platform. To the right is another yellow ladder that the player can climb and jump from to reach some yellow cables leading up. Partway up these cables, an elevator will drop down towards Delsin.

infamous second son space needle yellow ladder and cables

Using Delsin's Spider-Man-like strength, continue along the cable to a pole from which Delsin can jump onto more exterior scaffolding. From here, scale some more white planks until Delsin reaches one of the makeshift antennas. Looking towards the Space Needle, to the right is another yellow ladder that Delsin must Smoke Dash midair to reach.

infamous second son space needle smoke dash yellow ladder

Leading to another antenna, this one will be adorned with more yellow cables that Delsin can hang from. Heading along these cables will take Delsin around the dish to a small platform with another rooftop vent. Smoke Dash through this to reach the roof of the Space Needle and begin bringing down the D.U.P facility and causing Infamous' karmic havoc.

Infamous Second Son is currently exclusive to PS4.

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